06| The Mystery Man
Since their return to Metropolis Irene and Lois had been feverishly working on their story even if they were aware that the possibility of it getting printed was slim. To Irene's surprise Lois seemed just as determined to have this story printed. When she had explained to Lois and Jimmy what happened that night in the ship, she didn't expect them to entertain the idea. Especially not believe her.
But after having seen the ship break through the ice and disappear a mysterious stranger with remarkable abilities didn't seem too crazy.
Lois Lane was always one if the first in the office and today was no different as Irene instantly headed towards her desk the second the elevator door opened. The sound of her heels must have been what alerted Lois of her arrival as the older reporter looked up as Irene approached her.
"I already talked to Perry he said he's not printing it." Lois immediately stated as she handed Irene what was meant be their finished collective story. Early in the morning Irene had sent Lois her finished portion in order for her put them together, and both women agreed that it was better for Lois to present the story to Perry. After all Lois was the established Pulitzer Award winning reporter, it would be more difficult to deny publishing her story.
Irene was disappointed but not surprised that Perry rejected their story even with the witnesses that were able to collaborate their story the fact that there were no pictures to accompany those accounts was already damning. With a sigh Irene looked down at what was meant to be her big collaborative story with the Lois Lane and felt that hope that had blossomed in her only a couple of day ago wilt away. "Wait Lois did you spellcheck this?"
"Did I what?" Lois questioned seeming genuinely confused at the younger reporter's question.
"Spellcheck? I mean you spelled Soviet wrong and exotic doesn't have an S." Irene told her as she continued to read through the story finding multiple spelling errors in Lois' portions of writing. It was a well known fact around the Planet that Lois had a spelling problem though Irene wasn't aware of just how bad it was.
Lois shrugged dismissively possibly due to the fact that she had possibly heard this many times before. "I mean no, but that why we have editors right?"
"Right. Well I'm going to talk to Perry."
"Good luck."
Lois' words weren't very encouraging yet Irene still felt determined that she at least had to try. Perry had turned down multiple stories from her, and although at her core Irene felt like this one was different she had to try. This story could change her life and her career, Irene wasn't going to give up so easily like she had she other stories in the past.
Irene only knocked twice on the editor-in-chief's office door before opening it to find Perry sitting causally behind his desk seemingly having expected this conversation.
"I already went over this with Lois." Perry stated immediately once Irene had stepped into his office. Irene could already see a copy of the story on the desk and she could only assume that he was possibly reading it again. Other than the obvious spelling mistakes it was a good story and that was something that Perry could not be able to deny. "I can't print this, Irene. You might have hallucinated half of it."
Irene frowned at his insinuation that everything they wrote was untrue when her and Lois spent days after her accident interviewing witnesses that saw the ship break out of the ice. Even if what happened to her could be questioned, the fact that there was a ship was something that they could prove really did occur. "What about the civilian contractors who corroborated our story?"
"The Pentagon is denying that there was a ship."
"Of course they are, that's what they're supposed to do, it's the Pentagon." Irene reminded him knowing how the government had a tendency to try to cover up these kinds of stories, especially when they were involved. Perry knew this too which made Irene question why he really refused to print the story.
Perry sighed as he casually leaned back on his chair though his frustration on the subject was visibly increasing. "I'm not running a story about aliens walking among us. Never gonna happen."
"It's a good story Perry."
"Its a conspiracy theory." He immediately countered and although it was clear that his mind was already made up on the subject Irene simply couldn't accept defeat.
"Look Perry I know I don't have much credibility as a reporter, but I didn't hallucinate this." She pleaded still making sure that she held onto her calm and professional demeanor, though it was a task that was becoming more difficult. "I already started looking into it and I have some leads that I can follow and..."
Irene felt completely stunned for a moment not expecting such a forward response from him even if it was something that she should have expected after years of working for him. "No?"
"No." He repeated as he stood from his desk, a sign that told Irene that it was time to drop the subject. Anytime that Perry was done discussing a subject or story he always stood from his desk to get ready to give his lecture on why it wasn't a good idea to pursue a certain story. "You might not see it Irene but I'm doing this to protect you. Your first big story can't be what people will see as some big conspiracy theory. You'll lose all credibility. It's time to drop it and move onto another story."
With a small nod of understanding Irene left Perry's office making no attempt to hide her disappointment.
"Whats with the frown Irene?" Lombard questioned as he walked beside her as she headed back to Lois' desk. As annoying as Steve Lombard could usually be, he wasn't a terrible person and Irene hated being rude to him all the time as the man truly seemed to want to have a good workplace relationship with her. Irene and any other woman always brushed off his flirting as it really was harmless and they really had to be thankful that it wasn't John Corben who unlike Lombard was an all around terrible human being and now tended to keep to himself. "Perry shoot you down again?"
"Whats new?" Irene replied as she came to a stop finally facing Lombard. He was the main writer for the sports column, a topic that was person to him considering that he was at one point of the best football players in Metropolis. Unfortunately, a training accident ruined his football career. Now writing for the sports column was one of the few remaining connections that he has to the sport.
Lombard nodded showing a surprising amount of understanding and maturity that was rare for the reporter. Like Lois her was one the few reporters that have been working at the Planet for over fifteen years, automatically making them the most respected. "Come on don't let Perry get you down. We all got the same treatment when we were first starting too."
"Thank you Steve." Irene replied feeling genuinely thankful for his advice because at the moment she couldn't feel more low. Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder Lombard walked wast her and headed back towards his desk undoubtedly getting ready to cover tonights game of the Metropolis Meteors against the Central City Cougars.
Irene met Lois' eyes from across the room as she seemed to be anxiously waiting to hear about her conversation with Perry. As she finally approached the experienced journalist it was clearly that from the expression on her face that Lois already knew exactly how the conversation went down. "No luck?"
Irene shook her head as she took as seat at the edge of Lois' desk. She placed their story on her desk knowing that ultimately it turned out to be a complete waste of their time. Lois would have other big stories coming her way, Irene on the other hand would be stuck writing fluff pieces again. "I don't know why I expected differently."
For a moment both women were quiet as they attempted to gather their thoughts on the matter. They both knew that this story was dead, but Irene couldn't help but wonder if that if she found the mystery man then maybe that story would be much greater than what was found in Ellesmere.
Lois sighed as she leaned back on her chair almost seeming defeated, but although Irene didn't know Lois very well she still knew that Lois Lane never accepted defeat especially on a story she really believed in. "Maybe Perry's right. Maybe its best if this story about your mystery man isn't out there."
"You don't really believe that."
"You're right I don't." Lois immediately admitted, she also wanted her story printed but she had a lot less to lose. She was an experienced reported who had already established herself as one the best reporters not only in Metropolis but in the industry. Irene on the other hand would likely be ridiculed if this story was printed and no one believed it. With all that in mind it didn't change the fact that Irene still wanted to know the whole truth about the mystery man that saved her life. "But there really isn't anything else we can do. Perry won't budge."
"You two aren't really writing a story about aliens?" John Corben suddenly interjected causing the two women to run to his direction. His desk was right beside Lois' and it was clear that he had been listening to their conversation, Irene could only hope that he didn't know the whole story. The man had a cynical look in his eyes that Irene truly did not like. Only he wasn't looking at Irene. His eyes were focused on Lois who he had dated brief only for her to quickly cut all romantic ties with him. Clearly he either held some affection or resentment towards her, but it really was difficult to read the unsettling look in his eyes. "Run out of ideas Lois?"
"Maybe you shouldn't be listening in to other peoples conversations Corben." Irene countered irritated with the man, especially not appreciating the tone he was taking with Lois. John Corben was a difficult man to get along with and Irene was already on edge after her conversation with Perry, she really didn't feel like dealing with his offhanded remarks. "Last time I checked it's been years since you've had a story worth reading."
Corben finally shifted his gaze to the younger reporter looking at her with mild amusement. "Always a pleasure talking to you Irene."
His voice was laced with sarcasm and was something that was difficult to miss. Taking a deep breath Irene stood looking down"Sorry I can't say the same." She replied with a smile of her own before turning to Lois who seemed amused but for a different reason. After so many years of working beside Corben she must have learned to simply deal with his less than favorable personality. Considering that everyone at the Planet tended to ignore him it must have been satisfying to see Irene put him in his place. "Thank you Lois."
Although Perry wouldn't print their story Irene couldn't help but feel grateful to Lois not only for believing her but also letting her include her experience in their potential story. So maybe if Lois was accepting that it was better to put this story to rest it was the right thing to do. It was something that Irene had to accept too and hopefully finding a new story would allow her to let this story and what happened in Ellesmere go.
In many ways Irene had to be grateful that it seemed that Perry was looking out for her career, but Irene was restless about this story. It was no longer just wanting the story to get published as she realized that she was restless over the mystery of the man that saved her life. Maybe she wanted to find him to thank him, or maybe her curiosity and need to uncover the truth was what made it impossible for her to think about anything other than that man.
Joe was the man he went by while in Ellesmere, a name that her and Lois quickly discovered to be false. And as she finally told her brother about everything that happened while in her trip to the Arctic she wondered why she didn't tell him immediately when she got back to Metropolis. After her shift Irene immediately went to her brothers house truly needing his advice and as he quietly listened to her scattered retelling.
Angel remained quiet for a moment as everything that she had told him began to sink in. Irene knew that what she was saying sounded completely insane, sometimes she questioned it herself. Finally Angel met her eyes again raising his eyebrow skeptically. "So your saying there's aliens?"
"You don't believe me." Irene replied not being able to hide the disappointment in her voice. She could stomach other not believing what she experienced, but her own brother looking at her like she was an alien herself.
"It's just difficult to wrap my head around hermanita." He stated quickly as he placed he took one of her hands between both of his from across the dinning room table. They had two cup of coffee between them that had long ago gone cold, and although coffee usually worked wonders Irene simply couldn't even think about touching it. "Are you sure you didn't hallucinate it?"
"No! How could I have hallucinated something like that?" Irene exclaimed as she pulled her hand away from her brothers grasp instead running them through her dark hair in frustration. She couldn't deny that she felt hurt, but a couple of days ago she wouldn't have believed a story about beings from another planet either. "I think I'm about lose my mind."
"Maybe that's because it looks like you haven't slept in days."
Irene stood as she looked at her older brother in disbelief. It was moments like this that she wished she had a sister of maybe even a friend who wasn't Jimmy that she could really talk to. As much as she loved her brother he wasn't the best at giving life advice. "Thanks. That really helps."
"I'm serious Nene. Maybe you should just stay the night." Angel replied as he also stood, speaking in a quieter tone. Suddenly Irene remembered that Mia was she sleeping in the other room and instantly felt horrible and selfish. It was already late and it was one of her brother's few days off. He should be resting and not listening to her complain that she couldn't get her story printed.
"I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment." She admitted because even if she attempted to lie her brother would see right through her.
It had been difficult for Irene to find enough piece of mind to sleep in the last couple of days. Now she was really beginning to feel the effects of her lack of sleep from the aches throughout her body.
"You can sleep in my room for tonight." Her brother offered and she recognized the fatherly tone that he usually reserved for Mia being used on her. Angel always tended to be overly protective when they were growing up and now that he was a father his complete focus had shifted to raising Mia. Irene didn't want to worry her brother knowing that he had much bigger and important things to worry about. Yet, she still needed to get this off her chest if she had any possibility of moving on.
The worry in her brother's eyes was clear, but he also understood her better than anyone else in the world. Irene had no doubt that Angel understood her and the wild thoughts that were going through her head. "Angel I really don't think I could let this story go."
Irene had been asking herself that same question since that night and she still didn't have a clear answer. She simply knew that she wouldn't be able to move on so easily. Suddenly she realized that her hand had strayed to the place just below her ribs where a new scar was still in the process of healing completely. She no longer felt any pain, but she could still perfectly remember the feeling of the man using what she could only describe as heat vision to cauterize the wound from that robotic machine. "I can't explain it."
"Then don't let it go. And I know you won't." Angel replied confidently and Irene couldn't explain how relieved she felt that her brother did seem to believe not in her story but in her. It really did feel like some weight had been lifted off her shoulders as her older brother encouraged her, as he was really the only person that she needed to believe in her. "You're a fuck amazing writer and you deserve to be recognized for it. If you feel like going after this story is the right thing then it probably is."
Admittedly Irene possibly had her mind made up about what she was going to do. She really never accepted the fact that this mystery wouldn't get solved, that she needed to know more about the man who saved her life. Going after the truth was the right thing to do, and maybe she just needed someone to encourage her to continue pursuing it. And she would.
A/N: I really do love Irene and Angel because I feel that siblings are so important yet are so overlooked in many stories. Angel is going to be a big character throughout the series and will get his own storyline because he really deserves some love.
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