Should Adam know?
((MAX pov))
I was kissing (y/n) but then I heard the door open it was Ross
"Hey Ross!" I said
"Hey Max?" Ross Questioned
"What you doing home so.. early?" I asked
"Came to grab something" Ross said walking to his room I sighed
"That! Was a close one!" I said
"Yep" (y/n) said "well back to making food you!" She added well poking me in the chest
"Ow.. why did you poke me?" I said pretending to be hurt and all she did was laugh.. he laugh is.. sweet, cute, and amazing just like her
((Ross pov))
I was in my room looking for my phone charger's when I heard Max and (y/n) laugh.. Max never laughs unless he like a girl.. wait.. when he first meet her he was Nice as hell..
he loves her.. I sneeked out of my room to see why it's all quite then I see them kissing!!.. I took a picture of it and is max making more then one box of Mac and Cheese!
(I hate putting Mac and Cheese!! To me it's Kraft Dinner or KD sorry I'm Canadian)
Should I show this picture to Adam?..
I walk back into my room
"Hey! Max have you seen my phone charger?" I yelled
"um I think its in Tim room" he said I jumped I did not know he was behind me
"Don't do that max! You scared me hafe to death" I said
"hey how bad is your phone?" He asked I gave him my phone he glared at me
"delete it! Ross!..." he said very low
"wow that low.. I'll get you mine but bring it back" he said walking into his room then he came back and gave me his charger and then went back to the kitchen
((Max pov))
Ross is dead if he dose not delete that picture... "hey (y/n) foods done" I said
"Alright be right there" she said
"Well I'm off see ya later" Ross said I glared at him the whole time he walked past
"Yum it good!" She said
"Hey wait till I dish it out!" I yelled she giggled the she kissed my Cheek
"What was that for?" I asked
"Oh.. just to stop you from turning in to Mad Max" she said the last part fast
"Oh no did you just say what think you said?" I asked and she ran to my room and locked the door
"you did!!" I added I banged on the door
"fine! I guess your not Hungary!" I said walking away from the door
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