Chapter Twenty Two
As they put y/n in the bed in the nurses office, mustang told everybody to clear out of the room. Except Ed, Al and Matt where able to stay in the room. Well if you include May to heal her, but i'm pretty sure she had to be in the room. As May quickly checked if she was still breathing and quickly went to work on her wound. May had told the boys to move away from y/n that way she could work. They agree and gave her some space. May looked at y/n "Am sorry this had to happen to you y/n...." May sighed and looked at her shoulder. She quickly removed to bullet , but of course y/n wasn't silent. She screamed out of pain. "Don't worry! I just took out the bullet!" May said wrapping up her y/n's shoulder. As she finished up May looked at her neck to see if the mark was still there. She moved her h/c out the way. May almost yelped, y/n's mark was still there but it wasn't completely done. May walked over to the boys. "Well? Is she ok?" Ed asked worried. "Sh-she's alright but...." May looked down at the ground and played with her feet. "But what?" Matt asked. May gulped and spoke up "She isn't cured, she still has the mark on her neck, but it seems to be growing back around her neck" Al looked Shocked at this information. "But I looked at her neck! The mark was completely gone! How could it come back...." Ed was thinking of the same thing but then he remembered "She already explain to use this would happen" Ed said "what?" Al asked "Yea She explained that if she used too much alchemy she will have to let y/n take control to revive it" Ed said looking at the three. That is when they all realized that Ed was right. "That means that she isn't finished just yet with the homumculus" May said looking at y/n. All of a sudden y/n sat up breathing hard holding her chest. She was looking down at her lap holding her heart. "Y/n!" Ed quickly went toward y/n and held her hand. "Are you alright?" Ed asked worried sick. y/n looked up at Ed "W-Why does my neck hurt Ed?" she said looking up at him. "Envy is trying to take you away from us for his own use. We are trying to figure got what we have to do so that mark is gone for good." Ed explained. "Don't worry about me! Worry about what will happen to the towns people, I can remember what they where going to do. They wanted to distract you and then attack the eastern side" Y/n said getting out off the bed and standing up. "Y/n you still need to rest!" Al said stopping in front of her. "That can wait, right now we have to protect every townspeople we can." Y/n walked pasted them and went straight to Mustangs office. THey chased after her. "Wait y/n! He still-" As y/n opened the door to Mustangs office Fire was blasted through the door. "thinks your Crimson" Al finished. "Yea well he has to try harder to get rid of me." y/n said behind the wall. "Mustang get the troops ready and protect every citizen we can!" y/n yelled going inside the room. "Envy will attack there and as soon as I have enough Alchemy back stored put then whatever took over me will come back and join the party, So Get to it!" y/n finished running out the room. "Wait up y/n!" Ed said chasing her.
As y/n ran toward the eastern side of the town, her marking started to wrap around her neck again and y/n could feel it. It burned every time it was growing. Even though it was hurting her she still went on. Right until her body stopped moving all on it's own. "What the Hell?!" y/n tried to move her arms, but it didn't work. "Thanks for taking me this far towards I need to attack! Now I can do it much faster~" A voice said withing her head. "Your the one taking over huh? Well it's not going to happen!" y/n said out loud. No one heard her because they all went to hiding. There was a giggle. "Yup! Thanks for rechangering!~ now I can take over!~" Crimson said "Wha- no!" y/n yelled but Crimson already took over once more. "mmmmm~" She streched "Man! It's good to be back!~" Crimson said. "Y/n!" Crimson heard them running 'oh~ Time for trickery~' she thought sneakly. She turned around "What?! We need to save the towns people!" Crimson said acting like y/n. "Well first we need a plan! Also they already went into hiding!" Al said panting. "That doesn't matter! We need to save them! Now!" Crimson said running off again.
After they reached the Eastern part Crimson stopped into the middle of the street looking around. "Would just stop and listen y/n?" May said leaning against a wall ready to collaspe. "Nope~" Crimson said in her cheerful self. They were all taken back by this tone. First she was all panic but now she's happy? What the hell is happening?! "Thanks for following me~ Now I can get you easily! you're all tired so it will be even easier!" Crimson turned around with the same creepy smile she always had. She clapped her hands together and touch the ground making spears appear from the ground, getting closer and closer to them. Even if they were tired they needed to make out alive to stop envy and Crimson. "Why try to run?~ I will only just get you again!" Crimson said laughing with joy. Soon May starting throwing her weapons at Crimson. She went to shoot her from behind. Crimson turned around and dogded all of them. And went staight for May. with amazing speed she made a staff and hit May with it. May was sent toward the wall of a building. Then Matt tried to get her by using alchemy himself. Making walls to smash her. Crimson was to quick and escaped then kicked Matt down towards the ground. "Damn it...." Matt said couching up blood. "You're going have to try harder than that!" Crimson said a bit away from him. "AL! NOW!" Ed yelled. They had both made a cage to trap her. It complete soild block. So they couldn't see her at all. "Oh~ Nice touch! BUt...... this is so weak!" They heard the muffled voice said. Then there was dust coming from the block. since it was a powerful blow, it knocked the brother down. They covered there eyes to see what had happened. Crimson had just punched a whole in the cage. she wiped her hands together to get the dust off. "Aww I thought this would be a little more fun! I guess I was wrong" Crimson said walking out of the block. As she stepped out she hear something in the distance. "Oh~ looks like I get some backup!" Crimson she looking behind her. There it was all the chimera's that Envy had made. They were all growling with piecing red eyes. "Been having fun I see" A voice said. There Envy was at the left of her. He was tossing stones in this right hand. Red stones to be in fact. "Hehe~ Looks like you have more stones for us to play with!" Crimson said.
Hiya! I should really stop writing i'm bad it, not to mention I don't update much. Welp I guess I'll continue it. I Think I will write a book about my personal life. Would any of you read it? Probably not but there might be some so I'll start on that. If you have time check out my Tumblr, Deviantart and my instagram! You don't have to if you don't want to. Well... tell next time!
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