Chapter 3
Louis accompanied the tailor as the tailor sewed fabric together meticulously. Louis told the tailor he was just sitting in to do some quiet reading but Louis was far from quiet.
"Can you believe he ran away from me again?" Louis whined, frowning. The tailor worked with the thread and the needle as he listened to Louis air his thoughts. "At least he told me his name this time. Harry said that he'd visit me later but I cannot wait that long. I think I'm going to die."
"You remind me of Juliet from Romeo and Juliet." The tailor shook his head as he said. "You sound absolutely naive."
"I do not!" Louis scoffed. He crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air. "And I most definitely will not stab myself."
"Surely, you can wait a few hours before the boy arrives." The tailor said.
"I really cannot. I am suffering in every waking moment without my love- Are you laughing at me?" Louis huffed in anger at the tailor.
"Sorry but you remind me of myself back when I was a young lad. A hopeless romantic, I was."
Louis leaned in closer to the tailor, expecting the tailor to continue with a story of his childhood. Louis had not listened to one of the tailor's stories in ages. The tailor told Louis of the time he had followed a girl to the other end of the kingdom on foot, in pursuit of her heart, only to find that she had been swept off her feet by another man.
"Were you hurt?" Louis inquired.
"Of course!" The tailor exclaimed, almost falling out of his seat. He dropped the needle on the floor and began to search for it. Louis directed a light under the table. The beam reflected off the thin piece of metal. Louis picked the sewing needle off the ground and handed it to the tailor. The tailor thanked him and continued. "You see, I was moping in a cafe when this lovely lady spilled her tea on my table. What a clumsy girl she was, but I had fallen immensely in love with her. That led to another story of heartache. It was fun while it lasted."
Louis suddenly gasped. "What if Harry is with another man right this instance?"
"If Harry was with another man, it would probably be someone trying to purchase a loaf of bread." The tailor tried to reason with Louis. However, Louis opted to jump to conclusions.
"I have to be sure!" Louis insisted. "What if the bread is baked with love?" Louis shot out the door, scrambling down the corridor. He had left his book behind. The tailor picked the book up. However, he tailor noticed it was not a legit book but just a pile of papers that had been bound together, with "Louis + Harry 4ever" scrawled across every page in different fonts, along with about a hundred heart shapes. The tailor closed the book and shook his head as Louis zoomed down the hallway and out of sight.
The hooves of the majestic white horse clopped against the road as the equine trotted along the path into the town, pulling the royal carriage behind. The townspeople stared curiously at the horse-drawn carriage. The members of the royal family had not announced a visit to the town, as they usually did if they were to take a trip there. The people gathered to catch a glimpse of whoever had arrived.
The carriage pulled up in front of the bakery. Louis slipped out of the carriage and into the store. Once the people saw the Prince go inside the bread shop, they quickly diverted their attention elsewhere. They were more nosy than genuinely interested in what the royals were up to.
The bell above the door rang as Louis entered the bakery. Harry was ringing up an order for a customer. The tailor guessed correctly that Harry was with a man who was buying a loaf of bread. Harry did not notice Louis' presence and proceeded to place a freshly frosted chocolate cake in the glass display.
"Harry!" Louis exclaimed, wrapping a big hug around Harry's waist, almost causing him to drop the cake. Harry adjusted the cake carefully in the display before closing it and standing upright.
"Your majesty, what are you doing here?" Harry asked.
"There's no need to call me that. 'Louis' will do." Louis said. "I came to see you."
Harry's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh!"
"What? You don't want me here?" Louis crossed his arms. Harry shook his head.
"Sorry, I made you fall yesterday." Harry apologised. "And ran off."
"Yeah, you better be sorry. That hurt!" Louis hissed.
"Aww... You came all the way here just for me." Harry gushed, changing the subject. Louis' face turned pink. Harry asked, "Aren't you busy in the palace?"
"My fencing lesson today has ended and I do not have anything planned for before your arrival so my day is free." Louis explained.
"Well, my day is packed." Harry grumbled. "I have to work."
"Work is so boring." Louis groaned. Louis invited Harry to hang out with him instead.
"I wish I could but my dads will get mad at me." Harry said.
"If you don't, your boyfriend will be mad at you." Louis responded promptly.
Harry smirked and asked, "Since when did I agree to be your boyfriend?"
"Oh shit, I forgot to ask you." Louis cussed. Harry chucked at Louis. Louis asked, "Would you like to be my boyfriend?"
"Hmm..." Harry considered for a long time, being intentionally irritating. Louis waited impatiently for his answer.
"Take a little longer and I'll ask someone else to be my boyfriend!" Louis remarked.
"Would you want someone else to be your boyfriend?" Harry asked out of curiosity.
Louis gritted his teeth at the question. He sighed and stared at the ground. He shook his head and muttered, "No."
"In that case, sure! I'll be your boyfriend." Harry pressed his lips to Louis' mouth. Louis cupped Harry's face as they melted into the kiss.
"Ahem," Someone cleared their throat, interrupting Harry' intimate moment with Louis. Harry apologised before attending the customer. Louis swore he heard her mutter some obscenities under her breath but he did not mention it. The woman asked her son which cupcake he wanted. The small boy with the biggest, roundest blue eyes Harry had ever seen. He pointed to a cupcake with blue frosting and multi-coloured sprinkles.
The woman frowned at her son, creases forming on her forehead. She pressed her lips together, giving her smoker's wrinkles around her mouth. "Jimmy, blue is a girl's colour. Wouldn't you much prefer a pink cupcake?" (A/N: Pink used to represent boys as it was a striking colour. On the other hand, blue was considered dainty and feminine. It was not until the Hitler's dictatorship that it was swapped around due to the pink triangle used in the marking and identification of homosexuals. While this story has no definite time period, it is somewhere in the 16th and 17th century. Sorry for the history lesson. Keep reading.)
"No!" Jimmy protested. "I want the blue cupcake." His mother frowned in anger. She told him he could either get a pink cupcake or nothing. She said to Jimmy that she would be waiting outside for him to make his decision. The woman proceeded to stride out of the bakery and stand on the sidewalk, balancing on one foot. She tapped the toes of her other shoes as she waited for her son to come out. Jimmy was on the verge of tears. His lower lip trembled and his eyes turned glossy.
Louis took the cupcake Jimmy wanted and handed it to him. Louis placed a handful of coins in front of Harry to pay for the cupcake without actually counting the money. "Tell her it's from the prince." Louis winked as the child wrapped his small hands around the base of the cupcake.
Jimmy thanked Louis before skipping out of the store with a bubbly smile plastered across his face. The woman stared in displeasure when she saw her son with a blue cupcake in his hand. The woman shouted at the boy. Her words were indistinct from inside the bakery but she was seething with rage. She snapped at Jimmy, probably asking how he had gotten the cupcake without any money.
Jimmy gave his answer. The response came to her like a bolt from the blue. Her jaw dropped and she turned to look into the store, straining her eyes. Louis flashed a big, toothy grin at her. He held his hand up, wiggling his fingers to wave at her. The woman looked shocked that she had not recognised Louis in the shop. She picked her son up and off the pavement and walked away in embarrassment.
Louis chuckled.
"Lou, you do know that cupcakes don't cost two hundred shillings, right?" Harry stared at the pile of metal discs on the counter.
"Are we going by nicknames now?" Louis smirked.
"Sure, but take your money back." Harry said. Louis took the coins and slid them back into his pocket.
Louis pleaded for Harry to entertain him instead of working at the bake shop. Harry frowned and told him, "No."
Louis was as stubborn as a mule. He begged Harry to play with him. Harry rolled his eyes as Louis tugged at Harry's clothes. Harry grumbled, "Louis, please!"
"Harry!" Louis whined.
"Louis!" Harry whined louder. Louis yelled Harry's name again, flailing his arms. Louis accidentally knocked over a shelf of bread. Harry sighed audibly.
Louis apologised profusely.
"Now look what you did!" Harry scolded.
"I said I'm sorry!" Louis broke down in tears. He sat on the floor and brought his knees to his chest.
"How are you going to run a kingdom if you get so emotional over fallen bread?" Harry asked rhetorically. Louis stared at the ground and refused to answer. Harry returned the packaged loaves to their place on the shelf.
"How 'bout this? I'm going to bake some cookies. I'll let you eat the dough if you quit bugging me while I'm working." Harry offered. Louis considered and then accepted it. Harry carried Louis off the ground like a baby and into the kitchen.
Harry sneakily pinched Louis' bum. "Hey, hands off the royal goods!" Louis hollered. Harry grinned cheekily and pinched Louis again.
Louis grabbed Harry's derrière. He looked at Harry directly in the eyes, narrowing his gaze. Louis shot a 'Two can play at that game' stare at Harry. Harry smirked to stifle his laugh but it barely worked.
"Wash your hands before you eat." Harry instructed as he slid the bowl of cookie dough in front of Louis. Harry popped a tray of unbaked cookies into the oven and set the timer. The chocolate chips began to melt as the white dough slowly turned golden brown.
Louis licked the chocolate off his lips. He chewed politely, keeping his mouth closed, the way that Modeste always insisted he ate. "This is delicious. Do you want some?" Louis offered the cookie dough to Harry. Harry dipped a finger into the bowl and stuck it in his mouth. His lips puckered as he sucked the sweet mixture off his finger.
Louis stared at him in shock. "What?" Harry asked.
"Did just dip your finger in the bowl?" Louis asked.
"Yeah. So what?"
"Can I dip my finger in the bowl?"
"Sure, you could dip your whole face in there too if you want."
Louis looked as if he was a child on Christmas morning that had just been told he could open his presents. He reached into the bowl, digging up the dough with his hands. When Louis finished the cookie dough such that he could not scoop out anymore of the mixture, he began licking the bowl. Occasionally, Louis stopped to look at Harry to see if he was alright with the ill-mannered act. Harry did not seem to mind so Louis continued.
"Don't eat the bowl too!" Harry joked, taking the bowl from Louis. The bowl was clean from a trace of cookie dough but was glossed with a layer of saliva. Harry put the dish into the sink.
"You've got chocolate on your face," Harry pointed out, rubbing the brown smudge off Louis' cheek with his thumb. "And your hair and your shirt."
Louis blushed with embarrassment.
"Why don't you go home and get changed? I'm still coming over later to see you." Harry suggested.
"Can you stay over?" Louis invited Harry to spend the night in the castle. Harry refused to accept the invitation but when Louis begged him with puppy-dog eyes, Harry could not find the heart to say 'no'.
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