Chapter 79
(Your Pov)
I was sitting in my room still talking to Max on Skype
"Y/N! Come down here right now!"Mom yelled..
"Hang on Max... mom yelled.." I said and Max nodded..
I got off my chair and ran downstairs
"Yes mom?" I asked
"Arnt you making dinner tonight?" She asked
"Oh yea.. sorry forgot.. I'll go find something to make I'll be back... also.. when do you.. want dinner?" I asked
"How about.. Half past Seven" mom said I nodded and ran back upstairs
"Hey! Back.." I said well closing my door..
I sat back in my seat.. and put my headphones on..
"Ross! Come on! KP is right there" Max said I just sighed
"hey.. what you doing?" Ross asked
"yelling at you at the moment..." Max said all I could do was turn my Mic off and starting laughing..
"sure.. well I'm going to recorded.. talk to you after.. Go Vision Squad!" Ross said...
Max just laughed.. god I could just hear Max's laugh everyday.. and everything would feel good even if it was a rainy day..
I turned my mic back on and I also turn Video back on..
"Hey.. Max what would be a good recipe?" I asked
"I have no clue.. miss giggle fit" Max said
"W-what do you mean!" I said
"I can read it on your face... you have been laughing" he said...
I had nothing to say to that so I just..
"Let's Change the subject!" I said
"Okay.. so I was wondering.. if I do a live Stream tonight do you want to be apart of it?" He asked
"Wait? What game?" I asked
"G-mod or something like that" he said
"... hum.. how about a scary map?" I asked
"..." he said nothing
"Who would be all apart of it?" I asked
"Well I was wondering if you could ask Adam for me.. and I'll Ask Tim and Ross" he said
"If I ask Adam could we maybe see if Alesa could to?" I said
"Sure if you want.." he said
(Sorry for the Short chapter.. it's pretty late at night right now.. also.. I want to ask do you guys want a upload schedule?.. because I have alot of stories on my hands.. but I'm just asking if you want me to or not? Please help!.. also.. if you checked my other stories please comment...
RRRiiigggghhhttt here... 😺
Thanks again!)
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