Karl didn't give a single fuck about any boundaries, when he wrote to him a few days later, asking what he was up to. Nick didn't lie, he replied completely honestly with a short message: 'Cleaning my bong.'
Karl: ???????? And where did my invitation go, got lost in the mail???
Nick: Invitation to clean my bong?
Karl: Since you're already cleaning it, we can use it
Karl: wanna meet up?
Nick: now?
Karl: do you have plans?
Nick: not really
Karl: so what's the problem?
Nick: idk
Karl: so?
Nick: Do you really want to?
Karl: to come over?
Nick: get high with me
Karl: Well, I think so
Karl: You said it feels good
Nick: Yeah, but it's still something new for you
Karl: but you'll take care of me, I trust you(:
Nick: I guess so
Karl: so... we're doing this?
Nick: Why does that sound ambiguous?
Karl: who knows~
Nick: When won't you have work the next day?
Karl: Friday
Nick: then come over on friday
Karl: Okay, Friday it is
Karl: Still, do you want to see each other?
Nick: Now?
Karl: YES!!
Nick: Skatepark?
Karl: Sounds amazing, in 30 minutes?
Nick: Okayyy
Nick's mind was pulsing with the thought of Friday, and he knew Karl was eagerly anticipating it as well. He could see the excitement in Karl when he mentioned it during their meeting at the skate park. Sapnap hoped that everything would just go smoothly and that there wouldn't be any unpleasant situations.
So, when Friday arrived, Nick made sure to have a killer workout to enter the situation with a clear head. He was in the bathroom when the doorbell rang, interrupting the cheerful shouting of George and Dream, who were occupying the kitchen.
"Open the door for me" Nick shouted from the bathroom, wiping himself off faster, knowing he wouldn't have time to dry his hair, so he didn't even try.
George, as usual, went to open the door and smiled widely at the sight of the guest. "Karl, great to see you, come on in" the boy said, letting him in instantly. "Nick will be here soon, I think he's taking a shower."
"Cool. Hey," the boy said calmly, taking off his white shoes, which took a few inches off him. "I'm starting to see that you became the doorman here."
"Oh, come on, those leeches don't even want to get up to open their own doors anymore" the British boy replied, amused, grabbing Karl's arm trying to act all innocent. "And where are you guys going out with Sap?"
"I guess he stopped being so keen to go out with me just to have to walk me home, so I guess we'll be cooped up in the apartment forever now" Karl replied, smiling brightly at Dream that came into his vision. "Hey, Clay."
"Hey, Karl" the blond replied. "Good to finally see you. You haven't visited us lately."
"He just misses the muffins, they're all fake ass bitches here" George assured, causing Karl to giggle.
"Well, then Clay you just need to visit me at the cafe, I'll gladly share something good and forget to charge you" Karl assured, winking at the blond man playfully.
"Wow, so Sapnap has it that good with you?" Clay smiled.
"Not that he's taking advantage of it" Karl replied with a long sigh. "I'm not sure if he knows where I work, honestly."
"Oh, he knows" George assured. "He told us. I thought he was visiting you there when he talked about those weird runs."
"No, he's crazy" Dream said seriously, laying his arms on the counter and leaning towards them as if he was about to spill the juiciest gossip. Karl was intrigued. "He started running lately. And I joined him once. But he's kind of insane. He doesn't run, he sprints as if he's being chased by a killer with a machete. I lost him after 10 minutes. I found him after another 30, lying under some tree, unable to breathe."
"What the fuck?" George exclaimed a little concerned. "What's wrong with him?"
"I don't know. But I don't recommend running with him ever" the blond assured them. "I know, I won't."
"I never intended to start," Davidson muttered.
"Yeah, same" Karl chuckled. "There is no coexistence with me and anything that involves exercising."
"Oh my God, same!" George laughed. "We think similar, Karl. Great minds think alike and all that."
Nick put on his hoodie as he entered the kitchen from the hallway. His view was limited as Karl was standing behind the counter with George, so he could only see Nick's light purple hoodie with a silver zipper and a small butterfly on his chest.
"Sorry, I was taking a shower" Nick said, trying to get their attention. Karl immediately looked at him and made an unidentifiable noise, neither a groan nor a scream.
"Ew!" he exclaimed, covering his eyes immediately with his hands.
"What?" Nick asked confusedly, while George and Clay looked equally surprised by Karl's reaction.
"Take off that disgusting hoodie right now" Karl informed him, looking at Nick through his fingers. "Burn it."
"What's wrong with my hoodie?" Nick replied, bewildered, and then looked down, realizing what was going on. "Oh, I see."
Nick sighed and took off his hoodie. "There, I took it off. Don't panic" he said, rolling his eyes, and threw it over the dining table onto the couch to get it out of sight.
"That was disgusting" Karl commented very honestly.
"But why?" George asked, still quite confused.
"You wouldn't understand, you're color blind" Nick remarked.
"I hate orange" Karl replied, still seeing confusion on the boys' faces. "I hate it. If I could fight a color, we would have had several boxing matches already."
"Orange?" Clay laughed. "That's strangely specific hatred."
"Yep" Jacobs nodded. "Orange is a stupid color."
"Okay, maybe, let's not get into details" Nick requested. "We don't have time."
"We don't have time?" Karl was surprised but one look at Nick assured him that he was right. "Okay, I guess we don't have time."
"Well, come to the room then" Nick said, pointing his hand to the hallway.
"I see gentlemens still exist" Karl quipped sarcastically and exchanged a smile with George, as if they knew each other's thoughts. "Sorry, boys. My beloved is getting impatient, I can't keep him waiting."
Nick raised an eyebrow at Karl, and only then, when Karl was more in view because the kitchen island didn't cover him anymore, he saw that he had bare legs. His shorts were slightly larger in the same color that was his zip-up hoodie and he looked really good, but it stirred the cogs in Nick's brain that should have been asleep.
"And are you going to the beach dressed like that?" Nick asked, a little sarcastically.
"You told me to dress comfortably, how was I supposed to know what that means?" the brunette replied with flirtatious playfulness.
"Never mind" Nick sighed. "Just go."
"I am going," he laughed and looked over his shoulder at Nick, who just gave him a quick glance. "By the way, do we agree that my butt looks good in these shorts?"
"Karl" Nick muttered embarrassed, hearing George's laughter behind him. "I'm not going to judge your ass."
"I thought we were friends" Karl said very suggestively.
"Not like that" the younger one assured him.
"What is friendship like that?" Karl snorted and pushed the door to Nick's room, then stopped. "After you."
"What's the difference who comes in first?" Nick asked seriously.
"None. Then why did you stop?" Karl asked. "Come on, I insist, go first."
"You're making a big deal out of nothing," Nick pointed out.
"Then why don't you go first?" Jacobs laughed. "Okay, alpha male. We'll just stand here in front of the door."
"You're an idiot," Nick decided, breaking quickly and stepping inside. Karl slipped in immediately behind him.
"See! I didn't even smack your ass" he announced cheerfully, then closed the door and turned the lock, to which Nick raised his eyebrows again.
"Why are we closing the door?" he asked quickly.
"For privacy," Jacobs replied amusedly, then approached Nick calmly. "Your hair is still wet."
"I just got out of the shower," Nick reminded him.
"I can feel you're all warm" Karl confirmed, placing his hands on Nick's muscular shoulders. "Did you take a shower just for me?"
"I was at the gym" Nick replied unconvincingly, allowing Karl's gentle fingers to lightly massage his biceps. Karl was interested and pressed his finger against one of the protruding veins and ran it along its length. "Did we meet to touch me?"
Karl immediately looked into his eyes.
"Well... partly" Jacobs giggled, making Nick blush a little. "And if you want, we can turn this into a completely touch-based meeting."
"No, thanks" younger replied somewhat nervously. "We don't want to do anything stupid." Nick added sternly as he looked at Karl.
"I don't think it's stupid" Karl replied with a mischievous grin, clearly not taking Nick's concerns seriously.
Nick rolled his eyes, but Karl's confident demeanor was contagious, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit more at ease. "So if you ever debate again whether someone will regret something, I'll make sure to reassure you that I won't. So you can..."
Nick's face turned bright red as he realized what Karl was implying. He took a step back, creating some distance between them.
"I don't think it's necessary," Nick stammered, trying to regain his composure, to which Karl smiled gently. "I didn't invite you for that."
"I know," the curly-haired man laughed. "I'm just saying in case you have doubts again. This situation, it reminds me a bit like when you wrote me that message."
"I'm sure you weren't that confident then" Nick muttered.
"Yeah well, I don't think either of us were confident then, but now is different." Karl smiled even brighter. "We've already taken a few first steps."
"No steps, we didn't go anywhere" Nick hastily assured him and turned around to start pulling out the weed from the box he had prepared earlier. "Let's not talk about it anymore."
"I think we did take those steps," Karl interjected, sitting cheerfully on the edge of the bed, putting his hands under his thighs and watching Nick prepare the bong. "But okay, let's drop it. I'm a little nervous, is that normal?"
"I don't know, do you want to do this?" Nick finally asked, looking over his shoulder at the brunette. "We don't have to."
"No, no. We can do this" he assured him, nodding. "Just... what if I do something really stupid? I mean, I know you'll look after me, but still, I'm a bit stressed. I don't want to come off as an idiot."
"So, you're ashamed that you might do or say something stupid, but telling me directly hey, we can have sex here and now is not weird at all?" Nick raised an eyebrow, looking at Karl, who chuckled and blushed slightly. "You have interesting priorities, I won't lie. What do you consider stupid?"
"I don't know. I heard that people have some crazy experiences after smoking. That's why I was always afraid to try it" he admitted.
"Calm down, I won't let you get too baked" Nick reassured him. "That's why we're doing it in the apartment, not at a party, and why you have tomorrow off in case you don't handle it well. But that's why I'm here, to save you if needed. So it'll be okay."
"Okay," Karl nodded, now feeling more convinced and relieved. "Uh, okay, I feel safe with you, so it'll be okay. I trust you."
"Do you prefer the bed or the floor?" Nick asked, looking at him skeptically as he fidgeted.
"And how do you usually do it?" Karl asked, widening his eyes.
"Okay, the floor it is. Sit comfortably and, you know, try to relax," Nick instructed, leaving the bong alone and instead turning on his computer and speakers. "What do you want to listen to?"
"I don't know" Karl whispered uncertainly.
"What calms you down?" Nick asked gently but seeing still uncertain look on Karl's face he simply added: "You know what, let's just play some indie rock."
Nick walked over to his computer and began scrolling through his music library, looking for the perfect playlist. As he searched, Karl sat down on the floor, his legs crossed and his back against the bed. He took a deep breath and tried to relax, feeling a bit nervous about what was about to happen.
Nick found the playlist he was looking for and hit play. The room was filled with the sound of mellow indie rock music, the kind that had a calming effect on the mind. Karl closed his eyes and let himself sink into the music, his body feeling lighter with each passing moment. Sapnap turned off the monitor so that the light wouldn't be a distraction. Then he picked up the ready bong, a lighter, and sat across from Karl, watching him with soft smile.
"What if I get really loud?" Karl asked, embarrassed. "Should we warn your roommates?"
"Dream and George are going out to play some D&D or some other crap tonight, and Luke's not here so scream as much as you want," Nick replied, as he expected Karl to look at him mischievous.
"Okay, I'll scream" he assured him. "Do you prefer to hear your name or-"
"I prefer to get high and chill" Nick interrupted, completing his sentence. "I'll show you how to do it and we'll try it together, okay?"
Karl nodded and rubbed his forehead, brushing aside his bangs.
Nick took a deep breath and started to explain to Karl how to use the bong, guiding him through each step. Once the instructions were complete, Nick took the first hit, inhaling deeply and holding the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds.
"Wow," the boy murmured. "Why, that was kinda..."
This comment made Nick release the smoke from his lungs and cough lightly. Karl watched with fascination as the white smoke swirled around Sapnap's head.
"Karl, what!" he exclaimed in horror.
"Sorry," he chuckled and squinted at the smoke around him, wrinkling his nose when he smelled it. "Just... you look good. I won't comment anymore. Sorry."
"Do you want to try now?" Nick suggested.
"Could you... you know, light it for me? I don't know if I trust myself with fire" he whispered uncertainly.
"Need me to hold your hand too?" Nick joked, to which Jacobs nodded.
"That would be nice," he whispered shyly. "And when should I pull it out?" he muttered, pointing to the bowl piece. "How do I know when there's enough smoke?"
Nick sighed. "Okay, come closer. Don't stress out so much. If something goes wrong, we'll change tactics."
"Don't stress out" Karl mocked him, but he slid along the bedline.
"Hold it with one hand on the neck and the other hand over the carb. Just like I said before, I'll take care of the rest" Nick assured him, approaching the side of the bed. "It's almost like smoking a cigarette."
"I've never smoked a cigarette before" Karl whispered, looking at Nick in disbelief.
"Oh my god" Nick chuckled. "Okay, so let's start with a small hit. Don't just hold it in your mouth. You have to treat it more like breathing to inhale it into your lungs."
"Okay, I'll try" he finally said, putting his lips to the mouthpiece, and Nick, holding the side of the bong, started to light the weed, which soon filled the chamber with thick smoke.
"Be ready" Nick said gently and pulled out a piece that allowed Karl to inhale the smoke straight into his mouth. Karl immediately blew it out with squinted eyes and a slight grimace. A white cloud surrounded him as Nick watched closely. Karl started to cough lightly.
"Oh my god" he whispered in a hoarse voice. "And you do this for pleasure?"
Nick laughed carelessly and put down the bongo, rubbing Karl's back with his hand. "You handled it like a pro" he reassured him.
"Oh man, why am I feeling so hot?" Karl asked, unzipping his hoodie. Nick looked down at his white undershirt and faltered slightly, as it ended just above his belly button, where his violet shorts hung loosely. Nick had to avert his gaze and grab the bongo again to go back to smoking, because it definitely shouldn't affect him this way. It's just stupid clothing.
However, Karl ostentatiously took off his hoodie and watched Nick with flushed cheeks. Sapnap skillfully took a long drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs. Then he gave the bong back to Jacobs and once again helped him with the whole process. As Karl took his second puff, he seemed to handle it much better this time and didn't cough as much.
"It's such a funny, wet feeling" Jacobs finally remarked. "But at the same time, my mouth is dry."
"Oh, right" Nick said calmly, smiling. "I forgot I bought you a Monster."
"Did you buy me an energy drink?" he asked, blinking in amazement.
"Oh, I think it's your favourite? White Monster, right?" he answered gently.
"Yeah, but- I didn't think you remembered" he shrugged.
"I also have carrot juice, I can bring it in a cup, so you don't see the color" he offered.
"Later" Karl muttered calmly. "It's still okay."
Their smoking session lasted a good twenty minutes. As the smoke continued to fill the small room, Nick noticed that Karl's eyes were getting heavier and his speech was starting to slow down. Nick himself was feeling the effects of the bong hits, and he could feel the sensation of his mind expanding and his thoughts becoming hazy. He could feel his body relaxing and a wave of euphoria washing over him.
"The air is thick," Karl muttered with red cheeks and an amused smile. "Is that normal?"
"It's because of the smoke," the boy answered gently and leaned against the bed. Karl's eyes slowly glazed over and a goofy smile started to form on his lips. "Karl Jacobs... you're high."
"I am?" he replied, his voice laced with amusement and after staring into the younger man's eyes for a few seconds, he finally started giggling, and Nick joined in instantly. Sapnap couldn't help but smile widely, feeling a sense of happiness and calmness wash over him.
The two of them laughed uncontrollably, their bodies shaking with the force of their laughter. Karl's giggles eventually turned into deep belly laughs, causing him to grab his stomach as he tried to catch his breath. Nick wiped his eyes slightly, still smiling at the sight of Karl's happiness.
After a few minutes, the laughter finally subsided, leaving the room quiet except for the sound of their deep breaths. Nick took a deep inhale of the thick air and adjusted his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his body as the high continued to wash over him.
"It's nice" Karl said, listening to the gentle music and letting it carry in the thick air. "It tickles my throat a bit, but it's not as scary anymore."
"Of course it's nice" Nick murmured calmly and took the bongo back in his hands, wanting more. He released white smoke with the words "There's nothing better than being stoned. Problems just don't exist."
"With you, they never do" Karl suddenly murmured, chuckling softly.
"You're biased," Nick muttered calmly and stretched, snapping his fingers.
"And you do everything in a very hot way" Karl muttered, looking at his hands with interest. His pupils enlarged amusingly.
"You like my hands that much?" Nick asked, his voice slow and cautious. He reached for the bongo again, his fingers wrapping around the familiar shape of the glass thing. It was a comforting feeling, something to hold onto in this moment of sparkling electricity.
"I thought you remembered when I told you they were sexy" Karl replied, biting his lip. "Can I do it again?" he asked, pointing at the bong.
"Sure," Nick muttered calmly, handing the bong back to Karl. He helped him again, but this time he didn't move away from him. Instead, he stayed right beside him, took his own hit and blew smoke into Karl's face, making him close his eyes at the slight stinging of smoke.
"Hey- you know how sometimes in movies they do that thing where they blow smoke into each other's mouths?" Karl began almost shyly, looking at Nick with curiosity.
Nick raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the suggestion. "You want a shotgun?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Um, I don't know, we could try it" Jacobs confirmed, still looking a bit hesitant. "I think it could be nice."
"Not with the bong" Nick gently informed him. "It's better with joints or regular cigarettes."
"Oh" Karl murmured sadly. "Maybe next time."
"Next time?" Nick chuckled and leaned closer, resting one hand on the bed behind them.
"Maybe," Karl giggled and looked at Nick with his wide pupils. "Or maybe I'm just high and talking nonsense, but I want more. It's nice."
"Yeah, it's really nice," Nick reassured him, nodding. "It'll be even better when it fully hits."
They spent the next few minutes slowly passing the bong back and forth, as if time was dragging on endlessly. Eventually, Nick had to put it down as they had smoked too much. He felt his body becoming lighter in every dimension, while Karl had a slightly red tinted eyes, unaccustomed to so much smoke around him.
Sapnap got up to put the bong away safely on the desk at a distance from them, and then decided to go get something to drink for Karl. His mind was completely filled with thoughts about him and making him feel good. Nick knew he was slowly losing it, but he needed to take care of him. He knew that. Especially when he saw him leaning on the bed with an absent smile.
Nick closed the door relatively quietly and locked it, finally slumping down next to Karl, who chuckled at his sight.
"Hey handsome" Jacobs said softly to which Nick just smiled foolishly and showed him the can of Monster. "Mhm, I'll marry you right now, definitely."
"Wow, just for one can?" Nick snorted and opened it for the older.
Karl moved restlessly at the sound of the hissing drink. Then he chuckled.
"Oh God, I felt it everywhere" Karl muttered, opening his eyes wider. "It's so fucking amazing."
"Yeah, drink up" advised Nick, so Karl moved closer to him.
"You have red eyes" Karl whispered with amusement, studying Nick's face up close.
"Because you caught my eye and now I can't get rid of you" Nick replied without even bothering to think about those words twice. Karl started laughing like crazy again, but calmed down instantly when Nick put his cold, from holding the can, hand on his exposed thigh.
Karl breathed in through his teeth, feeling like a current had passed through his body. "Dear God."
"What?" Nick asked with amusement, definitely enjoying his reaction.
"You're- I mean- this feeling is interesting. I mean, like, your hand" Karl muttered, getting a little lost in his own words.
"Yeah? I told you" Nick whispered, moving a little closer to the older man and blowing air on his neck, causing him to shudder. "Everything feels nice."
"You should show me more," Karl decided, his voice low and husky, his eyes locked on Nick's. He swallowed heavily, anticipation coursing through his veins.
"Mmm, no" Nick murmured with a beastly smile on his face.
"Nick" Karl muttered almost pleading.
"Shhh, let the high seattle in a little" Nick whispered. "It'll be better, baby."
Karl let out a soft moan. "You don't even know what you do to me every time you call me that" Jacobs replied, feeling his heart pounding harder.
"I know. I know exactly what I'm doing" Nick whispered mysteriously and spread his hand on Karl's thigh, gently squeezing the smooth skin. "You and those damn legs of yours. You dressed up just for me?"
"Yeah" Karl chuckled shamelessly, putting down his drink on the floor next to him and placing his hand on the one holding onto his thigh. "Do you like how I look?"
"You know I always do" Nick murmured, squeezing a little tighter, causing Karl to straighten up his back a bit. "I want to do some very bad things to you."
"Yes, please" Karl moaned softly. "Remember when we talked last time when you got high? You said you wanted me there. Well, I'm here now. So do something about it already."
"I said I'd kiss you dumb" Nick murmured, feeling a warm sensation spread throughout his body. "I thought I could resist touching you today."
"Nick, for god's sake, stop resisting, please" Karl murmured, grabbing his hand tightly. "I want you to kiss me all the time. I want you, in every way. Now and always."
"You're so hot, I think you broke my ability to think rationally" Nick decided. "Am I holding too tight?"
Karl's grip on Nick's hand was almost painful, but the younger man didn't dare to pull away. He watched as Karl's pupils dilated, and felt a shiver run down his spine as he listened to the older man's commanding voice. "No. Stop asking, I want you to hold tighter. If I have a problem, I'll stop you" Karl grunted impatiently. "I want to see marks everywhere you touched me tomorrow. Do you understand?"
Nick was taken aback by the intensity of Karl's request, but he couldn't deny the effect it had on him.
Nick could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he struggled to form a coherent response. "Did you just tell me-" he began, but the words caught in his throat as he was overwhelmed with a mix of surprise and a hint of arousal.
"Someone has to take matters into their own hands here, and we both know it's not going to be you" Karl replied determined.
"You're not the one giving orders here, baby" Nick replied firmly, his voice laced with a hint of authority. They smiled at each other mischievously, feeling the tension building between them.
"Oh, really?" Karl licked his lips. "I don't think I'll let you. So what are we going to do now?"
Nick and Karl were in a playful yet intense mood. Their eyes locked, and a small smirk played on their lips.
"First of all, it's fucking hot, and secondly, I didn't think you had that side to you" Nick muttered, his tone playful, yet suggestive.
"You haven't seen all of my sides yet," Karl decided. "Real shame. I invited you on a shopping haul the other day... You could have seen something you'd really like. I wanted to wear it today, but- I think I'll save it for a special occasion."
"If you wore it today, I'm not sure we would have got high before I pounced on you" Nick decided completely honestly. He had no filter in his mouth, and he didn't care much about it.
"I'm still waiting for the moment you pounce on me" Karl smiled flirtatiously.
"Nah, nah, nah," Nick murmured, shaking his head. "No pouncing on each other. I want to start by kissing you until you forget your name." he whispered, his eyes fixed on Karl's lips.
"I can barely remember it now," Karl assured him enthusiastically. "So, am I going to get that kiss?"
Sapnap smiled, feeling his heart skip a beat at the prospect of kissing Jacobs. "I don't know, maybe you have to kiss me first-"
Nick couldn't even finish because Karl threw himself at him. He pressed his open mouth against his and they soon found themselves tangled up, kissing as greedily as if their mouths were the last breath of air on earth.
Their kisses were wet and filled with so much tongue that it should have been illegal, but the two of them relished in those wet sounds as if they were the most beautiful music. And just like that Nick was sure he could ascend when he licked the skin under Karl's lower lip, eliciting a moan of complete surrender in response.
Karl's body was on fire, ignited by the passion that coursed through him like a live wire. His hands roamed over Nick's body, seeking purchase wherever he could find it. He pulled Nick closer, his fingers clutching at his shirt as if he were trying to merge their bodies into one. Nick's hands found their way to Karl's hair, running through the soft strands as their tongues continued to battle for dominance.
They broke apart, gasping for breath, and Nick looked up at Karl, his eyes filled with a hunger that matched his own. They both knew that this was just the beginning of something intense and passionate, and neither of them was willing to let it go.
"You shouldn't be so hot" Nick murmured, feeling a knot in his stomach.
"You shouldn't stop" Karl whispered back, his eyes shining with excitement.
Karl's whispered words sent a shiver down Nick's spine, and he eagerly complied, returning to their kisses with even more passion than before. His hands moved to Karl's thighs, and he couldn't resist the urge to stroke them, feeling the smoothness of his skin under his fingertips. He wanted nothing more than to worship Karl's body, to make him feel as good as he was feeling right now.
As their kissing became more heated, Karl's hands found their way under Nick's shirt, tracing the lines of his muscles. Nick couldn't help but let out a low groan at the sensation, feeling Karl's touch sending waves of pleasure through his body. He knew they should stop soon, before things went too far, but in that moment, it was hard to think about anything but the way Karl's hands felt on his skin. It was almost heavenly experience.
"Michelangelo must have carved you with a chisel" Karl murmured. "Take off your shirt, please."
Without a word, Nick obliged, slowly peeling off the fabric and exposing his chiseled torso to Karl's hungry gaze. He felt a surge of excitement as he watched Karl's eyes roam over his chest, taking in every inch of his sculpted form.
As Nick removed his shirt, the light in the room seemed to shift, causing his skin to glow with a golden radiance that made Karl's breath hitch in his throat. He couldn't help but admire the way the muscles in Nick's chest rippled and bulged with each movement. It was like watching a living work of art come to life right before his eyes.
"Is it wrong that I want to lick you?" Karl suddenly asked, not entirely aware what's coming out of his mouth.
Nick's breath caught in his throat at the question, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of Karl's tongue tracing over his skin. He felt his body respond eagerly to the idea, his muscles tensing with anticipation. "Do you like it?"
"Mhm" Karl murmured, desperate. "Like... wow. And your hands- dear God. I don't think I can take it."
"Okay," Nick grinned mischievously, then tilted his head slightly. "So I'll let you touch as much as you like and... do whatever you like if you give me your thighs."
"You don't have to ask. Just do whatever you want" Karl assured him, nodding enthusiastically.
"Could you sit on the edge of the bed, please?" Nick instructed calmly and Karl struggled a bit to stand up but did exactly what Sapnap wanted him to do.
Sapnap put down the can of Monster on the desk before crawling towards the boy, spreading his knees apart. Karl surrendered completely, easily widening his legs and letting out a shuttered moan at the sight before him.
"I haven't done anything yet" Sapnap murmured prideful, his gaze fixed on the man above him. He started running his slightly rough hands over the boy's satin thighs slowly.
Karl mewled delicately, his eyes closing in pleasure. He could feel his body responding to Nick's touch, his desire growing stronger by the second. He opened his eyes and looked into Nick's, seeing the same hunger and desire reflected in them. He nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. "So what are you waiting for, huh? Let's get to work" he said faintly but with a hint of anticipation.
Without haste, Nick lowered himself to start delicately kissing the inside of the boy's thighs, his lips trailing feather-light touches along the sensitive skin. Karl's skin smelled sweet, like raspberries and something sugary. It was tantalizing. Sapnap wanted to lick him like an ice cream cone. The sounds that came from Karl's mouth were sinful. As he continued to kiss and nibble on Karl's thighs, Nick couldn't help but be drawn even more to the sounds coming from the boy's mouth. They were raw and uninhibited, almost primal in nature, and they sent shivers down Sap's spine. He felt himself becoming more aroused with each moan that escaped Karl's lips, his own body reacting with a hunger that he couldn't ignore. Nick felt his body reacting even more to it. And when Jacobs finally grabbed his hair with his fingers and pressed him closer, Nick himself groaned in delight and bit his skin with his teeth, eliciting a loud moan from the boy.
Nick pulled away from his thigh to look at the slightly drooling boy who looked like he was about to start really salivating any minute.
"More" Karl whispered barely audibly.
Sapnap was only human and so he made a few more delicate kisses, working very meticulously. Leaving a few hickeys on those wonderful thighs.
Nick's eyes twinkled mischievously. "I can't believe you actually let me bite your legs" he said, looking at the older from between his legs.
"I've wanted this since I knew you had an obsession with my thighs" he assured him, eyes glistening with desire. "You look so good between them. Like you belong there."
'I do' Nick thought to himself, but instead of saying it, he smiled and lifted himself up to lean in and kiss Karl passionately. Nick then pushed Karl onto his back a little overexcited, straddling him and continuing to kiss him with fervor.
"Karl, you make me want to scream" muttered Nick, to which Jacobs pushed his hips towards him, seeking contact, and moaned his name. "Fuck, yes. That's exactly how you should say my name, baby. Say it again."
Karl was so desperate, his body almost shaking with anticipation. Nick couldn't resist the sight of Karl's body trembling with need, and he leaned in to kiss him fiercely, his tongue exploring Karl's mouth as if it were the only thing keeping him alive. As they kissed, Sapnap's hands roamed Jacobs' body, tracing the lines of his frame and feeling the heat emanating from his skin.
Karl's hips continued to grind against Nick's, seeking more friction, more contact, more of Nick. And Nick was more than happy to give him what he wanted.
"Nick, make me cum right now" demanded Karl, holding onto his arm and lightly digging his nails into his flesh.
"I love how desperate you are," Nick replied, tugging at Karl's little top to free him from it.
After that, Karl rolled him onto his side. He stood up from the bed and began to remove his own clothes as if his life depended on it. Nick felt a surge of desire as he watched Karl hastily strip off his clothes. His hands moved with urgency, like he couldn't wait to feel Nick's body against his own. The sight of his smooth, taut skin was enough to make Nick's heart race.
Karl's eagerness was palpable, and Nick couldn't help but smile at the sight. He sat up on his elbows, taking in the view of Karl's naked form with appreciation. He felt Karl tug at his pant leg, urging him to remove his own clothes, signalling that he wanted to get rid of his sweats. With a grin, Nick obliged, shedding the material. The air between them felt electric as they looked into each other's eyes.
With a content sigh, Nick let his head fall back onto the mattress as Karl eagerly took off the last piece of his clothing. His boxers flew onto the floor in a record time. He could feel the cool air on his skin, causing his already hard erection to twitch with anticipation. Karl's eyes gleamed with desire as he took in the sight before him, admiring every inch of Nick's naked body. He watched as Karl licked his lips, his gaze fixated on Nick's throbbing cock.
"Holy fuck," murmured Karl. "This is going to be interesting."
Nick raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?"
Karl chuckled softly; his eyes still glued to Nick's groin. "Has anyone ever told you that you're above-average sized down there?" he shamelessly asked. "Because I don't think I can handle it."
"What?" Nick was shocked. "Like, what do you mean?"
"Well- I guess I've had a bit of a dry spell, so going all out with you today might be a little troublesome" Karl replied honestly. "So no fucking me today."
"Okay," Nick whispered in shock, watching as Karl sat on his lap, hooking his feet around his thighs. His cock stood erect, demanding attention, but instead, Karl decided to focus on Sapnap and took his length into his soft hand.
"Nick, oh my god, seriously, I'm questioning if it's really not worth the trouble" whispered desperate Karl, slowly touching him and looking intently at his dick like it had answers for his questions. "Do you happen to have any silicone-based lubricant?"
"What, no, I don't have any" Nick answered. "I don't really need it, you know?"
"That's definitely not what I wanted to hear," muttered an unhappy Karl and looked wildly at Nick. "Don't worry, I'll buy it for next time. I'm going to have an amazing time with your dick."
Nick couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew Karl could have a dirty mouth, but this? This was beyond the scale. Jacobs had always been a bit of a wild card but this was making Sapnap blush like teenager. He could feel himself twitching excitedly.
"Oh" muttered diabolically Jacobs, feeling movement in his hand. "Someone likes the idea, huh?"
"Karl, I don't think I can hold on much longer if you keep talking like that" admitted Nick burning with embarrassment.
"That's okay because I plan on making you come so many times tonight that you'll lose count" Karl said with a wicked grin and provided the palm of his hand with some extra spit. He then began to stroke Nick's length, slowly at first, but then with increasing speed and pressure. Nick couldn't help but let out a low muffled groan, his head falling back in pleasure.
Sapnap couldn't hold back anymore. He needed to feel Jacobs' lips on his own and pulled him in for a hot kiss. Their tongues started exploring each other's mouths once again as Nick's hand slid down to grab the other's penis.
Sapnap wasn't fully aware of the consequences of what they were doing, but pleasure overwhelmed his already dazed mind. He didn't have time to think about how funny it was to touch something so familiar, but not feel his own movements against it, only others that he couldn't expect. The sensation of touching another man's intimate parts was totally new to Sapnap but didn't feel weird at all. It was hot, wet, loud, and made Nick fucking fly.
The sound of their breathing filled the room, and the wet sounds of their hands stroking each other's hardness were mixed with the moans and gasps that escaped both of their mouths. It was an overwhelming experience to say at least.
Nick was lost in the sensation, feeling Karl's soft body respond to his touch. He couldn't help but let out a faint moan as he heard his name spoken in the most sinful way in the world over and over.
As the intensity of their passion grew, Sapnap's touches became more urgent and Karl's moans grew even louder. The two were lost in a sea of sensations. The heat between them was palpable as they moved together, each movement sending shivers down their spines.
Jacobs' body quivered as he reached his climax, the pleasure washing over him in waves. His breath caught in his throat as he let out a deep and loud groan, unable to contain the pleasure any longer. Not so long after him, Nick bit down on Karl's shoulder, trying to hold back his own cries of ecstasy as the sensations overtook him. He bit down hard, trying to stifle the embarrassing sounds that threaten to escape his throat.
As they lay there, breathless and spent, the room was filled with the sweet scent of their bodies and the sounds of their heavy breathing. They were both lost in the afterglow of their passion, each one feeling a sense of deep satisfaction and contentment. Not really concerned that they both made a mess.
"That was wonderful" said Jacobs breathlessly, slowly changing his position and getting off younger's legs.
"It was" Sapnap confirmed, allowing Karl to settle right beside him. "You're so fucking hot, Karl. You look so tasty that I could eat you whole."
"Don't make promises because I will hold you to it" Karl chuckled. "And next time, don't hide those sounds that come out of you. I want to hear you. Do you understand?"
"I want to hear you" Karl replied very seriously. "I want to hear everything you give me."
Sapnap felt almost on the verge of consciousness as he nodded and lazily joined his lips with Karl's, who didn't seem to care at all that he was pressing himself against Nick's chest, which was still covered with pearlescent lines of their release and purred with delight.
"We should wash this off" Nick said deliberately.
Karl shifted slightly and a soft, sticky sound filled the room as the cum on their chests smudged between them. He looked over at Sapnap with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why? We're going to do the same thing again in a moment" he replied confidently. "We can worry about it later."
Karl made Nick come three times that evening, each one more intense than the last. He probably would have tried for more if they hadn't both been so exhausted and stoned to the point of almost passing out.
Nick was the one who cleaned them up roughly with some tissues, which he promptly threw away. Afterwards, Nick opened the window to air out the thick smell of smoke. As he did, a gust of cool air rushed into the room, sweeping away the smoke and replacing it with a refreshing breeze.
The warm glow of post-coital bliss washed over Nick as he lay beside Karl. Jacobs instantly pulled him close, hugging him like a stuffed animal and kissing him softly on the neck.
"That was amazing" Karl murmured softly. "I don't know how I got so lucky with you, but I won the lottery."
Nick murmured quietly, still embracing Karl's hot body, and gently covered them with the blanket.
And without letting Jacobs say anything else, he began to kiss him slowly and lazily, as if his lips were water and he was dying of thirst.
He wasn't entirely sure when he fell asleep, but everything hurt in the best way possible, and somehow even their sweat-soaked bodies sticking together didn't bother them at all.
i don't even know if that's how you actually smoke weed lmao i never done it so if it's far from reality then i'm sorry hahaha-
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