Rest In Peace Love
Your POV
I walked into the offices with Adam. When I walked in everyone gave me looks. Looks that said they were sorry. Max came up to us. He didn't say anything just gave me a hug. Adam gave me a pat on the back and kept walking.
" How are you?" he asked letting me go.
" I'm okay. I just don't know why?" I said.
" Well did he give a reason?" Max asked guiding me to his desk.
" He said I cheated on him. I didn't" I said. My eyes watered. God I hate crying.
" What made him say that?" he asked.
" I don't know" I said.
" Okay. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry" he said.
I smiled " It's okay. If he loved me. He would have tried to fix things. Now I don't want you to be mad at him."
" But you" he said. He stopped to think.
" Listen to me. It's okay. Things like this happen. All the time. But I want you to be his friend. I want you to go on like we never happened. Okay? If Barney can do it. You can" I said.
" Okay. But if you need anything Just say" he said.
" Thanks. Adam is letting me stay with him. We are going to have a feel better week. Thank you again." I said.
" No problem. Feel better soon" he said giving me another hug.
I walked over to my office and just sat there. I took the necklace out of my pocket and looked at it. He gave this to me. Said he loved me. Said he would never leave me. And I feel for it. I feel for every word. Every empty promise. Every part of it. How could I have been so stupid. I balled my fist that held the necklace. I felt my eyes water. No! I'm not going to start crying again. I got up and placed the necklace on my desk. I put it under some papers so if Red walks by he wont see it. I got up and walked over to Adam. Barney was talking to him about something. I waited outside the office till he was done talking to Adam.
" Hey y/n. How are you?" he asked.
I smiled " I'm fine. But tonight I want to move my stuff. I don't have a lot so it should be easy. So once I'm done with work, and I'm going to ask Adam to help, I want to pack stuff and then Adam can drive me back to his house."
" Adam's house?" he asked.
" Oh I forgot to tell you. Adam is letting me stay with him" I said.
" Oh that's good. But I will miss you" he said.
" You too. But maybe I can come to your soccer games" I said.
He smiled " I would love that"
" See you later" I said walking into Adam's office.
" Hey y/n do you need something?" he asked.
" Yes actually I would like to know if, after work, you could drive me to Red and Barney's apartment. To get my stuff" I asked.
" Of course" he said smiling.
" Thanks. I need to get the fan mail so bye" I said.
" Do you have someone to drive you?" he asked.
" I think Em can do it" I said.
" Okay. See you after work" he said.
" Bye." I said.
After I left Adam's office I walked over to Em's office. " Heyyyy Em" I said.
" Hey. How ya doing?" she asked.
" Wow Barney really spread the word" I said.
" Yeah." she said.
" Well I was wondering if you would drive me to get some fan mail" I asked.
" Lets go. You know someone should teach you to drive" she said.
" I know. Red was going to teach me before ya know what" I said.
" Oh I'm sorry" she said getting up to leave.
" Don't be" I said following her.
" Yeah well I am. I'm so sorry that that happened. May I ask why?" she asked as we started walking to her car.
" He said I cheated on him. And I didn't" I said.
" Wow. Did he say why he thought that?" she asked.
" No" I said.
" I'm sorry" she said again.
" Stop apologizing" I said laughing.
She put her hands up" I can't help it. I'm just a nice person"
" Yes you are" I said laughing.
Red's POV
I walked into the office. As soon as I walked in Max came up to me and said " Why did you think that she would do that?"
I sighed. This is what my day is going to look like " Look I don't want to go into detail. But I just know. And you are one of her best friends. So please just act like all this drama never happened."
" That's what she said. She wanted me to act like you guys never happened" he said.
" Good. So can we? It is hard when you have the same group of friends. I want her to have the same friends and it sounds like she has the same idea" I said.
" Okay. Have a good day buddy" he said.
After that I just went to my office and only left when I needed to.
Time Skip To When You Are Getting Your Stuff Your POV
Right now I'm packing my stuff. I don't have a lot so all I need are a couple boxes. Adam wanted to help but I said I wanted to do it myself. So he is talking to the guys downstairs. After 10 minutes I was ready.
" Okay I have everything" I said coming down the stairs.
" Great ready to go?" Adam asked.
I saw Red look down at the ground. " I'm going to miss you" Barney said.
" You too" I said.
" Hey Adam Barney can you take the boxes to the car? I want to talk to Red" I said.
" Okay" they each said taking a box and not asking questions.
" So what do you want to say?" he asked.
" I'm sorry you think so little of me. I'm sorry I believed you loved me. I'm sorry for all that I did" I said looking at him.
He laughed " I did love you. And I do think little of you."
" Well I'm sorry okay. And I will miss you. But I will not beg for your time. And I'm sorry that I gave you everything I had just for you to throw it away. And for What? A lie. Unbelievable. You know what? Now I'm mad. And I take back what I said. I wont miss you. I'll miss the you that cared about me. The old you. And we are going to burry that you. And here is how we do it" I said. I reached into my pocket and took out the necklace.
" Rest in peace love" I said dropping the necklace and turning around. Then I walked out the door, got in Adam's car, and drove away.
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