Part 15
Still Red's POV
How can I love some one I don't know a thing about? I really like her. But I don't know a thing about her. How can that be? I need to talk to her. I walked up to her room and knocked on the door. It is amazing that Barney has not woken up yet. He must be tired.
" Y/n let me in" I said.
" No" she answered.
" Let me in" I said trying the door knob. It was locked.
" And why should I let you on?" she asked. She was crying.
" Two reasons. One I'm your friend. Two I'm worried about you" I said.
" No your not. You're not worried." she said.
" Yes I am. What makes you think I'm not worried?" I asked.
" No one worries about me" she said. It kills me that she thinks like that.
" Look let me" I said.
" No" she said.
" Okay fine. We talk through the door" I said sliding down the door and sitting with my back to it. ( Like in the movies. Were two people are sitting with there back to the door. On different sides)
" That works." she said.
" Tell me why he wrote that on your arm?" I asked.
" I don't want other people to know" she said.
" Okay but it would be easier to do that if we didn't have a door separating us" I said.
" You win. Smart guy" she said. She opened the door and I fell on my back.
" Never mind. Not smart guy" she said.
" How was I supposed to know you would open the door?" I asked getting up and walking into the room.
" Being the smart guy I said you were." she said walking to the door to lock it.
" So why did he write that?" I asked.
" First you have to promise you will not tell anyone about this. Okay?" she asked.
"Of course" I said.
" So as you know the day you found me was my birthday. My mom and my sister were going to get me a present. My dad was at work. Later I got a call saying my mom and Ella, my sister, had been in a car crash. My sister had died in the crash. My mom had a fifty fifty chance of making it. She didn't. She died. Later when we got home my dad had started drinking. A little time later he came into my bedroom and started hitting me. Oh um that's not the first time he has done that. After my Farfar died, my dads dad, he started drinking. For some reason he just hated me. Anywise back on topic. Um he made me a birthday breakfast and put a sleeping pill in it. Then dumped me off at your doorstep." she said.
" So that is why you were at the doorstep" I said.
" Yes. So after that I had you take me back to my old house. To see if any of my stuff was still there. All I found was a note saying that he was going to burry Ella and my mom on Christmas. So I asked Barney for money for the bus. To go back yo my house. To find out the time of the funeral. He had lied. It was yesterday. So he beat me. knocked me out. And wrote this." she lifted up her shirt and showed me her arms. You Killed them.
" Oh my goodness. Y/n how could you not tell anyone" I asked. I held her in my arms. She was crying.
" Like you said. I don't trust anyone" she said. She rested her head on me and cried.
" Now you are being honest with me. Do you know why that is?" I asked.
" Yes. The last person I trusted hurt me. And before you say I know people get hurt. But they got hurt emotionally. I did too. But also physically. That is what messed me up." she answered.
" You're not messed up" I said.
" Really. I thought we were being honest" she said.
" We are" I said.
Your POV
I really like Red. He is the first person to care. But he can't like me. No one likes me. Stupid to think other wise.
" Thank you for telling me" he said. I just realized that I was crying in his arms. We had just been sitting there.
" Thanks for listing. I need to put new bandages. You can stay or come with." I said.
" I'll come" he said.
Time skip to after change
"Looks like I have to go back to bed" Red said
" No. Um can you sleep with me. I don't feel like being alone" I said.
" Sure." he said. I said he could change in my room and I would use the bathroom.
After we changed we got in bed. It felt odd to be in bed with someone else.
" Hey Red why do you care for me?" I asked facing away from him in the dark.
" Well I care for all my friends. I mean I wouldn't sleep with any of them. But I care for them." he answered. He had put an arm around me pulling me closer.
" Hey Red. When I wake up and move your arm. Please go back to bed." I said holding the hand of the arm around me.
" No promises" he said.
" Why. Hmm why do you do this to me?" I asked.
" Cause I love you" he said.
" Do you mean it?" I asked.
" Yes y/n I do." he said kissing the back of my head.
" Love you too Red." I said.
" Mean it?" he asked.
I turned and faced him. " Yes Red I do" I said kissing his forehead.
" Night y/n" he said pulling me closer to him. His chin was lightly rested on my head and my face was facing his chest.
" Night Red" I said putting my arm around the side of his stomach. We fell asleep in each others arms. I love this man some times.
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