Your POV.
As soon as I got to my office I called Jin.
J=Jin y=you
J: hey y/n how are you?
Y: good you?
J: Fine.
Y: Hey Jin so is it alright if I stay the night at your house tonight? I can try to catch the bus or have one of the guys come and get me for work.
J: Sure is everything okay with you, Red and, Barney?
Y: Um..... I just need a day away from them.
J: Okay when do you want me to pick you up. And where should I pick you up at?
Y: I think at Red and Barney's house. If I can't get a ride back there then I will text you to come and get me. And could you get me around 6:00. By then Barney or Red should be done with work. And I should be done too and Barney should be able to drive me to the house.
J: Okay text me if anything changes. Sadly I have to go edit. Bye see you soon.
Y: see ya!!
Now that I have that taken care of I need to go get ready for a try not to laugh with Tim. As I was walking down the hall I saw Red crying in his office. Now I'm sure a lot of people would not have stopped. I'm not like a lot of people. I mean why should I be mad. All he did was tell the truth. I don't want to be around him if he doesn't want to be around him. Don't get me wrong I would love to spend time with him but it would hurt him to be around such a selfish girl like me.
" Hey Red you okay?" I asked poking my head in the door.
" Me I should be asking you the same thing. Listen I was out of-" he started before I cut him off.
" listen I didn't come here for an apology I came here to see if you are okay. And don't you dare say you are cause I can see that you aren't" I said.
" I don't deserve you after what I said to you." he said.
" Listen if anything I don't deserve you. What you said about me is true. I am a selfish, dumb girl. But this dumb girl has to go soon and before she dose she wants to know what is wrong" I said.
" Please don't ever call yourself dumb agian. And my grandfather just died." he said starting to cry agian.
" Oh my goodness Red I'm so sorry." I said. I started to walk words him but then stopped. He doesn't want a hug from me. He doesn't even like me " I'lll call Barney and he can help you"
" Y/n again I'm so sorry for what I said. Please-" he said.
" Please what Red? Forgive you. I don't need to. What you said about me is true. I'm dumb because I can't fill a simple order out. And I'm selfish for letting myself think for one second that I wasn't. Now I need to be on set but before I do I will go and get Barney. Okay? Okay." I said walking out.
Red's POV
What have I done? I messed up more than I thought. She actually thinks she is selfish and stupid. All because of me. I should have never said those things, I should have never lost my temper like that on her.
" Hey man are you okay? Y/n said that you needed my help." Someone said. I looked up and I saw Barney.
" No Barney I'm not alright I totally messed up everything." I said. I put my head in my hands.
" And that means?" He said coming and sitting next to me one the couch.
" I told y/n that she was selfish and dumb." I said.
" Red why on Earth would you say that! She is one of the most un selfish people we have ever meet." He said.
" I know I know! Okay I know! I was sad and I guess that sadness turned to anger. She just happened to be there to get the worst of it." I said.
" Well have you said sorry yet?" He asked.
" Of course I have! But every time I try she just interrupts me and tells me that I was right and have nothing to say sorry for." I said. Hearing it out loud made it sound horrible. I really messed up big.
" Well then there is nothing to do then" he answered.
" Nothing to do. Barney we have to do something. She thinks she is a selfish dumb person. Did she tell you that she is going to spend the night some where else? Barney she is leaving us cause I maybe it sound like I hated her." I was crying by the end.
" Red, buddy, it will all be okay. It will all work out in the end." He said.
" Will it Barney. Will it?" I answered.
Time skip to after you and Tim are covered in spit water. Your POV
So me and Tim just finished the try not to laugh. At this point who wins. You are both covered in spit water. Anyways lets go ask Barney for a ride to the house. I wonder he thinks the same about me. What if every one here thinks I'm dumb and selfish. Oh my god what if Jin thinks that. And he is just to nice to say so. So far Red is the only person to say so.
" And that's a wall" I say as I bump into a wall. back to finding the purple dinosaur.
" Hey Barney I don't know if Red told you but I'm spending the night with another friend and they agreed to pick me up at the hous. Can you drive me there? I'm sorry to ask but I still can't drive." I asked once I found him.
" Oh of course y/n and you know that you don't have to lead you are still welcome." He said.
" I'll come back. I mean I don't have enough money to get my own apartment and then there is the money that I owe for ordering the wrong number of posters. That was so stupid of me. I'm sorry what were we talking about agian?" I asked. I had started to ramble so I forgot what we were talking about.
" How you can come back home when ever you want. Heck you can even come home tonight." he said.
I gave a small laugh. Then I hugged him. He was surprised at first the he hugged me back " I think Red needs a break from me for a day. And also what is it with you people being so tall? I only go up to your shoulders." I said.
He laughed then gave me a tight hug that lasted a second " Then let's get you Home so Jin can come and get you" he said as we started to walk to the car.
" How did you know it was Jin?" I asked.
" Well it was either him or some one else here at the offices." He said.
" Well look who is a smart dinosaur" I said patting the side of his head cause I was to small to reach the top of his head.
" It's mes babys" he said in his accent.
I laughed and got in the car. " Hey Barney?" I asked as he started the car.
" yes y/n?" He asked.
I turned in my seat to look at Red following us. " in the morning can you tell me how Red is doing. Please?" I asked.
" Sure. Of course." He said.
And then we started the drive home. A long and quite ride home.
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