"Ugh. Another morning." I said to myself rolling out of bed to turn my alarm clock off. After I did so, I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and saw a text from my best friend Jaeden and immediately smiled.
JaeJae💗: get up sleepy head.
8:15 am
(Y/n): I'm up, I'm up.
8:30 am
JaeJae💗: what do you wanna do on this fine Saturday morning?
8:31 am
(Y/n): eat.
8:31 am
JaeJae💗: well hurry, I'm bout to come over.
8:32 am
(Y/n): aight
8:32 am
I toss my phone on my bed and start getting ready. I go to my closet and pick out a maroon crop-top tee shirt and black high waisted, ripped jeans. Then, I went to my bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and straightened my (y/h/c) hair. When I was finished, I went downstairs to find Jaeden waiting for me down stairs, talking to my brother and mom.
"Hey, Jae." I said breaking their conversation.
"Hey, sweetie," My mom said to me, "I made you a waffle, it's on the counter."
"Ok, thanks mom!" I said grabbing Jaeden's arm, dragging him to the refrigerator.
"Wassup cutie?" He asked using his 'im pretending to act like a douch bag' voice.
"Well, at the moment, I'm looking for my damn waffle. MOM!" I yelled to be loud enough for my mom to hear me from the living room, "I can't find my waffle... what shelf is it on?"
"The third one, hun." she yelled back.
"Ah here it is!" I whispered enthusiastically to myself, "anyway, what were you up to before you came over?" I asked looking over to Jaeden.
"Not having a life, obviously." he retorted, laughing.
I laughed along them added, "Duh!" shoving half of my waffle in my mouth so that I could finish it and Jae and I could leave and do something together.
"Does Jack know I'm here?" he asked.
"No, Jae. For the last time: just because we're dating, doesn't mean that Jack and I keep 24/7 tabs on each other."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. He's just so clingy when you two are around each other that I would think he would want to know where you were and who you were hanging out with all the time."
"He does, but that doesn't me that I tell him every time I'm hanging out with someone."
"Oooh! Rebel girl! Jack, come getcha chick!" He danced around my kitchen making fun of me, laughing. I laughed with him.
When I finished my waffle, we went to the park and climbed "our tree". Everyone thought we were dating because of how much time we spend together, but we're just best friends. Our parents have been friends since before we were born so we just grew up together.
"So. Speak" he said.
"Hmmm, what shall I speak about?"
"Ok, how about us."
"What about us?" He looked genuinely confused, and honestly it was frikin adorable.
"We're best friends, but everyone thinks that we're together together even though I'm with Jack."
"Umm, are you suggesting that we stop hanging out as much?" I felt so bad, he looked genuinely worried and I absolutely hate seeing him worried.
"What? No! I just wanted to know what you think about it."
"Oh, thank God! You scared me a little bit!"
"I couldn't tell!" I laughed at my sarcasm.
"Screw you." We both laughed.
-time skip to 1:00 pm-
I sighed laying down on my bed with a sandwich in one hand and my phone in the other. I went to take a bite of my sandwich when I got a notification that startled me. It was on our group chat with a bunch of our friends.
Soph: hey, guys! What are y'all doing tonight?
1:05 pm
Jack: well, I was planning on hanging with
(y/n) later, why?
1:06 pm
Jae: lol ofc. #totallycouplegoalz like omg
1:06 pm
Millie: not all girls talk like that, btw.
1:06 pm
Jae: I'm aware of that, millz.
1:07 pm
Finn: wassup mah dudes and mah cutie
1:07 pm
Millie: aww hey
1:08 pm
Wyatt: Oof anyway, you were saying, babe?
1:08 pm
Soph: lol I forgot I was going to say anything tbh 😂
1:09 pm
Soph: I was gonna say that we should all hang out if you all can
1:09 pm
(Y/n): we can hang at my house
1:10 pm
Soph: you're alive? Wow
1:10 pm
Finn: fr I didn't think you were gonna respond 😂
1:11 pm
Millie: me either 😂
1:11 pm
Jack: neither did I, babe 😂
1:11 pm
Jae: same here
1:11 pm
(Y/n): welp, here I am... who's dth??
1:12 pm
Jack: "dth"?
1:12 pm
(Y/n): down to hang
1:13 pm
Jae: (your nickname) I told you that wasn't going to be a thing 😂
1:13 pm
Jack: don't be mean to her
1:14 pm
(Y/n): he was just joking, baby.
1:14 pm
Jack: aight, anyways I can hang tonight.
1:14 pm
Jae: same
1:15 pm
1:15 pm
Millie: ^^
1:15 pm
Finn: ^^^
1:15 pm
Wyatt: ^^^^
1:16 pm
Noah: ^^^^^
1:16 pm
*whole chat* (bc I'm lazy)
You're alive
It's not just a mythical being, it's real!!
(Stuff like that)
1:17 pm
Noah: yah, I'm alive. What time are we gonna meet up?
1:18 pm
(Y/n): about and hour?
1:18 pm
Everyone except for Jack: sure!
Jack: I'll be there a little late, maybe like and hour, hour and a half late...
(Y/n): :( ok
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