Chapter 86
(Max pov)
Us guys finished recording so I went upstairs to find Y/n.. but she is not here... shit..
(Your pov)
After Chester let Joey go we started to walk out when
"Hey! Were not done here!" Chester yelled
"If you know what's good for you... or you secret.. well leave" I said
Me, Joey, and Ruby left that place..
We got to the park that ruby picked me up at..
"Hey.. thanks.. thank you very much.." Ruby said..
"Y-yea.. no problem.. it was all for Joey.." I said then Joey hugged me
"Can you guys just be friends again... put the past behind?" Joey said
"Heh.. could that be a thing?" I asked looking at Ruby
"Yeah that can be.. you know Chester looked kinda cute.." Ruby said I laughed
"I knew it!" I said
"Knew what?" Ruby asked
"I knew you like him!" I said..
Joey finally stopped Hugging me..
"Well.. time fly's fast when your not looking.. I have to go.." I said
"No!" Joey yelled
"Sorry but I have to.. but maybe we can hang out later.. okay Joey!?" I said with a smile
"A-alright" he said in a sad voice
I started to walk away I got so far till I found a Dunkin Donuts.. I went in and got a coffee.. and sat at a table
I looked at my phone no text? No calls? Today is pretty quiet.. better get back to the house..
I walked back to the house and walked in and walked to the living room.. no Max?
"Hey Ross.. were is Max?" I asked
"Editing.." Ross said still glued to his show..
I walked downstairs and to Max recording room I walked in and Max was glued to the Screen so i sat on the couch
Few minutes later Galileo sat with me..
"Galileo.. off the couch" Max said
"So it Dose speak.." I said well laughing
"Yes.. so were did you go off to?" He said
"For a little walk.. I was bored sitting alone.." I said walking over to him
"Well.. this is what you should of expect from a YouTuber.. some times you'll not have me.." he said
"Oh, I know that.." I said
I took out my phone and looked at the time
"What? Why are you looking at your phone? Do I bored you?" He said
"No! I was see if we have time to go out for dinner.." I said
"Really Dinner.. that sounds nice" he said
"How about the whole house?" Ross said I jumped..
"Ross! Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said/Yelled!
"Sorry.. but come on if you go out for dinner what about the rest of us?" Ross said
"Hey! Did I say just me and Max?" I said
"I don't know I was not listening before Max talked" Ross said
"She said we " Max said
"Oh.. well.. where you think we should go?" Ross asked
"Lets talk about later.. when Max gets down editing" I said
"Yes please.. or will never get out of this house.." Max said
I walked over to Ross and pushed him out and closed the door and sat On the couch.
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