Chapter two: A way back home?
All three of them got in a car and started to drive. Allen was driving the car and y/n and Edan were in the back of the car. "Don't crash the car Allen, We don't want that to happen again" y/n chuckled. "I won't! And that was one time!!" Allen yelled. Allen had a temper like Edward. "I'm just saying" y/n shrugged. "Hey you know what?!" Allen said looking back at her. "Allen! The road!!!" y/n yelled pointing towards the road. Before they knew it they where swirving on the road. Y/n grabbed Edan as Allen tried to control the car. But...that didn't work....They crashed into a tree. "Make it twice you did that..." y/n said getting up holding Edan. "Yea, yea let's get going" Allen said grabbing his things and started to walk. y/n chuckled and set Edan down. They where all going to a fair. Allen was an inventor, he invented many things so far. So far he's created a rocket/plane. You and Edan helped somewhat but not so much. y/n just studied on her books to get back home. But to Allen this was big, and for him to forget... well let's just say they were glad y/n was there. Anyway back to the topic, they were walking around the fair. Allen and Edan were walking together while y/n was looking around. "Y/n hurry along!" Allen yelled at her. "I'm coming , i'm coming" y/n said catching up with them. y/n say something that caught her eye. "Hey i'll be right back!" y/n yelled walking over to a crowd. They where around a women. Her eyes were closed 'a gypsy...poor girl, because of her race she is probably treated horribly' y/n thought as she waked though the crowd towards the front. She had just finished...what ever she was doing. She looked over toward y/n, so stood up and touched her shoulder. She gasped and backed up "You are just like home, doesn't belong...." y/n eyes widen "how did you..." y/n said in a whisper for only her to hear. y/n felt a tug on her jacket, she looked down and saw Edan. He had sad eyes and a frown "Mommy? Why do you look sad and scared?" He said in the sadest voice y/n has ever heard. She kneeled down toward him "I-it's nothing Edan, i'm fine" y/n gave a weak smiled and picked him up. "Let's go find Allen" she said walking away from the crowd.
Ed and Al have been reading nonstop since they found out they could bring y/n back. That is....tell they got a phone call from a certain someone..... 'Ring Ring' the phone went. Al picked up the phone, her held it between his ccheek and shoulder while her was trying to read. "Hello?" Al said trying to do two things at the same time "Alphonse this is Mustang we need both your brother Alchemists her now!" He yelled "Wait wait now?! We just found a way that we migh-" Her was cut off "NOW!" He yelled and hung up the phone. Al hung up the phone and sighed "When were just about to have a break though...." Al put the book down and walked over to his brother "Brother, the colonel called he needs us at Central, He yelled at me to go right now..." Ed started to pack "This better be good! We almost know how to bring y/n back!" He yelled backing his things. Al sighed and started to pack as well. After they finished packing they took the train to central, both reading books on the way there.
'How the hell did she know any of that? The only people I have told was Allen and Edan, and they believe it's just a myth....but her....' y/n tought as she walked with Edan . "Mommy what did she do?" Edan asked with a sweet incceont voice. "She told me something that I didn't want to hear" y/n said walking up to Allen. "There you two are where did you go off to?" Allen asked walking over to the two. "I went to check something out, Edan just followed. I'm going to look around for somethings alright?" y/n said giving Edan to Allen, walking away. y/n walked around the tents and such. She was looking at things that might get her home. But that soon faded when she was knocked out.
y/n woke up on the ground next to a building. 'What happened?' she thought as she stood up and started to look around. 'Wait....I know where I am....I'm at one of Allen's work shop things' She snuck up to the windows. She punched the window and climbed inside. But in the process she got cut twice on the cheek. The cut looked like an equal sign. "Dammit, that cut deep enough for me to bleed..." She said to herself. She started to walk around until she was in a big circular room. She looked at the ground. "A faded Alchemy circle? Why would anybody try this?" y/n said to herself once more. She saw a piece of chalk and started to redraw it. After she was done with the circle she sat down and looked at it. "What am I doing? It's not like it's going to work....." She felt liquid going down her left cheek. It was blood. She groaned and wiped it off on her gloves. She put her hands on the circle. her head was down, she was looking at the ground. She looked up quickly as she saw that the circle was glowing. "How did-?" She was cut off as she heard footsteps. She turned her head to find men with guns pointed at her. There was clashes on metal hitting the floor. y/n looked over and saw many piles of armor on the center of the circle. "You did this didn't you?!" A man yelled. y/n had a stern look and said nothing. The man growled and started to shoot at her. She ran At the man at full speed. But then the rest of the men started to shoot at her. She ran toward to armor.
y/n POV
I ran towards the armor. 'crap...last place to hide!' I jumped in the pile as the men were still shooting at the metal. since my eyes where closed when I jumped in a open them to find glowing eyes staring at me. The armor with the glowing eyes gasps. Before I knew it the Armor was hugging me. Tight. "Y/n!! It's really you!!" The armor said. Wait..... "Alphonse?!" I said as the men started to shot again. We ducked behind the spare armor. "You're still the same y/n, always getting into trouble!" He said in a joking tone. "What is that supposed to mean?!" I yelled him. "We have to get out of here" Al said he stood up and grabbed some armor and lifted it up. I jumped on his back as he threw the armor at the men. "Run!" I yell "Where?!" "Anywhere!!!" I yell as I hold on to his back . He ran and ran tell we came to the stop. I got off him and started to laugh. He looked at me like I was crazy. And I am. He should know that by now. "What's so funny?" He asked. "That was awesome!! It has been forever sine I did something like that!" I fall backwards on the grass catching my breath. "You are exactly the same, Insane" Al said with a small chuckle. "Speaking of the same..."
Third POV
"Your.....your still not in that suit....right?" y/n said with a sadden voice. Al was surprised at the change of voice and started to freak out. "N-no!! It's just temporally! I promise! On the other side I have my body!" Al said waving his hands around. y/n gave him a small smile "Good...I don't want you or Ed to be in any kind of suit or have automail" she said as she looked forward. "Brother..." y/n looked at Al "Brother really misses you y/n. He won't stop tell he finds a way to get you back home" Al said. y/n smiled "Watch over him for just a bit more, I have found a way back" "R-r-really—?" Al's words started to stutter even more than usual. "A-al?" y/n asked going up to him. "T-the Transmutation is r-running out" He said. "It's alright Al, Don't tell Ed anything alright? Or anybody. Tells make it a surprise" y/n smiled big. If Al could smile y/n knew he would. Before Al got to say goodbye the armor clasped. "I see you then Alphonse"
Oh....My....Gosh.....100 FOLLOWERS!!!! Yay!! Here is for 100 and I also posted a death the kid x reader as well and more stories will come out! Also I will put the schedule for updates on my books in my bio! Look how cute Ed looks!!! So cute!!! Tell next time!
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