((your pov))
"Yeah I deserve this.. yes I did Kiss her twice.. Adam I tried my best to keep my feelings away but then once I heard (y/n) was being bullied and then we talked about is she started to cry and I just could not hide it in anymore.. you can kill me now Adam.." Max said
it keeped playing in my mind.. did he actually mean it or what? N-now Max is my.. my.. what..
"Dinner! (Y/n)" Adam yelled
"Okay! Coming Adam!" I yelled back then went down stairs and sat at the dinner table
*After dinner*
Well Max is going home now... do I ask him now or towmarrow to see what he is to me.. I'll wait..
"Night guys see you tomorrow (y/n)" Max said
"Night" I said with a smile and then he left
"night sis I'm ganna go to bed early" Adam said going to his room I went to my room and went onto my computer and went on Facebook and Twitter
*On Facebook wall*
New Status on Ruby page
'Omg you guys, who hate (y/n) she is such a bitch! 😹😹'
12 likes 14 share 16 comment
Caleb comment
'Hell yeah! I'm so with you Babe I hope she gets hurt so bad at school.. she is Rick's Punching bag'
*Facebook closed*
Omg I'm crying at this point.. i-i want to change schools now!.. I turn everything off and cried into my pillow non stop till 3 something because I fell asleep
*7am later*
"Time to get up" Adam said I got up and got ready for school I was eating breakfast
"how was your sleep?" He asked
"it.. was.. okay I guess" I said
"are you sure?" He asked
"yep!" I said
"well let's get you to school" he said
*At school*
I went to my locker then my hand almost got smashed becuase Caleb slammed my locker door
"Missed dang next time" he said walking away
*At lunch*
At my locker again he missed again..
*At the end of school*
"Hey (y/n) so I need your help quickly I don't understand this question"
Macy said shes nice girl few minutes later all I hear is
*Waam* and all I found was pain I look over and why locker door was slammed on my hand it was bleeding..
"oh my God! (Y/n) you need to go to the hospital! Your hand is broken!!" Macy said
"Took me all day and I did it!" Caleb said
"good job bro" Ricky said I just got my stuff and stormed off i saw Max's car and I hoped in
"Max.." I said and he looked at me and grabbed my wrist
"What happened!?" He said and I started to cry
"i-im done Max! I-i give up!" I said well crying and he hugged me I feel so safe
"what happened please" max asked
"I.. w-was.. talking.. to.. some.. one and.. Caleb slammed my locker door on my hand" I said still crying
"can I call Adam and tell him?" He asked and I nodded
"okay I'll put it on speaker phone.. but idk if he will pick up" he said
(M-Max A-Adam R- ross)
A- hey? Whats up Max
M- Adam are you really busy?
A- no.. I'm just gonna get something to eat why
M- um.. can you stop at the Hospital
R- Adam calm down your driving
M- thanks Ross.. um I'll tell you when you get here
A- alright.. see you there
Then Adam hung up the phone or Ross
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