Don't Look Away Chapter 4: Suicide
This morning I first looked at the curtain it's close! How could that be! Last night I left it open nevermind.Then someone called me on my phone it was Ichigo he always calls me whenever he is bored and he is just 10 years old.He is turning 11, next month
Ichigo: Ummh... Hi Alex have you heard the accident happens yesterday it was near your house.
Alexis: Well it is (I think it is me I killed Zack)? Is it s boy or a girl?
Ichigo: A girl of course.
Alexis:(Phew, that's a close one) well what's the story Ichigo?
Ichigo:She was walking well I mean she is sitting I saw her eating icecream her icecream flavor is Straw berry and she really Really like it then suddenly a black hooded man appear in front of her Holding an Axe.Well the boy hits the other child.That kid is looked a lot like you Alexis, that girl realy look like you.
Alexis: (It's Zack he is the one who hold Axe yesterday but I didn't notice his hood) well what happened next?
Ichigo:The boy remove his hood and started to stab her many times with it.
Alexis:(Ooh that's why Zack's hood is gone and his axe has blood yesterday that's so uncool) well that's it Ichigo?
Ichigo:Of course not,I ran awau because i'm very scared ig might be me the next one who will die.
Alexis:(Zack is such a piece of crap anyway he is in hell)
well where is Kiara?
Ichigo: She is here...In my house cause she is so lonely do you want to stay here too?
Alexis:Hhhmmm...Ok i'm getting bored here i'll just gonna pack up my things.
Ichigo:Ok see you...
Alexis:Dewa Mada!
Then I packed my things.I'll bring some hat or a cap,A t-shirt (That says "Rock N'roll) A boots and Long wrapped Boots and a LOVE necklace.And a tablet (I'll bring apple ipod "Peace!")
Later in Ichigo's mansion...
Alexis:Hello Ichigo-kun! I love your outfit.
Ichigo:*blushes* do you? Umh Arigatou Gosaimasu Alexis (Why don't she just say "like" and why "Love")
Alexis:Hihihi oh! Where's Kira?
Ichigo:I told you she is inside Alex!
When we went inside I saw Kira near the window she stands in front of us and she said "Goodbye" .And we ran to catch her but we were too late I saw her fall and as she fall she was hitten by a glass I saw her blood flowing around then I stared at Ichigo.
Alexis: Ichigo!!! How the hell did that happened?!!
Ichigo:W-what?!! I don't know! She just
Alexis:You don't know I know that you know it!!!
Ichigo: Okay okay I will say it... *sigh* she said something to me while we are talking she kept saying the word "Dont!"
But I already said it to you.I looked to her eyes it is turning for Jealousy because I have no much time for her.But obviously we are nit GF or BF.We are just friends!
Alexis: *sleeps* *snores*
Ichigo: Are you even listening!!!!????
Alexis:Oh yeah! What where am I??! I mean Yes I am so that's it?!!
Ichigo: Yeah turns out j-j-Jealousy
Alexis: It is such a dumbass to think that she will suicide!
Ichigo: anyway y-y-you should call the c-c-cops or ambulance.
Alexis: eeeh? Its up to you Ichigo its not my fault!
Ichigo: (She is not terrified at all) o-o-okay!
Then I ran to my house and started to go in my room then I hold my pillow tightly.
Alexis: Shit! I always see blood surrounding me *looks at the clock.
Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
Alexis: I am wasting my time,but since it's night time I will go to sleep stupid life.
???: STUPID LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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