Chapter 4 (Prince)
His behavior changed randomly. I could sense the change in our environment, but a glance at the others proved none of us had any ideas about who was causing the change. Suddenly he stood and started running. I dashed after him, the others trailing far too slowly. We all found ourselves at an old oak door in no time.
"Please, no more! Please!" Anxiety shrieked.
"You need to be managed." a hard voice spoke, only slight femininity under the tone. "Orders are orders and the brain is telling me to kill you while I can." I turned to the others, who had just caught up.
"Go check Thomas. Find out who's doing this and try to stop this from happening!" I urgently stage whispered to the others. They darted off quickly with only slight looks of, inconvenience more than anything.
"Stop! Please..." when he whined and went silent I broke down the door. The sight I saw only stopped me in my tracks for a moment. He was unconscious. A woman was bent over his body. Her fists were raised and his hoodie was laying off to the side along with his shirt. His upper arm had a bright 100 on it that stood out against his pale skin. Without a thought, I raced over and punched her away, collecting Anni in my arms. His breathing was shallow and he was hardly responding to me when I ran off, intent on getting to the others.
Somehow, my feet kept leading me to that horrible room. I sat down outside the door with Anni in my arms.
"I'm sorry Anni." I whispered softly into his ear. He leaned into my touch, trying to hold on. Slowly, an idea came to me. I closed my eyes and reopened them to a room with a big conference table in the center of it. Why didn't I think of this earlier? It would've saved Anni from some of his embarrassment. I'm so stupid.
I glanced around the room, noticing the other figures sitting around it. There were several of them. Anni's own weakness, his anxiety, his hopes and dreams, his logic, his depression, and his humor. (*In other words Prince is now inside Anxiety's mind.*)
"The body is barely hanging on." Weakness reported to the others.
"I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
And I'm aggressive, just one thought ain't close enough
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
Cause every moment gone you know I miss you." Hopes and dreams began singing in the background of Anni's mind. It was a good song but my attention stayed focused on the other people inside Anni's mind.
"I'm the question and you're of course the answer
Just hold me close boy 'cause I'm your tiny dancer
You make me shaken, I'm, never mistaken
But I can't control myself, got me calling out for help."
"I hadn't noticed we were so weak." Humor said, his voice laced with a heavy coat of sarcasm.
"S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
You got me tossing and turning, can't sleep at night."
"No time to argue about that. Have we come to a decision or must I ask my question again?" Anni's anxiety asked, clearly the ruler of Anni's mind.
"This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind had got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it."
"Ask your question again. I forgot." Weakness responded, nearly silently.
"This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me
Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it
La la la, la la la, la la la la la, oh."
"Fine. What does he have to live for?" Inner-Anxiety asked.
"Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes, it's a lesson, it's unfair, you stole my vanity
My tummy's up in knots and when I see ya it gets so hot
My common sense is out the door, can't seem to find the lock."
"That is a good question." Humor responded.
"Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right
I melt with you, you got me head over heels (head over heels)
Boy you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel
"Yeah, I don't even know how to answer that anymore." Inner-Logic responded dubiously.
"S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
You got me tossing and turning, can't sleep at night."
"In my opinion, the answer is obvious." Inner-Depression stated.
"This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it."
"Well? Are you gonna share your opinion with the rest of us?" Inner-Anxiety asked.
"This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me
Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it
La la la, la la la, la la la la la, oh."
"Right. So the answer is no. He has nothing to live for." Inner-Depression glanced around the table, his expression serious.
"Boy, you know you got me feeling open
And boy, your love's enough with words unspoken
I said boy! I'm telling you, you got me open
I don't know what to do, it's true
I'm going crazy over you, I'm begging."
"Give evidence to back up your claim." Inner-Logic demanded.
"S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S-O-S, please someone help me
It's not healthy for me to feel this
Y-O-U are making this hard
You got me tossing and turning, can't sleep at night."
"None of his co-workers care about him. Even his crush on Prince can't save him now. Prince hates him. He did slap him after all." Inner-Depression backed up his claim, glancing around the room to see if anyone would argue with him. I paused. My Anni... had a crush? On me? I looked up to finally see Anni's hopes and dreams starting to fade. He was clutching a sash similar to my own to his chest.
"It was a mistake. I promise Prince is sorry. He didn't mean to hurt Anni. Please don't die on me Anni." I cried out. The others glanced at me, just now realizing I was there and I didn't belong. Inner-Anxiety lifted his hands on me and I began to slip out of Anxiety and back to my own body.
"We have to vote on a decision." was his only explanation.
"Wait!" Inner-Anxiety paused for a moment and I continued. "Don't kill Anni. I... love him." then I opened my eyes back in my own body, just as Anxiety began to wrap up his song.
"This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
Cause you on my mind has got me losing it
(all of the time)..." He finished softly. I grabbed his hand in hope and pulled it close to my chest, hoping he could hear and be comforted by my heartbeat.
"I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me
Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it
La la la, la la la, la la la la la, oh..." I sung back to him slowly, making sure my words were expressive and clear for him to hear.
The silence was tense. There was nothing for what felt like hours. I began to lose hope and broke down sobbing over his body. He remained limp in my arms.
*Song is 'SOS' by Rihanna. In previous chapter it was 'Love Song' by Sara Bareilles*
*Sorry about the cliffhanger*
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