Chapter one : Let it begin!
It has been 3 years since y/n was sent though the portal. The Elric's have been traveling around to find a way to get y/n back. The same goes with y/n. Edward....He won't sleep unless he fell asleep while researching. Alphonse has been taking care of his older brother. Winry...would try and make them take a break but they wouldn't take it. Especially Ed. He wouldn't stop tell he found a way to get y/n back. With y/n, she found two boys Edan and Allen.
Allen and Edan. They were boys that helped y/n when she first came though the portal. Y/n thought she was dreaming thinking these two where the boys she knew, She was wrong. Allen was 25, but he looked exactly like Alphonse. The diffence? His voice was deeper. Edan was 4, He looked like Edward when he was young, He would call y/n 'mommy or mom' at times. y/n didn't seem to mind, she liked having her own little Ed Ed. Allen he treated her like a sister he never had. When the boys where out or sleeping y/n would research nonstop. They would find her surround by books and papers and a picture in her hand.... She did tell the boys about Alchemy and such but they only thought that was a myth. Let's see what happens next....
y/n was shopping for dinner, for the boys. Even though they weren't the boys she knew....they were still like them. "Don't forget to give that to Edan!" Gracia said. "Yes ma'am!" y/n said walking out of the store. 'I wonder how old Elicia is...' she thought walking to her and the boys' house. When she about 10 ft. away from the door she heard a voice "y/n! y/n! Will you come and play today?" Nina said tugging on her skirt. "Sorry Nina I can't today....Maybe tomorrow alright?" y/n said with a smile, Nina nodded happy and ran off to her mother 'good thing her father isn't here' y/n thought. Y/n walked to the door of the house and there was a little blonde boy waiting. "Mommy! You're back! You're back!" Edan said running up and hugging her. He was a small child so he was hugging her waist. "I'm back! I'm back! Where's your brother?" y/n said giggling picking up the child as she walked to the kitchen. "He's upstairs!" Edan said hugging her neck. Y/n chuckled some more and set the bags down on the table. "Mommy?" Edan said "Hmmm?" y/n said looking at him. "Where did you get this starry necklace?" He asked picking up the star charm around her necklace in his tiny hands. Y/n eyes sadden "How about I tell you after dinner, alright?" She said putting down the child. He nodded smiling and ran off. She stood back up and took off her coat. 'Edward....' She thought as she held the charm in her hand, as she sent her coat on the chair. She sighed and started to cook.
Ed and Al were currently in a Library. Ed has fallen asleep. Al was checking out books on the case. He found one on 'Shamballa'. He went to go search for his brother and found him sleeping on a desk. "Brother wake up!" Al yelled in Ed's ear. Ed was startled which cause him to tilt his chair to fall on the ground. "Owww, Why did you do that Al?!" Ed yelled at his brother as he sat up again. "I think I found something!" Al said happily and handed the book to his brother. Ed grabbed the book and read 'Shamballa' He opened it up and read. 'A parallel universe. Two worlds next to each other without us knowing' He read "Do you like that is where y/n is at?" Ed asked his brother with hopeful eyes. Al nodded excited "Yea! Let's go see what we can do to get y/n back!" Al said running off. "Wait! Al!"
Edan and Allen where eating dinner and y/n was doing research. 'Why is none of this helping!?!' y/n thought as she threw the papers everywhere. She leaned back in her chair and reached her used to be auto mail arm toward the ceiling. "I still haven't found anything over these past 3 years. Hopefully The Elrics are having better luck then me. That is....if there even looking for me" y/n said to herself "Well I can't give up now!" y/n said happily as she went back to working. She then heard her door open. Little Edan came inside her room "Mommy?" He asked walking over to her "Yes? What is it Edan?" She asked turning in her chair to look at the young boy. "Will...will you tell me where you got the necklace now?" He asked nervous. "Oh that's right I told you I would tell you...Alright come on that can be your bed time story" y/n said grabbing Edan and picking him up. She walked to his room and set him on his bed. "This Necklace, someone very special gave it to me" y/n said tucking him in "Was it your daddy? Or Mommy?" Edan asked her, she shook her head "No, it wasn't on of them. You know how I have been telling you and your brother about my world? And what's on that side?" She asked him, He nodded "Well do you also know why I look at some people funny?" y/n asked once more. He nodded again "Well that's because, everyone here reminds me of someone. Like you, see back where I came from there was a boy named Edward, You and him share quiet a lot of similarities. You look liked him when he was young, and your brother looks like a boy if know as Alphonse. He's the brother of Edward. That's why I have so much trouble trying not to call you by 'Ed' or 'Al' because those are the same nicknames My Edward and Alphonse have" y/n smiled "Mommy?" Edan asked "Hmm?" y/n said "Will you take us with you to your world?" He asked "Of course. I could never leave my boys here. But that's only if you want to come" She smiled. Edan yawned and nodded. Y/n chuckled and kissed his forehead "Goodnight Edan" She said softly and turned off his light and walked out the room and closed his door. "Y/n" She heard a voice next to her. Which scared her. "Allen! Don't do that! You scared me!" y/n said punching his arm lightly. He chuckled "Sorry. Is it true?" He asked "Is what true?" y/n asked confused. "What you said to Edan" Allen asked y/n nodded "You remind me so much of Alphonse..." she said while a sad smile. "And you will take us with you?" He asked again "That's only if you want to come, I will not make you" y/n said walking past him. "Then I guess we are going." Allen said walking to his room
Allen went to ask y/n about her world, when he opened the door he found y/n sleeping on her desk. He chuckled as he went over to her "After three years she still does the same thing" Allen smiled. He checked her surrounding papers. But something caught his eyes. There was a picture in her hand. He gently grabbed the picture and looked at it. There was a boy with golden eyes and hair, long hair. He was hugging y/n from behind with a big grin on his face. While y/n was blushing with a small smile. "Who is this boy?" Allen asked himself. He shrugged and put the picture down and picked up y/n and placed her on her bed. She then started to mumble. "Edward...Calm down.....It just a scratch...I promise." She mumbled. "Edward? I only heard about Alphonse when she was talking to Edan" Allen said quietly as he walked out the door. "I'll ask her later" Allen said going to bed.
Y/n woke up pretty early, even though she was up almost all night. She realized she wasn't at her desk, but on her bed. She sat up and got ready to make food for the boys. She went straight to cooking. She started to hum a little tune. After about 20 minutes she heard footsteps. She looked over and saw a very tired looking Edan walking up to her. "Edan you should still be in bed buddy" y/n said turning off the stove and walking over to Edan kneeling to his height. "I...want to see mommy" He said with a yawn. Y/n smiled and picked him up. She went to the stove and started to cook, Edan still in her arms. He started to fall asleep at the sound of her voice. "Hush little baby don't say a word. Papa going to but you a mocking bird" y/n said quietly as he slept in her arms. She finished cooking just in time too. Allen had just woken up with messy hair. He walked over to the table as y/n set a plate of food in front of him. She then placed Edan down as she start to wake. Y/n then walked behind Allen and started to fix his hair "you really should fix your hair Ed- urr Allen" y/n said as she finished "Did you just call me Ed?" Allen said looking at her funny. "N-No!" y/n stuttered waving her hands around. "mmmhmmm" Allen said He said with a smirk. Edan started to finish eating. y/n stuck out her tongue out at him "I'll be back, I have to get some items before we go to your performance" y/n said grabbing her coat and walking out the door. y/n heard "Crap!!! I forgot!!!" and running around. 'Boys....' y/n thought with a sigh. She walked outside and checked her surroundings. Since y/n is one of the best looking girl around, she was in danger from prevs most of the time. And since she was in the different side of the portal she couldn't just clap her hands and make a weapon from the ground or wall. So....she created a tool. Under her sleeve was some metal strapped to her left arm. When she pushes a button the metal turns into a blade, the one she use to use when she simply clapped her hands and made the weapon with alchemy. Y/n was still a 'dog', she was still an officer. But people didn't know it because it was a secret, so they would be very surprise when she would pull out a badge. Y/n walked over to a nearby shop and grabbed a small bag. "You are always here y/n! And only get a bag! Why is that?" The cashier said with a smile. "Well just say I usually had my own little library so I didn't have to carry my book everywhere" y/n smiled as she payed. "Miss it do you?" The cashier said "Very" y/n said as she walked out the door. She walked back to the house and walked inside "Let's go!" y/n yelled "Yea, yea we are coming!" Allen said running down the stairs.
Hiya!Hiya!My lovely readers!!Welcome to the second book!On a scale to one to ten how would you rate the book?Hah Baymax will always be loved. Alright so here's the deal I will post a chapter every Wednesday. Or try too. I will also be posting a couple other books....No Hints!I think you will enjoy this as much as the first one. Or....even more so!The picture above show how everyone looks. Also Please comment on what you think will happen!Or just something random! I will see all of you later~
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