Chapter Nine
Osomatsu and his other four brothers all sat around Choromatsu in the living room, watching the rising and falling of his chest, awaiting for him to return to reality.
"Gosh he's cute..." Osomatsu thought, the quickly slapped himself on the forehead. "But he's my younger brother...It's my duty to protect him no matter what happens. I want him to tell me what's bothering him. I want to help him. I want to just hug him and tell him everything will be fine, because that's true. There's nothing to be worried about anymore, Choromatsu. Just wake up and tell me. Tell me what's bothering you. I'm right here for you, you know?"
"We're going to go to the Cat Cafe that opened awhile ago!" Todomatsu said suddenly, Ichimatsu's eyes widening as he immediately stood up as well.
"Why do you want to go there...?" Ichimatsu mumbled.
"My brother," Karamatsu said, leaning on Ichimatsu, his head touching his brother's knees since he was still on the floor. "Do you not simply adore such divine creatures of nature?"
Ichimatsu glared down at Karamatsu and sighed, not replying.
"Nii-san! Let's go!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed, jumping to his feet as well. "I want to see a cat!"
"Are you going to go with us, Osomatsu?" Todomatsu asked, walking back in the room, his shoes already on.
"No thanks," Osomatsu said, keeping his eyes on Choromatsu. "I'll watch him while you guys go out."
And in just moments, the house was entirely quiet, leaving Osomatsu to stare at his brother.
"Shshh.." Osomatsu said quietly, gently stroking Choromatsu on the head. "It's okay, Choromatsu. You're going to be just fine. Everything is going to be okay. You don't have to hide anything back from me. I know you must feel really bad, keeping everything inside."
Choromatsu began to breathe faster and faster, then for several seconds, he didn't breathe at all.
"Choromatsu!" Osomatsu exclaimed, beginning to panic. "What the heck?!"
Choromatsu didn't respond, still not breathing.
"How the heck can I..." Osomatsu worriedly looked around the room, getting the feeling that someone was watching him. "He needs air in his lungs...but mouth to mouth CPR is a bit...he wouldn't like it. I wouldn't mind though. I mean, it's Choromatsu..."
Osomatsu leaned over Choromatsu and pressed his lips against his brother's, having no idea how to even do CPR.
Then, after blowing as hard as he could into his brother's mouth, Osomatsu jumped away from his brother, fearing he would be freaked out if he knew his eldest brother had just kissed him on the lips.
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