This chapter is dedicated to
Also sorry for the long wait *glares at writer's block* also you should definitely check out those two in my opinion there are AMAZING and thanks again for reading! :)
Kanan's POV
When we get up I check on Ezra and see he's still asleep so I go down stairs and help Hara with researching and it turn out that the two girls from the tower are Ezra's Aunts how were also killed during fight 66 "poor kid" Hara said "yaa I've had my share of bed luck but this... this is beyond that." So after about three hours of research I went to check on the kid again.
Ezra's POV
When I woke up I saw I wasn't in my tower and started to freak out but then remembered the bedroom and calmed down. After about a halve hour I heard someone come up the steps so I looked up and saw some low hanging beams and emedeitly claimed up. Less then a minute after I got up here that guy comes in. I pounce on him and make a run for it. After I ran about halve way to my tower I stopped and sat down thinking about what to do I can't go back to my tower they'll just find me again but that's were almost all my stuff is so... I'll go to the tower and get some necessities then find somewhere els to live. Ok then its decided and with that I get up start running to my tower. (Its only takes a day if you run)
When I get there I grab...
Three shirts
Three pairs of jeans
Two blankets
One pillow
Five water bottles
Ten cans of bens
Two lofes of bread
Two sleeves of crackers
One pair of gloves
One winter hat
One hair brush
(Comment and tell me if there's something I should have put but remember he is homeless so he won't have stuff like deoderent)
After I got all this in the bag and backpack I head out.
Kanan's POV.
After Ezra left I immediately got my horse Niko
And ride out after him. After a few hours I find him leaving his tower with a bag and a backpack in hand. So I start my horse out at a lop and grab him by the waste and put him in front of me and start galloping home but when I look down I see that some how Ezra was knock out. Then I remember. It was when I grabbed him he hit his head on the saddle but I didn't think it would be that bad. Well nothing I can do now. Hara's going to kill be if Ezra's bleeding.
Hara's POV.
When Kanan got Ezra home he was thrashing in his arms and I could clearly see only one thing in his eyes, fear. That was the only thing I could see when I looked at him fear so without a second thought I went to him and hugged him then I mange to pick him up and carry him to the porch but it took a while since he is struggling against my grip. When we get to the porch and I sit down I start rocking him but he wasn't calming down so I started to sing the lullaby that my mother used to sing to me
It's not where you come from
It's where you'll be loved
There's nothing I would trade
wouldn't have it any other way. Your surrounded by love And you'll never feel alone
Now come home with me
Right where you belong
(Star-Wars-Dragons is the one how wrote this however I did a little editing hope you don't mind Star-Wars-Dragons if so tell me in the comments and I will change it back)
After I finished singing I looked down and see that Ezra is completely calm so with a smile I set him down on the porch between me and Kanan then I start explaining.
"See when we were looking for kids to adopt I came across you. but at the same time Kanan was looking for a kid that had been stealing and we found out that you were the one stealing and you were once at orphanage but you ran away then few years later the orphanage shut down so when you were at the hospital we adopted you and took you to our home were you woke up and you know the rest." When I'm done the only thing Ezra does is nod. Then "so do you want to be apart of our family?" Kanan asks "I don't know." Comes the reply
Then I decide to interfere "you don't have to know how about you stay with us for... one week do you think that would help?" He only shrugs but then says "I'll stay but... at the end of the week if I decide to leave I can just leave right?" "Of course" me and Kanan say in union "ok then I'll try it" "that's all we ask" I say
Ezra's POV.
I can't believe it they want to adopt me and not only that but they didn't force me to make my decision right there and then. But then I remembered "is it ok of I go to my tower and get some of my stuff?" "Of course I'll go with you" Kanan replies "and so will I and Kanan don't you think it would be faster if we rode Nicko Ghost and or Phantom there?" "Yes." Was his reply but then he turned to me "do you know how to ride a horse?" I nod "well then let's get saddled up Nicko's ready but I'll help Ezra" and Hara nods in response and we all head to the barn.
When we enter I see four stalls three have name tags on them there's Nicko but its empty then there's Ghost
Then at the end was Phantom
I went over to get a good look. She's a female looks like she's a thoroughbred about five years old and looks like she's a jumper
"Can I ride Phantom?" I ask Kanan "you can try but she's very high spirited" he says with a little uneasiness in his voice "ok" is my response. "Ok I'll get the tack" I hear Kanan say before going in another direction but my eyes remain on the mare "hey girl ready to go for a ride its been awhile since I rode but don't think I forgot and don't try any tricks on me either Kay girl" I get a small whinny in response. Not even two seconds later Kanan comes in with the tak. So I grab the bridle and swiftly put it on her then I grab the saddle pad and open the door to the stall and calmly walk in and put it on her then I grab the saddle and put it on her with ease after I have it in the right place I sinch it up but I realize she holding her breath so I lightly knee her in the stomach and I hear her breath out and once again I tighten the sinch after that I calmly walk her out of the stall I look over and see Hara with horses she smiles then walked her horse out side and I follow. When were outside we both mount up and I'm met with a surprise Phantom starts bucking. Thank the heavens my dad taught me everything rodeo which involves riding bucking horses and bulls and this horse is no different after a bit she gave that up and started barreling around and thank the heavens again that my mom taught me everything that evolves English ridding which includes racing so again I stade on and she quickly gave up and I took that as my que to make my move so quickly I shorten then reigns and start moving her into a circle until she calmed down then I troted over to Hara and Kanan how were mounted and both have looks of surprise on them "how did you do that" they both ask at the same time *chuckle* "my mom was an English rider my dad was a Western rider" I with that my smile vanishes and I turn and start galloping of in the direction of my tower.
Time skip to when they get there
Still Ezra's POV.
When we get to my tower I tie my reins to a post right outside the tower and I head in and on the way I grab the bag and backpack that I dropped. When I get inside I grab
My computer
My tools
My saber
My shield and helmet
Two picture of my old horse
Three shirts
Three pairs of jeans
A book of legends
My moms saber
My Dads blasters
There rings
My blasters
A first add kit
An extra pair of boots
Three crystal necklaces
After that replaced the items in the bag and backpack I went outside to see the Imperial gang attacking them so carefully thinking it over I grab my two sabers (his and his moms which are both green) and attack the Imperials luckily I didn't have to hurt any of them unluckily I knew I had a lot of questions to answer.
Hi sorry it took so long to do this but come on it took me at least a week to get one suggestion. But once I did get two suggestions my lil sis kept interrupting me along with the rest of my family so now I'm back and ready to wright however... I still need suggestions/ideas so please comment and tell me what you think.
Thanks again for reading my book! :)
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