15 | Unwanted Adventure
Irene had never wondered what it was like among the stars. She always had her focus on what was happening on Earth, what could be the next big story.
But she wondered now as she watched Clark Kent in his red and blue suit walk across the barren landscape a couple of miles away from the military base. He was walking towards an uncertain fate as we all waited for General Zod to appear.
So Irene did try to imagine what a life away from Earth would be like because in many ways Earth was Clark's home, even if he came from somewhere out in the unknown sea of stars and undiscovered planets. In her eyes he was human, and this was incredibly unfair.
Irene turned to Jimmy who also carried an uneasy expression in his face, a feeling that was not shared by the surrounding soldiers who waited expectantly for their incoming threat.
"Wait!" Irene called out as she began to run towards Clark only to have General Shawnwick block her path. Whatever expression Irene wore was enough to cause the man to move aside without her having to say a word, though she suspected that he pitied her in some way. But she didn't care to stop and think about why he was letting her through, instead she continued to run through the barren landscape and to Clark who was looking at her questioningly. "You don't have to do this." She found herself saying her voice low and too filled with conflicting emotions. "Clark, you don't owe this world anything."
"We both know that I do." Clark replied, his voice surprisingly calm for someone who was about to completely surrender their life to someone whose intentions were a mystery. "Thank you."
Irene looked back at him unsure of what he was thanking her for. She was also still confused by his calm and gentle tone, especially when it felt that her adrenaline was beginning to kick with the knowledge that their time was running out. "For what?"
"For believing in me."
His words caused her to look away feeling undeserving of his words. She hadn't done anything extraordinary and she had only ever spoken to him a couple of times. To any other person those interactions would have been meaningless.
But he wasn't like any other person. Clark Kent was an outsider who had isolated himself from a cruel world that didn't understand him. And maybe the little kindness and understanding that Irene had shown him was all he had ever been shown.
"Didn't make much difference in the end."
"It did to me." Clark assured as he took her hand, the action causing Irene to look up and meet his eyes. There was a slight smile on his lips, but one that held so much sadness that Irene almost wanted to look away again. The feeling on her hand in his was almost as overwhelming as all the other thoughts running through her mind.
"I'm sorry." Irene said feeling unbelievably guilty, like the weight of Clark's sacrifice would be something that she would always carry. Especially with the knowledge that once he was gone life would continue normally for everybody else, but to Irene it felt like her life had changed forever.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." He replied as his hand tightened around hers it almost seemed that there was something more that he wanted to say but he suddenly looked up at the sky. Irene followed his gaze seeing nothing, of course she didn't have the power that Clark possessed so believing she could see or hear whatever had alerted him was ridiculous. "They're coming. You should leave now."
Whether it was out of fear or stubbornness Irene found herself unable to walk away even if her survival instinct was telling her to get as far away as possible. A loud sound echoed through the skies as Irene finally saw the ship quickly headed in their direction.
"Go, Irene." Clark urged as he released her hand.
Irene nodded as she turned away rushing back behind the barricades of the army base. All weapons were trained pointed at the ship as it descended a couple of feet away from Clark. Jimmy's eyes were wide as they all watched as someone exited the ship wearing what seemed like advanced armor.
Her interaction with Clark was brief as she suddenly walked past him.
Everyone watched in silence as the woman approached the base. All weapons were pointed at her, yet she didn't seem the slightest bit bothered by the fact. The energy in the air was plagued with uncertainty and fear, everyone aware that this woman could destroy them all if she wished and that they realistically did not stand a chance against her. It felt as if everyone at the base was holding their breaths as the woman came to s atop only a couple of feet away from General Swankwick.
"Are you the ranking officer here?" The woman questioned.
"I am." Swanwick replied dryly. Oddly enough Irene found herself admiring the general for not seeming intimidated or threatened by this woman.
"General Zod would like this woman to accompany me." She ordered as she raised her arm pointing at Irene who was standing behind General Swanwick and Colonel Hardy.
To her surprise Hardy stepped in front of her, blocking the woman's sight of Irene, who found herself in a state of shock. Even Jimmy had stepped forward in an attempt to hide Irene away, a gesture that was hopeless but that Irene appreciated. Admittedly she was afraid even if she felt determined not to show it. Because what could they possibly want with her? She was unimportant.
"You asked for the alien, you didn't say anything about one of our own." Colonel Hardy stated firmly and although his words were sharp the woman remained unfazed.
"Shall I tell the General you're unwilling to comply?"
"I don't care what you tell him." Hardy replied equally as unfazed by the woman's threat.
Time seemed to stop as Colonel Hardy and the woman stared at one another, both refusing to back down. Although Irene's instincts told her to continue hiding behind these men, knowing that they would fight to protect her, she was also very aware of the threat in the woman's tone. That if Zod didn't get what he requested there would be bloodshed.
Blood that Irene didn't want on her conscience. She didn't want these men and women to die protecting her, it simply wasn't worth the risk.
"It's alright, I'll go." Irene declared as she took a step forward meeting the woman's eyes. She seemed pleased with the way events were unfolding as she returned her gaze back to Hardy's who was staring at Irene with wide eyes.
Jimmy immediately took Irene's hand, his grip like steel as she tried to pull her back. The fear in his eyes was unmistakable and undoubtedly mirrored the fear that she felt but refused to show. Not for her sake but for his. "Irene..."
She simply shook her head as she pulled her hand out of her friend's grip trying to show as much bravery as possible in a moment like this. "It's okay Jimmy."
Some part of Irene felt like she was going to become lightheaded and collapse but that was simply something that he pride wouldn't allow as she began to follow the woman out to where Zod's ship had landed. It wasn't until they had reached Clark that Irene dared to look back at the army base trying to get what she suspected would be her last glimpse of Jimmy. But from this far away she couldn't even make out any of his features and she had no other choice than to be satisfied with that much.
The entire walk to the ship Irene had been attempting to convince herself that she had the strength to give up her life to an uncertain future. But once they had entered the ship and the large steel door closed behind them, effectively trapping her inside. Irene realized that maybe she wasn't as strong as she wanted to believe herself to be.
Almost immediately the ship rose up into the sky. Although there were no windows in the room they were in Irene could imagine them heading into space at an incredible speed.
The woman left Clark and Irene as she walked into another room and instantly Irene's mind began forming multiple theories about what could possibly be awaiting them. Of what Zod would want, and none of them offered her any comfort.
Suddenly Clark brushed his hand against hers as he slipped a cool object between her fingers. Irene took one small glance at the black object that almost resembled a key before meeting Clark's blue eyes. He only shook his head once before looking straight ahead as the sound of footsteps approaching grew louder.
Quickly Irene slipped the key into her pocket just as the same woman as before returned carrying what resembled a helmet with an odd chest piece.
"The atmosphere composition in our ship is not compatible with humans. You will need to wear a breather beyond this point." She instructed as she placed a helmet on Irene's head and instantly she felt fresh air enter her lungs. Air she hadn't realized her had been lacking until now, but she had blamed her shortness of breath on her nerves. Although she was very aware that they were going to space she hadn't fully considered that fact that she wasn't like Clark or any of the other people on this ship. She was just human.
In silence Clark and Irene followed her into a larger room where everyone was dressed in suits similar to Clark's however they were all in black, the symbols on their chests were also all different. This piqued Irene's curiosity as she wondered what their symbols meant, whether this was a custom on Krypton.
They came to a stop in front of a man, who Irene had no doubt was General Zod. Although he was dressed like everyone else there was something about the way that he carried himself that signaled himself out as the leader. There was some kind of torment in this man's eyes. So much, that Irene wanted to know his story.
"Kal-El." The Zod greeted as he took a single step forward. "You have no idea how long we've been searching for you."
"I take it you're Zod." Clark questioned his voice serious and unfazed.
The woman who was very clearly Zod's right hand stepped forward, her face consumed with rage. "General Zod, our Commander!
"It's alright, Faora-Ul. You can forgive Kal any lapses in decorum." Zod replied in a rather amused tone as he continued to study Clark. It was almost like he was assessing whether or not he would be any kind of threat. "He's a stranger to our ways. This should be cause for celebration, not conflict."
Although the man seemed calm and wanting to display peace, there was something sinister in his eyes that Irene couldn't ignore. If he was really here in peace he would have not threatened an entire planet and his wanting Irene on this ship was still a mystery. But whatever that reason was Irene was sure that his intentions were not good.
"I...feel strange. Weak." Clark muttered slowly, it was only now that Irene realized how incredibly pale he was. Irene turned to Zod who didn't seem concerned as he watched with satisfaction as Clark suddenly fell to his knees.
When he began spitting up blood Irene kneeled down beside him placing a hand on his shoulder unsure of what she could do to help him. There was something terrifying about seeing Clark look so weak, it was not something that Irene would have ever thought she would witness. "What's happening to him?"
General Zod looked down at Irene like she was nothing, and maybe to him she was. If he had Clark's abilities he could kill her with a single glance if he desired."He's rejecting our ships' atmospherics."
"You've spent a lifetime adapting to earth's ecology but you never adapted to ours." Zod continued to explain as Clark continued to spit out blood struggling to remain conscious.
"Help him!" Irene pleaded as she looked up at Zod feeling helplessness take over. Clark was the only person that gave her hope that she would return home. That she would see her brother and Jimmy again. Now that hope was shattered as she feared for her and Clark's safety.
"I can't. Whatever's happening to him has to run its course."
"Clark!" Irene yelled once he passed out on her lap. The thought of Clark being weak was one that was unsettling and felt unnatural for someone with his abilities. Running her trembling hands through Clark's dark hair she felt anger begin to rush through her veins as she looked up to find everyone looking upon them with amusement. "Help him! Help him!"
"Take her away." Zod ordered and before Irene could even think of reacting she was suddenly ripped away from Clark. Two pairs of arms lifted her to her feet and began to drag her into a different room.
"No! Clark!" She called out hoping that he would wake, there was no knowing what they would do to him or her. Two steel doors closed in front of her shutting her view of Calark and although she did attempt to struggle against their grasp it was useless. She simply wasn't someone who was physically strong and the two Kryptonian guard's grips were like steel around her arms.
Irene was helpless as they strapped her to a steel chair. The room was cold and filled with technology that she would never even begin to understand. If it wasn't for the fact that she was here against her will Irene would have been completely fascinated with her surroundings.
Her heart began to beat more rapidly in her chest as she realized that this room resembled some kind of medical wing. A man entered the room in silence not caring to give Irene a single glance as he seemed to prepare some kind of equipment. The realization that they were about to perform some kind of experiment on her caused Irene to begin to helplessly struggle against the metal restraints around her wrists.
The man then turned around to face Irene holding a small device that looked like nothing she had ever seen before. "What is that?"
"My name is Jax-Ur." He said instead as he looked down at the device in his palm with satisfaction. Whatever he was about to do to Irene was clearly something that brought him joy. In fact he seemed eager to begin.
"I didn't ask your name." Irene replied bitterly, all the fear disappearing and being replaced with frustration. The last time she had felt this level of frustration and helplessness was shen her mother had been deported to Mexico when she was still a teenager. Now she was being treated like nothing and had no control over what was just about to happen to her. "I asked about what's in your hand."
Jax-Ur smirked as he walked behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "General Zod desired to know what you know about Jor-El's son." He began as he tugged on her blouse revealing the back of her neck. "This will access your memories. You will only feel a slight sting."
Before Irene could protest the device was placed on her neck and almost instantly it was like she was in a dream as all her memories flashed before her eyes. It was a surreal feeling to almost relive one's life all over again, but as soon as it began it ended and Irene was back in the cold room she was trapped in.
Her mind was still a blur as she was lifted up from the chair and practically dragged out of that room. As much as Irene wanted to regain a clear focus on her mind and body the task seemed impossible. Her memories still seemed to drift before her just out of her reach and she wondered if there was even anything in her memories that would be of any use to these people. What she knew about Clark was limited, but it could have been enough for them to do something terrible.
As Irene was taken to another part of the ship she was thrown onto the cold floor. The Kryptonian guards walked out of the chamber, steel doors closing behind them and leaving Irene on her own. Although her head was still throbbing from whatever they had done to her, Irene forced herself to her feet and began to inspect her surroundings. She couldn't let herself be locked in here without trying to find a way out.
Looking around she found what resembled a panel or mainframe beside the door. Pulling the black key out of her pocket Irene inspected it for a moment wondered if inserting would help her or doom her. The symbol on Clark's chest was also engraved on the key. Clark had trusted her with this key, whatever it was it was important. Losing it could have horrible consequences.
But at the moment this was her only option. Letting the key hover above the entrance it was like a magnetic force pulled the key out of her grasp and into the mainframe. Irene froze waiting for something to happen, for an alarm to be triggered but nothing happened. Turning around a gasp escaped Irene's lips at the sight of a man in front of her. It was impossible for him to be in front of her now as she was alone and the doors hadn't opened.
"Where did you come from?" Irene questioned fearing that maybe she was hallucinating. That whatever they had done to her had some serious side effects, and now she was imagining people. Or maybe she had passed out and was currently dreaming.
"The command key, Miss Miranda." He said as he looked to the panel where the key was still inserted. "Thanks to you, I'm uploading into the ship's mainframe."
Irene couldn't be sure that she completely understood what he was saying. What she did know was that he wasn't real, not completely. "Who are you?"
"Jor-El. I'm Kal's father."
It was difficult to wrap her mind around the idea of standing before Clark's dead father. But she recognized the same kindness in his eyes that she always saw reflected in Clark's, and there was no doubt in her mind that this man was the key to getting out of this place and back home. "Can you help us?"
"I designed this ship, I can modify its atmospheric composition to human compatibility." He explained as he almost seemed to study her, as if he was assessing whether or not she could be trusted. "We can stop them, we can send them back to the Phantom Zone.
"How?" Irene questioned without hesitation.
"I can teach you. And in return you can teach Kal. Will you help me?"
Irene nodded and immediately Jor-El began to explain to her what needed to be done in order to stop Zod who planned to turn Earth into Krypton, a world that had long ago been destroyed. What he was asking almost seemed impossible and a plan that could easily crumble with one wrong move.This whole plan relied on Clark who was still somewhere in this ship, and for General Shanwick to trust them. That alone seemed impossible.
"The ship's atmosphere now matches human compatibility." He stated as Irene began to remove her helmet, feeling her adrenaline begin to kick in. In some way she did trust Jor-El, but she was very aware of how dangerous what he was asking of her was.
Now that the ship matched human compatibility Clark should be regaining his abilities, and Jor-El had the task of getting her and Clark out safely. Irene could only hope that everything would as planned even if all odds were not in their favor.
"The ship's crew are alerted, we need to move quickly. Retrieve the command key." He ordered as the doors to the chamber opened, Irene did as she was told, securing the key inside her pocket as she followed Clark's father into the hallways of the ship.
The moment they stepped out a guard came rushing at them with a blaster weapon held forward, Irene flinched ready for the attack but suddenly the steel door closed in front of them stopping the guard. The door had fallen at the right moment that the weapon was knocked out of the guards hand falling a couple feet away from Irene and Jor-El.
Irene felt as if her heart was about to burst as she turned to Clark's father who stood calmly beside her. "Did you do that?"
"Yes. Pick up her side-arm." He instructed as Irene picked up the heavy weapon. It was like something out of a movie resembling nothing she had ever seen before while also seeming to function the same as a gun.
Not that the fact helped very much considering that she had never used a gun before, but the basic knowledge that the trigger was what fired the weapon was enough to comfort her that she would be able to use it if she had to.
Jor-El guided Irene throughout the halls of the ship leading her out of danger and protecting her from it. Whenever
"Behind you."
Irene instinctively turned around and shot at another officer coming up from behind them,as Jor-El used his control over the ship's functions to close the chamber door on more officers that were approaching. As they continued to successfully make their way through the ship Irene regained her hop that she was going to make it out of here alive.
Being on an alien spaceship wasn't nearly as thrilling as she would have believed it to be, or maybe it was the fact that she was currently being chased by Kryptonian guards. She was running completely on her survival instincts and making sure that she did everything that Jor-El asked of her.
When they finally arrived at the room where all of the ship's escape pods were being kept Irene felt that she could finally take a breath of relief after having practically held her breath for the last fifteen minutes of running and firing a weapon that she couldn't even begin to understand.
"Secure yourself inside the under pod." Clark's father instructed and Irene didn't hesitate to step into the pod and strap herself in, eager to leave this ship. But there was a sadness in the man's expression that caused her to worry, because what if Clark couldn't escape this place either. There was something terribly tragic of the idea that this man was just a consciousness trapped inside this ship forever. "Safe travels, Miss Miranda. It's highly unlikely we'll be seeing each other again."
"Remember, the Phantom drives are essential in stopping them." He continued as Irene listened, going over every single detail in her mind knowing that one mistake would mean the end of everything that she knew and loved. "Move your head to the left."
Irene looked at Jor-El confused at his sudden change in subject, but as he suddenly disappeared before her as Faora ran toward her. Moving her head to the left the woman hit the steel pod, using the weapon in her hand Irene pushed the woman away with as much strength she could gather. In the process Faora ripped the weapon out of her grasp, but the moment that the woman stumbled back was all Jor-El needed to close the pod doors.
The moment the pod closed around her it launched out of the ship. Irene wanted to feel relief at the possibility that she would be returning to Earth, but the realization that the pod had been damaged in her encounter with Faora possessed her with dread instead.
In that moment Irene had no other choice but to scream as she fell towards Earth at an impossible speed. Irene had alway been told that her curiosity and stubbornness would get her in trouble, but she had never imagined that it would lead her to a death like this.
A/N: Well, that was an exciting adventure! The way I'm writing Irene and Clark is kind of a love at first sight slow burn, because I can't write anything that isn't a slow burn. I'm sure you've noticed that we're already fifteen chapters in and Irene and Clark haven't interacted much, but that because I really am going for realism in a superhero world. I'm someone who enjoys quiet character moments and I know that isn't for everyone which is probably why this story isn't as popular but I love writing this world and it's characters so much I just don't care. More action craziness coming soon!
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