"is he going to be okay?" he asked the doctor frantically as he stepped out of louis' room.
"he has a weak heartbeat, lad. you can go in if you want, but i can't promise he's going to talk or anything."
harry nodded understandingly as the doctor walked away from the room.
harry sighed as he walked in the room.
louis looked pale, not as pale as before, but still very pale.
his ribs were very noticeable against his skin.
he looked so fragile, as if you touch him, he'll shatter into a million pieces.
harry sighed. he should call the lads and perrie.
he decided to call perrie first, although he knew she wasn't going to be so considerate to him at first.
"what, harry?" perrie asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone.
"louis' in the hospital. call zayn, i'll call liam and niall. just hurry."
perrie gasped. "oh, no. okay. which hospital? jackson or peter?"
"peter, now hurry!"
perrie hung up quickly, and harry started to dial liam.
"hey, mate. how are you holding up?"
harry sighed. "not good. louis is at peter hospital. come quick!"
liam was silent. "crap, okay. i was on my way to get niall for nandos. does he know?"
"no. i was actually just about to call him. perrie is telling zayn and they're on their way. get niall. i'll tell him before you get there."
"okay. bye." harry hung up and started to dial niall.
he was scared for this one.
"hello?" his irish tone rang through his ear.
harry slumped into the chair beside louis' bed.
he caressed his bony hand.
"niall." harry's voice cracked as he looked at louis.
"harry? what's wrong?"
"louis is in the hospital. liam already knows, he's coming to get you now to come here."
"what happened?" he asked, his voice wavering.
"i'll tell you when you get here." harry hung up the phone before he started to cry again.
his red-rimmed eyes looked up at louis.
"louis, i'm so sorry." harry cried, silent tears dropping.
he glanced up at the heart monitor.
his heartbeat was weak.
"louis, can you talk to me?" harry asked, even though he knew the response.
he sighed.
he dialed louis' mum, and delivered the news.
she said she'll be there as soon as possible.
he then dialed his mum, she said basically the same thing as johanna.
as he ended the call with him mum, he heard the rapid click of heels and boots.
"excuse me, lady, who are you?" asked a man.
"i'm perrie, and i need to get into that room."
"i'm sorry, you can't go in there."
"we're his best friends!" she protested.
"what's going on?" asked a familiar voice.
i sighed and walked out of the room.
"hey, they can come in. they're cool." i told the security guard.
he sighed, but reluctantly stepped aside to let the group of four inside.
i closed the door behind niall, the last person to step inside.
"what happened?" asked all of them in unison.
i sighed. "he called me, and i couldn't understand him. all i heard was 'come quick', so i did," harry fought back the new tears threaten to fall, "i found him on the floor with an empty pill bottle in his hands."
perrie sneered at harry. "you made him do this!" she yelled, stepping up to him.
"you left him, harry! you left him, and now look where he is! did you know for four days he didn't move from that couch with your stupid pink blanket?!"
"perrie," warned zayn, "calm down."
"i won't calm down, zayn," she said, not looking away from harry, "this is all harry's fault."
"perrie, let's go outside for a little bit," zayn said, wrapping an arm around her waist.
perrie huffed, but walked outside.
"i'm sorry, mate." zayn apologized before following perrie out.
harry sat into the chair beside him and placed his head down. "she's right."
"we don't know for sure, haz." liam said.
that's why harry loves liam...
not like that but he does.
he doesn't give harry false hope, but he doesn't make him feel like crap either.
they sat in silence, until they heard one long beep.
harry's eyes grew wide. "get help!" he yelled, running to louis.
"no, louis, you have to stay with us." pleaded harry, "please. i love you." he cried as a single tear dropped on louis' hand.
"stand back!" a male doctor said, gently pushing harry back.
they had the same electrical thing-y from the ambulance.
a defibrillator?
"charging, 200, clear!" they placed the paddles on louis' chest, and he spiked up.
the doctors looked frantically at the heart monitor.
"no pulse, doctor."
"again!" she said, "charging, 400, clear!"
the same thing happened.
he spiked up, no pulse.
"no pulse."
niall was sobbing into liam's chest, and perrie and zayn weren't back from their walk yet.
"charging, 600, clear!"
same thing.
"charging, 800, clear!"
same thing.
"c'mom tommo." harry heard liam whisper.
perrie walked in and she made an inhumane noise.
"oh my gosh, louis!" she screamed.
zayn walked in and his eyes were blown wide.
perrie hid her face into zayn's chest as louis' chest pumped up again.
"we're gonna have to charge to 1000."
"but doctor-"
"now." she demanded.
the nurse sighed and it started charging.
"c'mon louis," the doctor said, "this is your last chance. come back to us."
the doctor sighed. "charging, 1000, clear!"
i know nothing about
defibrillators or any
thing related to doctors.
so basically, idk what
the hell i wrote. i
looked some stuff up,
but it kinda helped i
guess. well i hope you
enjoyed the story
so far. x
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