Previous chapter flashback :what happened after:
Yoongi pov:
"I'm done with my breakfast and headed to my university, I stopped at a coffee shop, to get some nice black coffee.
I entered the café and this place is so cozy, i went to place my order, then sat at a table near by, soon after something caught my eye, more like someone, it was clear from his physical movements he is in rush, maybe he was getting late for something, im assuming he was some CEO?? by his dressing style not to mention it was jaw-dropping, even in a suite he looked stunning, he looked adorable,
like he was some angel who had fallen from heaven, he was looking eternal.
Yoongi didn't realize how much he had been looking at the male, any other person would consider this staring but yoongi didn't wanted to admit the fact he had been staring at some random male at a café?? yoongi made a mental note at himself and mentally facepalmed,
He did all this but didn't take his eyes off the memorizing male,
then the thing happened, which anyone staring at someone wouldn't want.
Yes Hoseok looked at yoongi and their eyes met.
Author pov,
Hoseok felt something strange, as if some pair of eyes were staring at him, and he started looking here and there and oh boi he was right some pair of cat-like eyes were watching him,
Some adorable person was watching him, his mouth slightly open from when i looked at him, soon a pink tint appeared on his soft cheeks, and he looked down being embarrassed, hoseok found it adorable how that male starting playing with the hem of his sleeves.
Soon later hobi had to leave cause he was already late for his meeting, but while in the car, he couldn't stop thinking about that male, so cute, co pretty, so feline eyes and feminine face macular.
But soon he had to focus at his meeting.
Yoongi too couldn't do any thing but blush at the thought of that male catching him red-handed while staring at him.
HEHE, i can't write, its not as good as I thought......
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