Stay With Me
~Jordon POV~
I sat on my couch and kept glancing at my phone. He promised to text back when he was off the plane and started driving here. By now he should have texted me but maybe he forgot. He tends to forget stuff like this and remember it when he is doing another task. To pass the time I played with my ring moving it back and forth. A smile spread on my lips as I remembered him proposing.
We've been walking for hours around town. Sky was bright blue and fluffy white clouds dotted the sky.
"Are we almost there," I whined. He ignored me and continued to walk. "Are we almost there yet," I whined again. Again the same response silence. Frustrated I let go of his hand and finally heard him speak.
"Jordy we are almost there but need to tie my shoe," he said finally. I shrugged and saw we were next to a fountain. Water danced up and fell down onto the sparkling water. "Jordan will you please look at me," he said softly.
I glanced over and saw he was kneeling down. "We've been together for a long time and I think it's about time we become pizza eating buddies," he before he opened a black velvet box with a plastic ring and a pizza charm was stuck on it.
"Really this requires kneeling and a stupid ring for something idiotic," I said with an eye roll.
"Yup," he said with a stupid smile and got up.
"Okay then I say no,", I said with a giggle. He gave a playful hurt look and chuckled. He grabbed my hand and I held onto it. My stomach rumbled loudly and I looked at him.
"Let's go get some pizza," he said with a big smile. I nodded and we walked to a pizza parlor. After picking a pizza we walked down to the park. It was desolate of kids yelling. A few young couples strolled through the park probably skipping highschool and going to fuck. We went off the path and we sat on a bright green bench over looking a lake. Two swans swam side by side in the middle of the lake. Ducks dotted the lush outline of the lake.
"It's so beautiful here," I said before I took a bite of pizza. He just nodded and nibbled on his pizza. We ate in silence except for the occasional quack from a duck.
"So how is the pizza," I asked.
"Honestly your pizza is way better," he said with a small smile.
"You can talk," I said with a big smile. His smile grew and revealed his pearl white teeth. I punched his side playful and giggled. He leaned next to me and dropped his half eaten pizza. He stood up and then kneeled down to pick the pizza up.
He then scooted over and was in front of me. Again dropped the pizza and spoke.
"Jordan from the day I met you I knew I had found the one. The one that would make a rainy day the sunniest and brightest day. Make whole stomach feel like a zoo not a few butterflies. Only one that has stolen my heart countless times. So I have a simple question," he said and then rummaged in his pocket. He finally pulled out a white box. "Will you marry me," he said before opening the box.
"Yes! Yes," I yelled repeatedly with tears of joy streaming down my face. He picked the gold band with white diamonds reflecting the light and set it on my finger. It fit like his hand against mine.
"I love you," I said as I wiped tears of my face.
"I love you too," he said as he stood up. He leaned over and pecked my lips.
Finally the phone lit up and vibrated breaking me out of my memory. I snatched up my phone and swiped it.
Almost there ^-^
Focus on driving love
Fine mom
I'll be sleeping when you get here
Be safe
I'll be fine and besides it's just a little bit of snow out here
Liar it's basically a blizzard out there
Just a bit of snow bb
I thought I was your mom not a baby
You know what
No I don't know what. Is what nice?
Okay no I don't know
I love you
I love you too
I clicked my phone off and laid on the couch. I waited for a vibration but non came. My eyelids were getting heavy and I gave into sleep.
I woke up to loud knocking and groaned. I swung my legs into the cool hardwood flooring and shuffled to the door. I unlocked the door and swung it open.
"Good morning sir. Are you Jordan Maron. Fiance of a-," said a tall cop with red hair before I cut him off by yelling a yes.
"Okay I regret to inform you that your finance is in a coma," said a shorter male cop. I grabbed my coat that hung beside the door and a pair of shoes. I shoved past the cops and ran barefoot through the cold white snow into my car. Cops were yelling at me to get back but I ignored them and jammed the key into the ignition. I reversed out of my driveway and swing into the road. I sped off to the closest hospital.
Finally I arrived I slipped on my shoes and coat. I opened the car door and stepped outside after I shut the car off. Each step I took I felt slightly dizzy but I pushed onwards into the hospital. Inside I was greeted by a bubbly brunette female.
"I need to visit my finance who was administrated last night," I said with tears threatening my eyes.
"Oh the guy who got into the car accident. Hold on," she said and began to tap on her keyboard. "Okay so he is room C17," she said with a small smile. I nodded and walked down the halls. I finally made it into the C hallway and began counting the numbers as I walked by until I reached his room. I was about to walk into the room but a doctor stopped me.
"Sir no people are aloud in the room currently unless you family," he said slightly annoyed.
"His family is in England and I'm his finance," I said calmly.
"Oh okay. So currently he is in a coma. Now here's the thing about comas it depends on the person on when that wake up. Some take a few weeks others never but he is a fighter so I'm guessing he'll wake up soon,' he said with a nod.
"Can I see him," I asked anxiously.
"Not till tomorrow," he said before walking away.
~One Year Later~
I walked into his room like I had done routinely since that day I've been allowed to visit him. I looked at his frail pale body hoping for a small twitch. None like always but today will be different. I walked over to his uncomfortable bed and sat next to him.
"Why won't you wake up," I yelled at him. Tears from my eyes dripped onto the white sheets. "They say you're a fighter but all you've done is just lay here. Not moving and getting worse each day!"
I grabbed his limp hand and kissed it. "But it's okay my knight because today is different." I gently set his hand down and stood up. I walked over to a bouquet of roses and pulled the reddest one out.
"It's a shame that you are laying here day and night but today is different." I walked over to the machinery and glanced at him.
"I know you never liked roses but today is different." I tossed the red rose onto his chest and it rolled onto his hand. I kneeled down and grabbed the white wires collecting the energy for the machinery with my hands.
"Today is different for you Tom," I said as I yanked the plugs out of the electronic socket.
Happy Valentine's Day all of you ^-^
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