The truth about us
((Isabella pov))
I saw mason.. he's so cute and Alesa walks over to me with Mason
"Haha.. Alesa you'll never get Mason back you know!" Max said
"Max! I'm not like that" I said then Alesa gave me Mason
Mason feel asleep after a little bit
"Finally I have been trying all day and (y/n) was not here all day" she said
"Here I'll put him in his crib if you want!" I said
"If you don't mind come on with me" she said and we walked up there
(( Your pov))
Wow Adam was so welcoming to her.. Alesa gave her mason.. wait.. am I jealous! Ugh! Im happy if Max is happy and wow Adam has not seen the necklace really it's way out there in the open
"Hey Sis how is my little sister! Did Max do anything to you!?" Jessie said
"What! No hell no Jessie!" I yelled/ said
"Calm down little one!" She said
"Jessie why do you treat me like a 12 year old!?" I asked
"Because i can" she said
"Well I don't like it!" I said pissed I got up and walked away to my room and locked my door
((Max pov))
Oh no (y/n) is mad.. what do I do?.. ugh!!
"W-what do I do Izzy!?" I said
"Let me help" she said
"What! The last time you help someone you almost went to jail" I said (I'm lying about the whole jail thing)
"Hey! Let's not bring that up again" she said "go to her door talk to her.. does she have belcaney" she added
"Yeah she does.. why!?" I asked
"Show me witch one!" She said
After showing here she told me to go to her door then text her that I at her door
(M- Max I- Izzy)
M-hey! I'm at the door
I- Alllrrrriiigghhhtt~
"(Y/n) hey can we talk" I asked
"N-no I don't want to talk"she said
"But come on! I wanna see what's wrong" I said
"It does not matter Max.. j-just... go away.. for right now..." she said with a hint of crying
((Isabella pov))
I got Max's Text message so then I try and Jump up the the Belcaney once I got up I see she I cry at her door... Max is talking to her but she is not caring at all...
(M- Max I- Izzy)
I- yo Max stop I'll try to talk to her...
M- alright
I opened the screen door and walked over to her and put my hands on her knees and sat in front of her
"(Y/n)... you know... your Scaring Max... he's only trying to help and you! You of all people the one he spent every dime for... he loves you and does not want to lose you... But I can't say much.. everyone I cared for got up and walked away from me because I shut them out... I'm actually not allowed to be here with my mental state... but I came her to see if Max needed help to not make you go away... but I see alot of problems you will not open up to.... one your Sister, your Brother, and your past..." I said I had to stop talking or I would faint.. I am not allowed to do that
"Y- your right I-i should tell him that I am annoyed of Jessie.. That I don't care if Adam knows... my past... Is a dark one... that Love Max with all my heart..." she said
"Then go tell Max that" I said she stands up unlocks the door and Hugs Max and I don't know the rest because I ran outside and got my medication out of the car so that I can calm down I was in so much pain..
((Your pov))
"M-Max I'm so sorry! I-i love you and I don't care if anyone knows your mine and I'm yours!" I said kissing him.. the funny thing is that Adam and Jessie.. were walking up the stairs and and Alesa what just laughing
"What is this!" Adam yelled
"I can't believe you (y/n)!" Jessie said
"Oh my god.... aha.. Way to go! Don't lision to me! Ju-just do what you want i-i get it" Alesa said laughing
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