Chapter Ten: It's return?
The town was completely empty. Everybody was inside their houses. The three guessed they were hiding, but from what? "Where is everybody?" Al asked. "Don't know....Let's get going" y/n said walking to what seemed the abandoned town. "Should we go and ask around?" Ed asked following with Al behind him. "I don't think that's a good idea. Just looked at how we look, compared to them. They probably think we are here to do something to them" y/n stopping in front of a shop. "Why do you say that?" Al asked. "Just look at how they look. If you ask me they look like prisoners" y/n said as she walked into the store. Ed and Al looked at each other and shrugged and followed her. "W-welcome!" A soft voice said as they walked in. They looked over to see a little boys, He had black hair and green eyes, he looked rugged. y/n smiled sweetly at the boy and walked over to him. "Hi, what your name little one?" y/n said kneeling down to him. "M-my N-name is A-Arthur" he said shakey. "Hi Arthur, my name is y/n. Can you tell me where your parents are?" y/n asked. The boy shook his head and frowned "I-i'm sorry M-miss y/n, B-but t-they got t-taken a-away" he said sadly. "Taken? Taken where?" Ed asked walking beside y/n. "T-the f-factory" Arthur said looking up at Ed. "So this means your alone?" Al asked. Arthur nodded "I-if I d-don't w-work i'll b-be taken t-too" He said frighten. Ed kneeled in front of the young boy and smiled. "Don't worry Arthur that won't happen as long we're here" He said ruffling his hair. Arthur looked up at him and the others. They were all smiling. He smiled back and nodded. "Don't get into any trouble while we are gone alright?" y/n said waving as she let. "O-okay!" Arthur stuttered and waved. "Factory huh? Why do they need a factory?" y/n said walking down the road. "Yea, and why do they need to take the adults?" Al asked. "Let's find out" Ed said leading the way.
They where walking all around town and asking people where to find this 'Factory'. So far all they got was 'I can tell you, sorry' Or 'I'm forbidden to talk about that'. "What's so scary about this factory?" Al asked majorly confused. y/n then got an idea "Maybe it's not the Factory...." y/n said looking around as if she was looking for something. The brothers tilted there heads in confusion "If it's not the factory, what it is it?" Ed asked. "The person running it" y/n walked up to a giant walk, she clapped her hands against it and it started to disappear. "Back in London, on the other side, I had a case like this. A women was taking child to work hours and hours. But now that we are in Artemis....This can get bad" y/n said walking to a building behind the wall. The brothers followed when the heard screaming. 'Help somebody help!' 'Shut up!' the three looked at each other and nodded. They ran toward the yelling. They found the doors to the front and ran inside. What they saw was horrifying. Adults tied up, bleeding. Kids with gashes on the arms and legs, mouth taped shut. The three ran to help them until Al almost got shot. "Stop right there, Or next time I won't miss" A male voice said walking towards them. "What the hell are you doing to these citizens?!" Ed yelled. The man yelled insanely . "A man came and asked for a request" he smirked as he started to walk closer to them "And that request was?" y/n said ready to use her blade. "Why....A new set of Homunculi" His smirk grew larger. "Ed, he's making Philosopher stones" y/n said. "Ah! The girl catches on quick! But I haven't made a stable on yet. 10 tries and still no use. But it will all be worth it" he said as he walked to a kid. He kneeled down to the child, the child turned his head and shut his eye, muffled yells behind the tape. "Because I will help change the world" He said. "Get away from him" y/n growled walking towards him. Ed blocked her path with his arm. "Or what? Huh little girl? You'll arrest me?" He teased. "Oh that's not even the beginning of it" y/n said as she glared at him. The man stood up and held his arms open "Do your worst" He said as he closed his eyes. y/n pulled out her pistol and shot him in the leg. His eyes shot open and he yelled in pain. y/n pushed past Ed's arm and started to walk up to the man. "Ah well I was excepting that...." He said holding his leg. He whistled and men ran to them. They surrounded All three of them. y/n had guns held to her head, the men were towering of her. The man stood up and stood infront of y/n. "Now would you like to try anything?" he said with confident smirk on his face. y/n chuckled "If you really think this is the worst you can do think again!" as she y/n said that she kicked the man in front of him where the sun don't shine. She then ducked before she could get shot. "Ed! Al!" y/n yelled. she swiped the men's feet making them fall. Ed grabbed one of the mans gun and hit him on head with it. Al elbowed one of the men and used his alchemy to make a staff and hit the rest of the men with it. y/n looked at the brothers to see if they where ok. she smiled to see that they were fine. she turned to the man and stepped on his hand. he yelled in pain as she did so. "Now tell me who requested you to do this" y/n said as she basically stomped on his hand. "Like hell I would tell you" he growled. y/n clapped her hands then placed it on her arm to make a blade, she pointed to tip of the blade straight in his face. "You Will answer" y/n growled.
"You better answer her, she won't hasitate to stab you" Ed said right beside her. The man looked straight into y/n eyes. He saw the anger in them "y/n l/n..." He said silently. "What?" y/n said confused "The legendary Lighting Alchemist.....Lost three years in the portal" he smirked. "I don't have time to play your games, Answer the fucking question" y/n said furious, she was starting to get ready to stab him the throught the chest. Right when Al as going to say something the man brought out a knife and cut y/n leg. Before she could scream she stabbed him in his stomach. She fell on the floor holding her leg. "Y/n!" the brothers said. The man got up and started to run. y/n saw this and went to chase him, which was a bad idea, her wound started to tear open. That didn't help when the man threw more knifes at her hitting her waist and arm. y/n snapped her fingers and shocked him making him fall. "Ed! Al! Trap him!" y/n screamed they did as told and trapped him in a cage. Ed ran to y/n side and helped her up. "Call Mustang, Me and Al will help untie everyone" y/n said trying to stand on her own. "Y/n you need to rest. jus-" He got cut off by y/n "It's fine Ed, I can handle it" y/n said with a small smile. Ed was doubtful but trusted her that she was alright and went to call Mustang. y/n walked over to the adults. She used her blade to cut the ropes and they got the tape off. "Are you really alright?" A woman asked her. y/n looked over her shoulder to see if Ed was watching, he wasn't. y/n shook her head "No, but I hate to make him worry anymore" y/n said to the woman. "What happened?" She whispered. "I disappeared for three years, he went so much trouble to get me back, I want him to rest for a bit" y/n whispered back. "But isn't that what every girl wants? For a boy to worry about her?" she said, y/n smiled "Yea I guess, but I'm not like any other girl" y/n stood up and helped her up. The woman chuckled slightly "I guess so" she smiled and started to help everyone out.
Once they were done Ed walked over to y/n side. "How you feeling?" He asked. "To be honest....Dizzy" y/n leaned on him for support. Ed held her waist to keep her up. Al ran over to the two "Brother, we should get her to a doctor" Al said softly looking at y/n. Ed nodded "Let's get going" he held onto y/n as they walked got of the factory.
They got to a town and Arthur ran up and hugged y/n. She flinched but hugged him back. "T-thank you m-miss y-y/n! Y-you got m-my parents b-back!" He said happily, he let go of her and saw she was hurt. "Mister E-Edward m-my parents c-can help her" Arthur grabbed held onto y/n hand. "If you can that would be great" Ed smiled at the boy. Arthur nodded and lead them to his parents. "M-mom! D-dad! Can you help m-miss y/n?" He asked. The mother looked up at y/n "Yes, please come this way." She said leading to a chair. Ed sat her on the chair and waited beside her "Ed you can go if you like, Go check on Al" y/n said softly. "But-" y/n pointed to Al. He sighed and went to Al. Arthur's mom chuckled "Troubled one isn't he?" She said as she started on y/n leg. y/n whinced at the spray and nodded. "He can be troubled some" she giggled "I want to thank you for giving our son hope, he usely doesn't believe in anything" Arthur's mom said as she lifted up y/n's shirt to tended to the wounds on her waist. "I'm always happy to help" y/n smiled but the winced at bandages. "Your tattoo matches with the boy over there in the red coat" Arthur's mom said. y/n giggled "That coat used to be his brothers" y/n thought of how small Ed was to fit in that coat. Arthur's mom finished then asked "That used to be the blonde boys coat, but he's ever so big!" she said shocked "Not when we were young I was taller then him for a couple years" y/n chuckled as she got up. She walked with Arthur's mother to the boys.
Al came running towards y/n "Are you feeling any better y/n?" he asked worried. y/n chuckled and ruffled his hair. "I'm feeling fine, are you doing ok?" She asked. He nodded and smiled. "Good, now how about we head back to Central" She walked over to Ed and hugged him from behind. Ed looked behind to see who is was, he smiled to see it was y/n. "Ready to go?" She said, it was muffled because her face was in the back of his jacket. He nodded "You feeling any better?" He asked as he turned around and hugged her back. "Sorta I'm still dizzy-" Before she could continue Ed carried her Bridal style. "Let's head back and report to Mustang" Ed said carrying y/n to the train, Al followed close behind.
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