Chapter Sixteen
It was decided. Y/n, Al and Ed were going to see Gracia. The only problem is that little Edan didn't want to leave his mommy. Allen tried to explain to him that he couldn't come. But y/n being so kind hearted told Allen it was okay for his to come, And she also thought he might want some quick time to make more weapons for y/n and Ed. With the help of Winry over the phone of course.
While they where walking down the sidewalk, everybody was looking at them. Why? maybe it was because they look like a family. Ed and y/n were holding each others hand, Edan was holing y/n's other hand and Al was holding Edan's other hand. Edan was every happy to come along with his mommy and his new daddy, Oh and let's not forget his new brother.
When they finally made it to Gracia's home Ed knocked on the door. They waited a couple of seconds, until the door opened. Little Elicia opened the door. y/n was surprised on how much she has grown. The last time she had seen her when she was four, hopefully Elicia stills remembers here. When little Elicia looked up at y/n, her plain face turned into the biggest smile she has seen by her. "Y/n!" Little Elicia said jumping to hug her. y/n was a little taken back at her hug , but hugged her back. "Hey Elicia, you still remember me?" y/n said in a whisper. Her voice still hasn't come back yet, and she still having issues talking. Elicia Responded with "Yea! You're my big sister!" She said in a happy voice. "Elicia who was at the-" Gracia said walking to the opened door. Y/n let go of Elicia and stood up and waved shyly "Hi Gracia". Gracia basically had tears in her eyes, she walked over to y/n and hugged her "You've been gone so long.....And My little on has grown as well...." She said in a soft voice. y/n hugged her back "I'm sorry, I guess I was a bit busy at the time" y/n said letting go of her. Y/n then started to cough again. Ed went over to her side and helped her to get it out of her system. "Oh my Are you sic dear?" Gracia asked "Mommy doesn't feel so well, Can you help mommy?" Edan said holding on to y/n hand. He is a very shy child. Gracia looked at Edan and smiled "I would be happy to help, Come on in" She said leading the way in to the apartment. Ed helped y/n to the couch, Al sat on the other side of her while Edan sat in Al's Lap. y/n rested her head on Ed's shoulder and closed her eyes. Ed Held her close and comforted her. Al was able to see the bandage on her neck clearly, where she got bit was leaking blood. Elicia walked up to Edan sitting on Al's Lap and started to talk to him. "Hi! My name is Elicia! I'm 7! What about you?" She asked happily. Edan glupped and answered "I-I'm E-edan. I'm 4" He stuttered. y/n smiled and opened her eyes and played with Edan hair gently, She was still pretty weak, and smiled at him. Edan looked up at her and smiled back. This usually means it's okay, you don't have to be afraid. Edan got down from Al's lap and went to go play with Elicia.
As Ed told everything to Gracia she was right on it with the soup. But the wait was killing y/n. She was getting paler and paler, she also to couch more too. Ed tried to help her, like giving her water and checking on the bite, but nothing was working. When Gracia finally came back with the soup, Ed had to feed her. y/n was really weak at this point. Gracia went to the bathroom and grabbed some medicine and a glass of water. "This might help, here" Gracia said handing over the medicine and water. Once again Ed had to help y/n.
Hours later y/n started to feel a little bit better. But by then it was already late. "What happened to her Edward?" Gracia asked sitting down in front of them. "She was bit by something, we don't know what it was" He explained. "I think i know what it was" y/n said quietly. It surprised Ed a bit, She hasn't spoken at all since she got her soup. "How you feeling y/n?" Ed asked. She looked up at him and smiled "I'm doing better now, but back to the point. I believe it had to a homunculi" y/n said sitting up a bit better. "Homunculi? But there all gone aren't they?" Al asked. y/n shook her head "Remember back at the town? Someone payed that man to make more of them. one of them must of bitten me" y/n said looking at Al. Right when Al was about to speak the clock rung. they all looked at the clock, it was already midnight. "It would be to late to go back you can stay here for the night" Gracia said with a smile grabbing Elicia, Her and Edan fell asleep while playing. Al grabbed sleeping Edan and Ed grabbed y/n. "Thank you gracia" Ed said. Gracia nodded and walked to her room with Elicia. There was two guest bedrooms. Ed and Al decided that Al and Edan will stay in one room and Ed and y/n in the other.
Ed and y/n where laying in bed together. Ed had wrapped his arms around y/n to keep her close. "Goodnight Ed" y/n yawned and snuggled closer to him. "Goodnight y/n. I love you" Ed said kissing her forehead. "Love you too Ed"
With that they where asleep.
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