This is it! It's the End!
Play the song! please?
Of Course Y/n had to heal. So for a least a of month She was at the Hospital. But not only was she hurt for what has happened recently, but she seems to be sick. At least that was Ed thought. But of course that wasn't the case. Y/n couldn't hide the little secret much longer, she had told Allen And Edan, But that was about it but after a couple of months Ed started to see what was happening to y/n. But now she was out of the hospital.
"Y/n Are you sure you're okay?" Ed asked standing next to her.Y/n decided she wanted to go for a walk to the nearest park. "U-uh yea I'm fine, It's just that- Nevermind" y/n said rubbing the back of her neck. "Y/n....Tell me what's wrong" Ed said Y/n looked away and started to stutter "W-well you can tell t-that my body h-has been changing and w-well" She stopped and took a deep breath. "I-I'm Pregnant!" y/n said quickly. Ed stood there shock at first but then he started to smile. Since y/n didn't see his face just yet, so she turned around and was excepting to yelled at but then was kissed instead. "that's amazing news y/n!" Ed said with the biggest smile on his face. "Y-your not m-mad?" y/n said while blushing, still kinda dazed on what just happened. "Mad? Why would I be mad! You just made me the happiest man alive y/n!" Ed said picking her up by the waist and spinning around. y/n started to giggle. She was so glad that went well. As he put her down he started to get nervous. "A-and I have something I b-been meaning to ask you..." Ed said starting to blush. "And that would be?" y/n said still with a smile on her face. "Well.." Ed started to get on one knee and brought out a small box out of his pocket. "Will you m-marry me?" Ed spoke as he opened the box. y/n had almost knocked Ed over while she jumped on him. "Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times Yes!" y/n said with tears running down her eyes. Man what A day it has been for these two.
As Excited as they were they wanted to keep the baby a secret for everybody else. But the wedding well it happened with in two weeks. How? Winry. As soon as winry heard the news from y/n she went straight to planning it. She is a fast worker. Now of cousre she was a bridesmaid and Al , Ed's best man. But at the wedding after the both said there I do's. Winry started to cry. A lot. she was so emotional. After the wedding they had to cut the cake. Guess what happened? Well y/n decided instead of cutting the cake she would just grab some and stuff it into Ed's face. And Well Ed did the same. So many tears was shed, especally for Matt and Winry what cry babies.
Now past all that y/n and Ed and kept the secret quite well. They had stayed in the house that Matt bought. Not the one in Resembool but another one that he bought. What can he say? He loves his little sister. Edan was always checking on his mommy's stomach. Always asking "Will I get to be a big brother?" Or "Will it be a boy or girl?". y/n would always smile at these questions. Not only does she have Edan and Al to care of like childen but now some of her own. Edan always ask if he could feel he stomach. He would always feel kicks. Which filled him with joy. And Ed he was nothing but supportive. Always helping her around the house and asking if she needed anything. Not only was she due any moment but she was happy during this whole stage of pregnancy .
This was it. She was having her baby. Ed was there to hold her hand and keep her calm. But by that she almost broke his hand. What was surprising to them was it wasn't one baby. It was two. Twins. Both boys. "There names?" A nurse asked with a smile on her face. "Ethan and Aiden" Ed and y/n said in unison. One of the boys had Ed's hair color and y/n e/c eyes (Aiden). While the other had y/n's h/c hair and Ed's eyes(Ethan). (I actully want to draw this now...) Edan and Allen and came in the check in with the couple. Edan was told to be quite. "Look Edan, twins" y/n said with a smile. As Allen stood to her left Edan walked to Ed which was on her right. "Can I hold one of them papa?" Edan asked as he tugged on Ed's sleeve. Ed was surprised at first but then smiled and picked him up to sit him on his lap. y/n had already gave Ethan to Allen to hold, so very carefully she gave Ed and Edan Aiden to carry. Edan had a big smile on his face "His name is Aiden" y/n said quietly. "Hi Aiden, I'm Edan. I'm going to be your big brother" Edan said in a whisper. with a response Aiden giggled. Ed had told the nurse early to take as many pictures as possible. Which she did. With every picture the nurse had smiled herself as she saw the happy family. But there was still yet to come.
After two whole years, Ethan and Aiden are now two and already walking. Edan is now Six. And he was more than happy to be a big brother. Now just so you know the two kids are still a secret. But not for long. y/n had ordered Mustang to clear out a meeting room no questions asked. And Ed had called Winry to have her come over with Al (He was with her at the time). First thing she asked? "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN IN THE LAST THREE YEARS". Winry will never change.
The plan was set. Ed and y/n had walked inside the room hand in hand. Everybody was there to Winry to Armstrong. "Well? What is it you wanted to show us?" Mustang asked. The couple smiled and turned around "Come on in you two" y/n said. Slowly but surely Ethan and Aiden had walked into the room. They where wearing matching outfit with little pacifiers in there mouths. They where wearing overall with f/c shirts. The whole room was silent as the two picked the kids up. "Say hello to Ethan and Aiden!" Ed and y/n said in unison. Allen and Edan had walked inside as well. "Kids!" Winry yelled as she basically ran over to them. Al had walked over to them as well and asked if he could carry him. Which he did. everybody had congratulate them , even though they were two years late. Everybody had played with the two twins, Gracia said that they look like very much like there father. Which made Ed blush. And made y/n giggle. Riza and Mustang had the most fun playing with the twins, even if they had there own kid. But Hughes loved them just as much. They where all happy.
Nothing else will ever go wrong as long as those two are a team.
A happy ending, who would of guessed?
That was it! The end of the book! Well? Did I do good? Now there will be another Ed X reader but it won't be published tell I finish. Sorry. And I think I will do a imangine book with random things I think of. Would that be okay? See you if the next book?
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