You Should Die - Leo's POV
"Nonononono!!!" My hands hover over Raph's injured body. "Raph wake up!" I yell, tears clogging my eyes. "RAPHAEL!" I scream his name and punch the ground so hard beside me, there's now a crack in the rooftop and my fist swells with pain but I deserve it, it's the least I deserve for what I've done. For what I just did.
Standing I take my brother with me. He lays limp in my arms. Pale and growing even whiter. My Katanas already in place, his sais in my belt. I leap as fast as I can from roof to roof until I get to a man whole cover. Lifting it I hop inside, careful as Raph groans in his slumber and winces in my arms. The tears run freely down my face.
How could I have done that?!? He didn't even fight back! He's my little brother! I'm his leader! I'm a danger to my whole family! I should leave! But I can't... I have to stay for Raph... I have to know he's okay or I just might kill myself, I'll probably kill myself anyway for what I've done...
The thought of leaving sickens me, the thought of killing myself is rational, but the thought of my brother dying because of me, is something I just just can't accept, something I won't accept. Im way past out of breath. Stitches claw at my stomach, but I sprint faster. This is the fastest my feet have ever carried me and the longest I've run at my top speed. I don't care what I takes but Raphael is going to survive. He can't die! He can't leave and I can't be the reason he does!
I burst into the lair in a panic, screaming for my brothers, screaming for Master Splinter. They rush form what they are doing to come to me, and when they see me covered in my brothers blood, their concerned faces become even more stricken with fear and worry.
"Get him to my lab NOW!" Donnie orders and I do so, dropping him carefully down on a "sick bed" and all I can do is just stare at his hurt face.
Open your eyes Raph! Open them! I know you can do it! You're the strongest of us all.
"Leonardo." My masters firm voice startles me from my daze. "What happened?" He asks and I can no longer stand as my knees give out and I begin to bawl in my hands.
"We we-re f-fight-ing... And I-I lost con-trol..." I sob and that's when Mikey snaps.
"YOU DID THIS TO MY BIG BROTHER?!?" He slams me against the wall and I've never been more scared in my life! Mikey never lashes out. I must have done something unimaginably unforgivable to have my little angel brother so upset, so furious with me.
Master Splinter pulls Mikey off of me before my little brother can do anything else.
"I'LL KILL YOU LEO!!! IF YOU KILL MY BROTHER I KILL YOU!" He yells and screams at me as he's dragged out of the room by our dad.
Donnie looks at me and shakes his head. Disappoint and hurt written across his face. "What the hell were you thinking Leo?!? You shattered a part of his plastron and now those pieces are spread inside him! The wound almost breaks through his shell! Jesus you went all the way through him! You're always on Raph for everything, especially for controlling his temper but YOU! You just about lost all of your brothers by doing something so stupid! Raph would never kill you! He may lose control sometimes but he'd never go this far! That much is certain! Why were you even so mad in the first place?!? I mean was it really worth it?!? Was it really worth the life of your brother?!? TELL ME! What is it that drove you so mad?!?"
Donnie's words wound me like a knife, every one of them I deserve. Tears stray form my eyes but I don't sob, I don't make a sound, I just stare at the space between my feat and don't move. I don't even breath for God sake!
"It was everything..." I'm not thinking clearly, I can't think clearly.
"TELL ME LEO! OR I SWEAR I'LL FORCE IT OUT OF YOU!!!" I jump a little, startled by my brother.
"He um... He trashed my room, he was always yelling at me, he kept smart talking me and purposely making me upset, he just made me so angry!" I shake my head.
"YOU ALMOST KILLED MY BROTHER FOR TRASHING YOUR ROOM?!? RAPH'S NOT THE TYPE UNLESS HE WAS ANGRY AND REALLY?!? SMART TALKING ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? IF I WERE YOU MIKEY WOULD BE DEAD A THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!! YOU DON'T KILL YOU BROTHERS LEO!" Donnie is even more furious than before. "But you..." He voice lowers as he stops yelling, only to spit the next line with such venom I feel like I will truly die. "You should die."
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