Chapter Eighteen
"You're leaving again?" Edan asked. Y/n looked down at Edan and ruffed his hair "Not without you and your brother I'm not" She smiled as she saw his mood change. "Do you really think that's a good idea?" Mustang asked. "Of course it is, If my blade breaks Allen's the only one that can fix it, And when we are out looking for clues Edan and Allen can stay at the hotel" Y/n said standing up , picking up Edan. "If you say so Y/n" Mustang said as her turned on his heel and left the room with Riza. y/n looked at Edan "Let's go get your brother shall we?" She asked and He nodded with a smile. y/n got up from the couch and held out her hand for Edan. Edan gladly grabbed her hand and they started to walk out. "Let's get packing boys" y/n said walking out the door.
~Time skip to the town Freesia~
Once y/n got out of the train she looked around, it has only been a couple of days but the town looked better then last time. The streets filled with people, fixing up the buildings, handing out food. It doesn't look like it was before. "It seems they have done some work" Ed said walking right next to y/n. "It looks better then last time that's for sure" y/n said with a small smile. "Well? Let's find a hotel that way I can work on the blade" Allen said holding Edan's hand. "Alright, That shouldn't be too hard" Al said on the left side of Ed. "Then let's get going" y/n said walking ahead to hide a place to stay.
Ed,Al and y/n went to look for clues, they search the building where they where making the stones. There was three hallways they can search. "Looks like we need to split up" y/n said and looked at the boys beside her. "Looks like it, I'll go right and Al will go Left and it looks like you will go to the center" Ed said. "Right let's go!" y/n ran down the center the hall and so did the brothers.
y/n POV
I ran down the hall, Vines and rocks where on the floor and walls. While I was running down the hall, The walls where broke while I kept running until I found a room at the end of the hall. I stopped at a halt and looked around the room. Pillars where holding the roof up, but there was a hole in the roof in the center of the room. I saw that there was cages around the room. "What they hell is going on here?" I said to myself as I went to look at the cage. Inside where combinations of animal. If I got too close they would try to attack. "Poor things" I whisper as I looked along the wall of cages. In the last one was the exact same chimera that bite me. I knelled down infront of the cage and looked at the animal. "One of you bite me......but it's most likely not just to disappear like that...." I looked at the eyes, all it did was glare at me. My stomach started to hurt "What the hell?!" I held my stomach as I stood up. I used a near by pillar to hold my balance. I'm going to puke......And I was right I did puke. "Does the little brat not feel good?" I heard someone say. Why does this voice sound familiar? "Why do you care?" I said in disgusted. It didn't work to well because I puked again. The voice cackled "Or did someone....oh you know" the voice said. I leaned against the pillar to hold me up. "No I don't know what you mean, please explain" I really didn't really care what they meant, but.....why do I feel sick all of a sudden? Wait maybe......"Oh you know exactly what I mean, To make a child. Does it ring a bell?" The voice questioned.! I never di-........crap I did do that.....I could feel my face heat up. "Why the hell do you care?! What do you want?!" I yell trying to change the topic. I pushed myself off the pillar to stand near the center of the room. "I want a Philosopher stone, actually I'm the one who asked that man to start creating stone, but it seems that you ruined that plan. I looked where the voice was coming from, all I saw was glowing violet-pupiled slitted eyes. Wait it minute! I know this is now....." Well isn't good to see you again, Envy" He smiled as soon As I said his name. "Ah so you do remember me hm? Good, because you are going to be working with me soon" He smirked as he started to walk towards me. "Why the hell would I start working for you?" Right after my sentence I fell to my knees, they gave out on me, my neck started to hurt again. "What did you do to me?!" I yelled at him. He knelled to my height and held my chin in his hand. "Well...."
Edward's POV
All I found in this room was books and chemicals. Not to mention dust. The books where about Chimera and how to transmute one. "This stuff is useless" I threw the book in my hand to a table my the shelves. "Why would anybody want to learn about this." I walked around the room and found a piece of paper with animals on them. The list said Lions, Shark, Eagle, Bull, Tiger. That sounds like the chimera we attacked in central. Why would they need to create them? I started to shuffle though the papers on the table. I found A paper, on the back it said 'next target' I turned to paper around to see a picture of y/n. Now I was worried, y/n went by herself in the center hallway, could they possibly still be here? "Brother! Brother!" I heard Al yell. "All what are you doing here you are supposed to be searching the other hall" I turn around and see Al out of breath. "It's y/n, She wouldn't answer when I called out her name!" Al paniced. "Let's go find her, she might still be in the same hall" I ran down the hall and heard Al follow right behind me.
Third POV
The boys ran as fast as they could toward the room. Once they made it to the room y/n was standing in the middle of the light right under the hole in the room. She was in different clothes as well.Her back was facing them, Her hair was tied up. "Y/N! You're alright!" Al yelled happily want to go up to her. Ed stopped him with his arm. "Brother?" Al asked. y/n turned around, only half of her face was visble. She smirked showing her teeth, They where now sharpened, her e/c eyes where now slitted. Her neck was visible now, where the bite used to be was now an ouroboros tattoo. "Too late~" y/n said in a cheery voice. "y/n?" Al asked. "y/n? Hmm She's gone~ You can't get her back~ We run the show now~" y/n said as she turned around, Envy now buy her side, Chimeras on each side of them. y/n tilted her head to the side, the lines of the tattoo started to wrap around her neck. "This is going to be soooo much fun~" y/n giggled in creepest why possible. "What did you do to her?!" Ed yelled angrily. "I simiply made her into my kind shrimp, She's now part of my team. Say goodbye because you aren't getting her back." Envy smirked as y/n smile grew. y/n stuck out her tongue to reveal a stone on her tongue "Now how about we have a little bit of fun? Hmmm?" Envy said happily. y/n instantly knew what that meant. She and Envy ran straight for the brothers, mutiple chimera following.
Why has to happen to them?
Hiya! Fact of the day:
I'm a basic fangirl. I live books, tv shows : Supernatural, doctor who, sherlock etc. I how to draw anime and crossovers (Let me know if you would like to see them), I have posters and handmade poster of anime and tv shows and last but not least I wish to get a drawing tablet to start doing art on tumblr and the computer!
Tell next time!
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