The Boy's turn..
((3rd pov))
Isabella has been gone for a few months now and Max or anyone can't get in touch with her.. it's like she's hiding ( that's what I'm doing right now.. I'm hiding away from everything..I'm in a trailer park with no internet access)
So they all went back to there work there own life but.. Max, Ross and Tim Tim they missed her but they would only talked about her when (y/n) or the other are not around.
((Tim Tim's pov)) (Finally Tim!)
I was just wondering were could Izzy go.. she has could have not be some new people.. or could she be back home? I miss her funny comment
((Ross pov)) ( I found him 😏)
Sigh.. if it was not for Max Izzy would still be here.. her Beautiful hair.. looks.. WAIT! Did I fall in love with her.. sigh I guess I did
((Max pov))
I'm such an idiot.. letting my little sister go.. ugh.. I don't think I can even say that.. nope I can't!
(M- Max I-Izzy)
I- M-Max i-im S-sorry!!!
M- Izzzzyy!! We're are you!
I- back home.. with my old friend.. he.. is actually told me that I'm being selfish!
M- no.. it's my fault
I- No Max! Don't take the blame! Dum ass..
M- heh your hopeless..
I- always am 😜
M- when you coming back here?
I- not for a long time.. I sorts need a job to get my ass there.. got to go.. Weddings.. a shit one at that.. maid of honor suck
M- ... um... what!?
I- yep bye!
Then She stopped texting me.. at least she is okay!
I walked out of my room.. Tim and Ross both are watching one punch man
I waked to the Kitchen and grabbed a Box's of Mac and Cheese (ugh..😠) then I get a text
(M- Max y- you)
Y- so.. what you doing?
M- Mac and Cheese
Y- aww... I wish I could be there..
M- why can't you be here?
Y- Talent show.. one of my Friends is in it and I want to be here for her
M- Good girl
Y- Hey! Don't act like Jessie.. I have alot of problems right now with her! 😠
M- hehe.. Come on my Little Girlfriend please don't be mad we don't want the short temper to blow
Y- Max... 😠... Fine then! If you want to be this way.. I'm not coming to your house after school tomorrow.. I'll just walk home
M- alright... if you want you can love 😉
Y- Fine! I will!
M- If you are still mad at me you can for the rest of the week 😜
Y- your playing with me are you not!
M- hehe.. still mad?
Y- yes..
M- Alright still walking home tomorrow?
Y- Only tomorrow!
M- okay love!
Then I put my phone away
Then started to eat my food.
"So.. Guess who I was talking to?" I said Catching there attention
"Your Girlfriend" Ross said
"Yes, but there's someone else" I said
"I Don't know I Give up!" Tim said
"Izzy.. she's doing fine.. she's just needed time.. to herself and she is trying to get a job so she can get money and come back" I said
"That's Awesome!" Ross said.. to happy Ross... I glared at Ross
"So.. what is she doing right now" Tim asked
"She's at a Wedding... she's a Bridesmaid.." I said reading my Texts
"Oh.. Wow.. Wait if we really want her here why don't me put some money together and Buy her and Plain ticket!" Ross said
"Your right if only she.. didn't want to do it herself" I said
"Aww.. well what if we tell her that will buy the Ticket for her to come here then she can get a job here!" Tim said and Ross Agreed
"Right.." I said scared
(M- Max I- Izzy)
M- Hey, hopeless can we talk?
I- yea what about?
M- well me and the boys.. were talking and..
I- what Max!
M- we are willing to pay for the plain ride her then you can get a Job here!
I- i-i don't know Max's
M- you can stay here.. at my place.. it would be the best.. and. I know were you can get a job without a resume
I- real?.. Wait!.. what about the Anything I wanted is that still on the table?
M- ... at your MAYBE job.. if you see her you can tell her.. and.. maybe the price that I spent on it..
I- Scared she will hurt you for how much you spent!?
M- a-a little
I- ... so can I take my turn and call you Hopeless?
M- No!
I- okay... I'll let yous do what you want if you pay I'll come
M- do I say it's a go to the Guys?
I- No! Let me!
M- wait what!?
Then she called me
"Hey who's calling you!" Tim asked
Then I answered the call
"Hello?" I said
"Put me on speaker phone" Izzy said on the phone I put it on speaker
"Your on speaker" I said
"So... YES.. you three.. can bye the ticket for me to get there! (Hey! Get off the phone this is my wedding day!)" Izzy said
"Really! Izzy we can!" Ross said excited..
"Yeah! Definitely! (BITCH GET OFF THE PHONE AND GET ME A BEER!).. Hang on.. (get off your lazy ass!.. God! This is the worst $150.00 I ever got..) sorry about that.." she said
"So.. when do you want to come here?" Tim asked then there was a knock on the door I walked over to the door and opened it..
"Um.. hey.. Adam.. whats up?" I said
"We're is (y/n)? Have you seen her?" He asked
"Last time I talked to her.. she told me she was at the school with her friends at the talent show.. why?" I asked
"Oh.. because she did not tell me a thing and she never came home after school" he said "she is also not answering my Texts" he added
"Here I'll get my phone and text her.. " i said well inviting him in I walked over to my phone..
"I don't.. know Ross.. maybe.. in a Week.. or something (hey Is.. My Cuzent wants us to leave her wedding.. wait your on your phone!.. it's bean 3 weeks since I seen it!) ( Heh.. let's go.. I see people want to punch me in the face.. heh.. ).. I'll talk to you later guys Bye.." she said then hung up
I grabbed my phone and called (y/n)
(Y- you M-Max )
Y- hey what's.. up heh..
M- just calling..
Y- (watch for th- *Crash* lamp.. (y/n) help me clean up after this party) yea.. sigh~.. well.. umm
M- You Lied to me..
Y- well if I Told you, you would have told Adam.. who.. is at your place.. I'm on speaker am I not..
M- yep.. should I have told you in the first place?
Y- ugh! I hate you..
M- I'm Pretty sure.. you Mean Love me
Y- Not right now..
A- (y/n) your ganna stay there at the party and help clean up.. and also get it trouble... when you friends parents find out
Y- yes Adam..
A- thanks Max's for the help.. hey before you called (y/n) were you talking to?
M- uh.. Izzy!.. heh.. she called saying she's coming down soon
Y- wait what!
M- gotta go before Max and Cheese gets cold
I hung up..
"Adam.. why" I asked
"Because Max... thanks again.. oh.. for the next week or two.. (y/n) is Grounded.. so you have to come to my place so you can hang out with her" Adam said
"Kay.. see ya!" I said and Adam walked out
'sigh..' "you don't look happy.." Ross said
"Of course I found out my own Girlfriend who is Adam sister.. Lied to me about were she was.. I also found out my Best Friend.. might have feelings for someone I care about.." I said looking at ross he looked Nervous
"You okay Ross?" Tim Asked
"Fine!" Ross said
"So.. when does Izzy want to come up?" I asked
"She said maybe.. a week from now.. she has to think about it.." Tim said
"Aw.. okay.. alright!" I said
"So.. Ross..." I said Glaring at him
"Hum!? Yes Max!" Ross said
"Ross? Can you describe how Izzy looks?" Tim asked
"W-what? I-i have not seen her in a little bit.." Ross said.. all I could laugh..
"Really.. Snapchat.. Facebook.. Skype.. do I need to say more?" I said
"N-no.. Max.." Ross said then ran to his room
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