A different fate
One whole decade of a constant struggle to grip onto life. The Banette had a constant struggle of grip onto life. No friends...no home...and no shoulder to cry on. After finally accepting it's end. The unnamed doll finally decided there was no purpose, or legitement reason to continue existing. So she just stayed in that one dumpster she calls a home, and waited to finally be rid of. All that sense of hopelessness finally got to the poor doll's head.
Another 10 minutes of waiting she finally heard approaching steps and assumed that whoever was there was to save her soul, more specifically the Trashman.
Banette: Well here comes my fate...might as well embrace it.
As soon as a head peeked over it wasn't the Trashman, or an adult at all. It was a boy who liked somewhat around his teen years, and peeked in. When he looked inside, he saw a doll stare straight at him, but with a hopeless sad expression. The sad look made the boy feel pity for the Banette and reached in and pulled it out and examined it.
?????: Hmm I thought I've been hearing something alive in that dumpster for the last week. But I jever expected it to be a helpless Pokemon!
Banette: Well this certainly wasn't the fate I was expecting!
They both seemed interested into each other. Curouis of their intentions and thoughts towards each other. The boy saw that she was dirty and dusty, as well as her left eye looking in bad condition as if sick. It also smelled like garbage as well, and the body withered here and there. Instead of throwing her back in, he gave it a warming tight hug and smiled.
She widened her eyes in utter surprise, completely unexpected of his kindness. She was stunned for a second...but the wrapped her long arms around his back and smiled. At least she could have that long wanted affection she had many years ago. The hug lasted some second and looked at her in the eyes and smiled.
?????: I'm going to take you home with me and clean you up. How would you like that?
After seeing that he Actaully WANTED her, she yipped with happiness. He took that as a yes and held her in his arms. She seemed to hug onto him tighter though, feeling close to tears of happiness and finally being wanted again. 15 minutes later he arrived at his home and the Banette excited as ever. It seemed to know how to work doors and hopped up and opened his door. It surprised him but when she entered before him his parents nearly scream.
Dad: What is that!? It's so ugly and dirty!
Mom: Jorji is that a Pokemon!? Why does it look so bad!
Jorji: Mom, dad please show it some respect! They have feelings too!
Dad: When you said you were out to get a Pokemon...I was NOT expecting this. I thought you where catching a wild one!
Jorji: This one IS wild dad! I found it...well in a city basically. But I didn't find out if it's a he or she yet...
Mom: Are we really going to let him keep it?
Dad: I'm not sure if he'll take care of it...why would he pick one in such a condition?
Jorji: Because it needed love! It looked so sad and lonely...it needed Somone, and I came to save it. So...I want to keep this Pokemon...
Dad: Well where's the ball?
Jorji: Oh...Actaully I carried it here. So...technically...I didn't tame it.
Mom: It's still wild!? You know son...we'll see how this goes. We'll give you a week. And see where you end up after that.
Jorji: Perfect that's all I need! Come on Banette, let's get you all fixed up!
He gestured it to his bathroom down the hall and went to start cleaning her off first. While he went to take care of her, his parents were still rather unsettled they had such a Pokemon of low condition in their home.
Dad: Well...maybe this Ghost type is for him. I thought he would have caught a Growlithe or maybe even a Eevee. Grass or Poision seemed best for our son, but he was never really big on catching...just wanted a friend. Since his sister never really wanted to spend any propper sibling time with him. But...at the same time I know Jorji wouldn't pick ANY Pokemon.
Mom: Well Dannie, I have a feeling that our son will take good care of it. Who knows maybe he will surprise us!
Dad: I sure hope so...I Beileive in our son...maybe having a buddy will give him some more responsibility, since his sister is ultimately busy with her life and friends. I'm so proud of my kids.
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