I have to make Red a little younger then he really is and your sisters name is Ella. Sorry
Your POV
Today is my Farfar's ( if you didn't read the description that's fathers father in Swedish) funeral. We are flying to Indiana right now. My dad has been really sad ever since we found out.
Time skip to after the funeral and back in Washington
My dad has been drinking ever since we went to the funeral. He has been pushing around my mother and hitting me. It go so bad mom signed me up for martial arts so I can protect myself. We didn't tell my dad the reason why I was signed up. Why don't we sign up my sister you ask? He likes her. So he doesn't do anything to her. In fact, he buys her anything she wants. And here I am getting by with the bare necessities. The only things I'm allowed to do is martial arts, school, and chores. No TV for me, but for my sister she can watch whatever she wants. Why hasn't my mother left him? I've asked many times and I only ever get three answers. One answer is "Oh honey he is a good man. It's the alcohol not him." the second is "I don't want to talk about it right now" and the other is "Oh it doesn't matter. I mean it's me getting pushed around. Not you. Don't worry about me honey. As long as you're safe." Now she doesn't now he has been hitting me. He threatened to throw me on the street in the middle of nowhere so no one can find me.
Time skip to December 18th
My mom and sister are out buying me a birthday present. My dad is at work. 5 hours later I got a call on the home phone. It was from an unknown number.
y=you p=person
Y: Hello.
P: Hello, is this y/n l/n?
Y: Yes it is. Who is this?
P: I'm Dr. Johnson at MedStar Hospital. We need you and your father to come in immediately.
Y: Why? What's wrong?
P: Your mom and sister were in a car crash.
Y: Yes yes I understand we'll come as soon as we can. Thank You
P: See you soon.
After that I called my dad.
Y=you D=dad
D: What.
Y: Mom and Ella were in a car crash!
D: How do you know?
Y: I got a call from MedStar Hospital. We have to go right away!
D: You better not be making this up.
Then he hung up.
"Why would I make this up" I mumble as I walk to the door to wait outside, he wont come in to get me. I waited 10 minuets till he pulled up.
"Get in" he commanded.
I got in the back seat and stared out the window. 20 minutes later we arrived at the hospital.
"Where're here to see Alison and Ella l/n" my dad said in a sweet voice. It's amazing how he can change his voice so it sounds nothing like the tone of voice he used with me.
" 2nd floor room 213" the lady at the front desk answered with a smile.
We marched upstairs to see my mother and sister on hospital beds, wires and tubs all around them. I started to tear up.
"Oh my god what happened" my dad asked to no one in particular.
"They were in a car crash" I whispered.
"Speak louder next time. I can't believe I had a child who grew up to be shit" He said the last bit in a whisper so no one else could hear it.
That's when I let a tear slip out. I had heard it before but it still hurt. I saw a doctor coming and wiped it away.
"Hello I'm Dr. Johnson. I talked to your daughter on the phone." He introduced.
"Oh hello my name is Eric l/n. Alison's husband and Ella's dad." my dad answered.
"Hi" I said to Dr. Johnson
"Hello Miss y/n" he smiled back.
"How are they," my dad asked cutting in.
"Ella wont make it so we have her on life support. And Alison might make it." he answered.
I started to cry silently. "Why do you have her on life support," I asked my throat hurting from holding back tears.
"We want to keep her alive so if the mother wakes up she can say goodbye." he answered
"t-t-that's a good idea. Can I go sit down?" I asked. I needed to process what I was just told.
"Of course." Dr. Johnson answered, sadness laced his voice.
"Thank you" I mumbled
I stumbled a little down the hall till I found some chairs to sit on. I sat down and put my head in my hands. My sister is a dead women living. And my mother might die. She can't die. I NEED my mother. After thinking for a little I hear the sounds of running footsteps and the calls of doctors. I look up and run to my mother and sisters room. They are hovering over my mother with a defibrillator. That meant her heart had stopped. And for the first time in 2 years I held my dads arm. We watched together, like a family for the first time in a wile, in horror as they tried to re-start my mothers heart.
They tried.......
And they failed.
We saw them put down the defibrillator. Dr. Johnson shook his head and walked to the door.
"She's gone" he paused and studied our faces " I'm so sorry"
"Thank you doctor. Can we say goodbye to Ella," my dad asked.
"Of course." he said opening the door for us.
"Hey Ella" I said my voice chocking on tears " I don't know if you can hear me but I love you. And I'm going to miss you so much and if we could trade places I would. I would do it in a heartbeat. I love you so so much. Please please be happy wherever you go from here" after that I ran out of the room and to the chairs in the hallway. I didn't hear my dads words. The only time I went back to the window was when they pulled Ella off life support. I cried even more. After that we went home. By the time we got home it was 3. My dad started drinking like crazy and I went to bed. Sometime around 5 my dad came in and started yelling at me. After he said " it's all your fault they're dead." After that he started hitting me. He hit me till I fell on the ground. After that he kicked me once really hard. I laid there for a while in pain. Then I got up walked up to my bed and went to sleep. At 6 I got up and limped down to breakfast.
Your dads POV
"Hey. I made breakfast. Happy birthday." I said.
"Umm thanks" she answered a little unsure.
Little does she know I put a sleeping pill that lasts 1 hour. My plan is to drop her off at some place and then move. I have already moved my stuff from my room.
After she ate the pill she fell on the ground. So today is her birthday and she is 18. She can live by herself that way she isn't my problem. I loaded her into the car. I already had a place in mind.
???? POV
I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it I found a girl.
Who did the POV belong to??? See you next time bye peoples
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