"Dude, what the hell happened?"
Rex is suddenly in front of me, but I'm trashed and my vision is blurry. I'm still outside and I have no idea what time it is. I look around and see at least ten beer cans scattered around, on the ground.
"Rex," I begin, lowering my head. "I... I'm so happy to see you."
"Cool. You're drunk. And you texted an hour ago that you needed me. What's going on?" Rex looks disappointed in me, but that's not new.
I have to think hard to remember what happened, which is why I started drinking so much in the first place. I wanted to forget that Teegan found out my secret before I could tell her. I wanted to forget that she called and yelled at me and ended whatever it was that we were just starting.
I grumble and look up, trying to focus on my best friend. "She found out about Lola."
I'm not too drunk to see that Rex is confused. "What?"
"Teegan... someone told her that I dated her step sister and she yelled at me and now she doesn't want to-"
"Are you kidding me? You didn't tell her yourself?" Rex is shaking his head. "I didn't think you were that dumb."
"I... I know I should have."
"I have a hard time even feeling bad for you right now, dude." He sits down beside me anyway. "I told you this was going to get messy."
"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Smartypants, always right..." I let my voice trail off, kicking at some sand. "I just... I like her so much. I'm really... I'm such an idiot."
"Would you please call me Mr. Smartypants from now on?" Rex says and then laughs. "Honestly, Co, I could tell you liked her. It was sort of embarrassing how obvious you were about it."
"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now. I kissed her and I told her that I like her, last night. And-"
"You kissed her last night?" Rex looks half surprised and half proud.
"She told me to."
"I have to make her realize that I know I fucked up and that I am worth giving a second chance to. I have to try," I go on, ignoring his reaction to this. "Help me?"
"You've never asked me for help getting a girl," Rex says and then grins.
"I've never needed help getting a girl," I say.
"Cocky, much?"
"Shut up. Please, will you... help?" I can't believe I'm begging, but I need this right now.
"What can I do?" Rex wants to know.
"I have to think. I have to... sober up," I admit, squeezing eyes closed, as if it will help.
"I'll get you some water," he says and hops up, already walking towards the house.
An hour later, it's after 10P.M. and I don't have a plan at all. I feel nauseous and even after I throw up in the grass beside the house, I don't feel any better. I'm not sure why I drank so much, but I'm regretting it now.
"Maybe like a big, grand gesture?" Rex suggests, then shrugs. "Girls like that stuff, don't they?"
"Girls in movies. Teegan is different," I say, shaking my head.
"Maybe you could show up at her house and beg her to forgive you?" He's literally coming up with more ideas than I am, so I'm grateful for that.
"I can't," I answer, after a moment. "I literally just told her mom yesterday that I wouldn't cause her any drama," I explain, hanging my head.
"That was stupid." Rex laughs.
"I can try to talk to her? I can tell her that you're not usually this dumb, but -" Rex goes on, but doesn't look hopeful that that's a good idea.
"No, thanks."
"Maybe just let it be for a few days and see if she comes around? She likes you, too, right? She kissed you back?" Rex is a really good friend, I know that.
I nod. "Yeah. But she was so mad."
"I'd at least give her a little space," Rex finishes. "Also, party tomorrow, down at Tyler C.'s grandparent's beach house..."
I look up at Rex and shake my head. "That's literally Teegan's mom's neighbour," I spit out, and then remember what Luke said about keeping Rex on a leash. "Hey, do you think I'm too... controlling?"
"What? Controlling who?" he asks, then laughs.
"You," I say, but I'm not looking at him anymore. This is embarrassing.
"Controlling me? What are you talking about?" Rex is genuinely confused, so I feel a bit better.
"Luke... he said I have you on a tight leash. He was kidding, but I know what he means. He thinks that I tell you what to do, and I-"
"Co, no," Rex stops me, raising his hand. "Luke and the guys hassle me because I don't hang out with them as often and whatever, but that's not my scene, you know that. I just care about football, and... you're my best friend."
"Aww, you're so sweet," I tease him. "Go to the party, if you want. But I can't go."
"Or you could go, and then accidentally bump into Teegan and get her to talk to you-" Rex says and then laughs when I make a face at him. "Too soon?"
"Yeah. You're right, I need to give her some space. And figure out what I'm really going to do," I finish, and then lay my head back and close my eyes for a minute.
It's quarter to 2P.M. the next afternoon and my heart is pounding. She told me she was going to change her shift so she didn't have to see me, and I believe her. But there's still a chance that Teegan will show up in a few minutes and I have to be ready.
I'm not that lucky. At two minutes until 2P.M., Katrina Powell comes up to the counter of the rental hut. She's small and cute and a year younger than me, and she's Luke's cousin. I think. Her light blonde hair is in braids and she's wearing a bikini, so I assume she wants to rent something.
"Hey, Cohen," she says right away, knocking on the counter with her knuckles. "Want to let me in?"
Confusion must fill my face, because she laughs. I can't figure out what is actually happening - why would I let her in? - and before I can ask, she goes on.
"I'm working the closing shift."
My heart drops to my stomach. I didn't know she worked here and I now know that Teegan is not coming.
"Oh, yeah, come on around," I say, trying to sound casual.
I turn and walk towards the back door and unlock it and Katrina comes in a moment later. She goes right to the mini fridge and gets a bottle of water, cracking it open. After a long sip, she smiles at me.
"I am usually only here on Saturdays, sometimes. Maybe once during the week. My mom thinks having a part time summer job will be good on my college apps," she tells me, then shrugs.
I wonder how she even moves the boards and the boats around. She's so tiny.
"Oh, so, you're filling in today for-" I start, but I don't finish the sentence.
"I don't know the girl, I guess she's the boss's daughter?" Katrina answers.
"Right." I sigh. "Are you good, then? Do you need help closing, later?"
Her face lights up. "Honestly, I do. Luke usually comes back to help if I'm here at closing."
"I can come back. I don't have anything going on," I say.
"Cohen, that's so nice. Thanks." She pushes one of her braids over her shoulder.
"No problem. See you later, then," I finish and sign out before pushing open the door and leaving.
God, do I want to text Teegan. I want to tell her how sorry I am, and that she should give me another chance because I wasn't lying when I said I like her. But I can't be that desperate and she clearly doesn't want to hear from me. So I walk home. I sit outside until I feel too hot and then I go in and make a sandwich. I check my phone and I call my mom back, who called twice today already. I tell her I'm doing good, even though I'm not. I half-watch a TV show but I mostly think about how badly I screwed up with Teegan.
When it's 6:30P.M., I put on my sliders and go back outside. I'm just getting to the beach a few minutes later when I see her. She's walking in the sand with her little brother and sister. They are giggling and one is carrying a small blue bucket. We aren't really close to each other, but I know that if she looked up my way, she'd see me. I'm frozen in place, looking at her, but as soon as she does look up and our eyes meet, I turn away and start my walk back down to the pier, my heart beating too fast.
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