Jimin hummed under his breath as he laid, sprawled out on the sofa in Yoongi's studio, reading his newest book that the pale man had gotten him from the library during his last shift, I'll Give You the Sun. He was learning English, and Namjoon was helping him, so he'd asked Yoongi for the English version, and when he didn't understand something, he just asked him for help, since Yoongi was pretty good at English too, and he'd been reassured that he wasn't bothering him when he did. Yoongi liked bringing Jimin along with him when he went to the studio to work on songs.
It was comforting to hear his soft breathing in the background, hear his quiet, melodic hums, and gentle words, and feel his warm presence, to glance at him out of the corner of his eye and see his fingers flipping through the yellowing pages, lashes fluttering over his cheeks, limbs splayed out and legs bent as he swung them back and forth through the air. It felt better than being there alone.
It was yet another thing he loved about Jimin, that they could sit in complete silence and simply enjoy each other's company, that he could be silly and loud like Tae, but also like a hyung, quiet and wise, and always there for his friends, even though he was the one in need of the most support right now.
And Jimin loved coming along. It never felt awkward being with Yoongi and not speaking. Instead it was quite enjoyable, and sometimes he'd rather sit with Yoongi in silence, savoring his warmth, studying his features, listening to the small noises he unconsciously made in the quiet, than fill the air with mindless words.
"Hey, Jimin-ah?" Yoongi said suddenly, and Jimin raised his head, tilting his head to meet Yoongi's curious eyes with a soft smile.
"Yeah?" He prompted, folding down his page, and giving Yoongi his full attention.
He bit his bottom lip gently, seemingly contemplating something before he continued.
"There's...there's a song I'm working on. It's called Serendipity. I was...I was wondering if you could take a look at it for a sec?"
Jimin beamed, his mocha eyes turning to sparkling crescents, and hopped off the sofa, striding over to Yoongi's chair and kneeling beside him, overwhelmed with joy that Yoongi wanted him to see his lyrics.
"Of course hyung," He chirped, leaning into the computer screen, it's glow casting harsh shadows over his cheekbones. "I'd love to."
Yoongi sighed in relief, hesitantly resting his palm on the back of Jimin's hand, and Jimin immediately threaded their fingers together, squeezing his reassuringly.
And Yoongi held his breath as he began to read.
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