Character's Ask
Author: Hello, sorry about the mix up with Chapter 13 and 14. Oops.
Louis and Harry: Hi
Author: Okay. Let's move on to the questions.
Qn (for Harry): Hi baby cupcake!!! ❤❤
You dimples are everything.
Are you gay or bi?
Harry: *touches face and blushes* Thank you. I'm bisexual.
Qn (for Harry): I love you okay?
Harry: Aw... Love you too.
Louis: No, not okay. Back off! This man is mine.
Qn (for Harry): Do you love Louis?
Louis: *starts sharpening sword*
Louis: *turns to Harry* Just answer the question. No pressure, honey.
Harry: Lou, you know I love you whether you threaten me with dangerous objects or not.
(TPWK: Threaten People With Knives)
Qn (for Louis): You're small. Face it. Okay?
Louis: Excuse you! I'm 5'9".
Harry: *whispers* He's not.
Qn (for Modeste): I don't like you.
Modeste: That's not a question.
Qn (for Modeste): You're annoying.
Modeste: Still not a question.
Qn (for Modeste): Are you the demon?
Modeste: No.
Qn (for Modeste): Why are you here?
Modeste: ...
Qn (for Modeste): Fight me.
Modeste: Try me, bitch.
Qn (for Harry): Why did you say no to Louis' first proposal?
Harry: Modeste was glaring at me. I got nervous.
Louis: Modeste did what?
Harry: Nothing, babe.
Qn (for Harry): I will beat your cupcake ass if you make Louis cry again.
Harry: Yes, ma'am.
Qn (for Niall): Do you believe the demon rumours or do you still think Louis made it up?
Niall: I don't know. I haven't seen it myself but I guess the dead body serves as evidence. Then again, she could have been murdered to look as if it were a demon who did it. My sheets are torn and I've been told it was by the demon. Strange.
Qn (for Niall): Why won't you legalize gay marriage while you're still king?
Niall: I'm trying to legalize it but it takes a lot of paperwork, I write very slowly and I have more pressing issues to worry about. So, gay marriage will take a while but it will happen.
Zayn: This white bread ass bitch better keep his word.
Qn (for Larry): I don't usually threaten cats but the next time you scratch Louis its me and you.
Larry: ...
Qn (for Larry): Scratch Modeste pls.
Larry: Been there, done that.
Louis: You can talk?
Larry: I mean, meow?
Qn (for Niall): Where is your wife???
Did your wife leave you for smacking her?
Is your wife cheating and thats why she's not around?
If you dont want your wife anymore ill gladly step in not for money or anything just to jump on the big beds.
Niall: Umm...
Qn (for the queen): Wyd???? Why you never around?
Queen: *six feet under*
Qn (for demon): Who are you?
Demon: Sam
Qn (for demon): What happened?
Demon: What happened?
Qn (for demon): Why you kill that Maid?
Demon: Hungry. I haven't eaten in so long, I've lost track of when I last ate.
Qn (for Liam): Hi Lima bean!!! 😊 What made you adopt Harry?
Liam: We wanted to adopt a child. Harry was so adorable that Zayn just couldn't say no.
Zayn: I couldn't say no because you already brought the kid home.
Qn (for Zayn): Hi Zaynie Poo baby!!!! 😍😍
Liam: *smirks*
Zayn: Stop giving him ideas for embarrassing names for me!
Liam: Shut up. You love them.
Qn (for Zayn): Are you a god?
Zayn: ...
Liam: Yes.
Author: Yes.
Harry: Yes.
Louis: Yes.
Niall: I don't know Zayn but yes.
Queen: *digs herself out of grave* Yes.
Larry: Yes. I mean, meow but yes.
Demon: Yes.
Modeste: Yes.
Palace staff: Yes.
Tailor: Yes.
Simon Cowell: It's a yes from me.
Author: You're not even in this story.
Qn (for Zayn): Are you happy that Louis plans on legalizing gay marriage?
Zayn: YES! I'm so excited. Liam and I had a fake wedding before. I can't wait to wear my suit again. I think Harry borrowed it. Harry, have you seen my suit?
Harry: *throws chocolate-stained jacket into closet* Um... no?
Qn (for Zayn): How do you feel about Modeste?
Zayn: Ew.
Qn (for Liam): Why don't you like Modeste?
Liam: Bitch made my son cry.
Qn (for Harry): Have you ever heard of a fedora? Find one. Wear it. You welcome.
Harry: What
Qn (for Modeste): Are you in love or still in love with Harry?
Modeste: No.
Louis: Good.
Qn (for Louis): Who do you think the demon is?
Louis: Um... Niall? Modeste?
Qn (for Louis): Do you think Harry could be the demon?
Louis: No, not my baby. Don't jinx him!
Qn (for Niall): Did you really not know that Louis knew he was adopted?
Niall: He never talked about it...
Qn (for Niall): Do you like Harry as a son in law?
Niall: Yes.
Qn (for Niall): Have you ever heard of golf? Find it. Play it. Youre welcome.
Niall: Ooh, I think I played that once. It was fun.
Qn (for Louis): Have you ever heard of Adidas? Find it. Wear it. Youre welcome.
Louis: The fook is an Adidas?
Author: Wait like five centuries. You'll know then.
Author: So that's the end of the character's ask. Hope you enjoyed. I'll be posting the last chapter later today.
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