Stay Alive
~Groff's POV~
The wedding was over, Lin and I got into my old as car I've had since I was 25. I was 30 and I was gonna sell it soon. We slowly began to drive, gossiping about what Daveed and Rafa would do after the wedding.
"Daveed definitely has a daddy kink," Lin said. I let out a light laugh.
"He would though," I replied as we were stopped at a stop light. That's when a random car came out of nowhere. I heard the car alarm go off, I felt the air bag go into my chest, I felt sharp glass enter my stomach. The last thing I heard was Lin's voice.
~Lin's POV~
What the fuck just happened. People were getting out of their cars and calling the police.
"Groffy, please stay alive, please," I sobbed. I quickly ran out of the car. People were surounding us. I quickly opened the drivers side door. I just had a cut on my arm, I may need stiches. Jonathan feel out of the car, but I picked him up bridal style before he could. I took off my fancy jacket and applied presure to the wond. I didn't trust myself to remove the glass. I looked like it was in his liver. It was bleeding like Hell. I placed my finger tips to his wrist. He had a pulse, it was a little fast, but his heart worked. People were crowding around.
"Stay alive baby please!" I sobbed. I pulled his body into a tight kiss. I saw an ambulance. I ran over.
"Who are you?" An officer asked.
"Name and age?" A medic asked.
"Jonathan Drew Groff, age 30."
"What's your name?" A diffrent medic asked. Cops were making so people couldn't drive through the area.
"Lin Manuel Miranda. I'm his boyfriend," I yelled. They put him on a strecher and put him in the ambulance. A medic pulled me into the back as they drove away like mad men. They were sticking IV's into him.
"What happened?" A medic asked.
"We were driving back from a friend's wedding. We each only had one glass of beer and that was at around 9:45 so we've sobbered up. We were stopped at the traffic light when a car made an illegal turn and crashed into us," I was crying now. A female medic noticed my arm.
"You need stiches sir," She said.
"I DON'T CARE I NEED HIM TO BE ALIVE!" I sobbed. We pulled into the trama bay. They rushed Jonathan out of the ambulance and rushed him to surgery. I texted the Hamilchat while a nurse stiched me up. I needed him to survive.
~Two hour time skip~
I was sitting in the waiting room, sobbing like a baby. Rafa, Daveed, Jasmine, Anthony, Oak, and Pippa were there. Renne had an early flight tomorrow, Leslie had just had a baby, and Chris was drunk. They said they'd all come as soon as possible. Did I mention starting today we had 10 days off because of the wedding. I was sobbing into Daveed's arm.
"No you didn't ruin our wedding night. It's okay," Daveed said.
"No it's not Lin," Pippa said, "Why would it be your fault?"
"I DON'T KNOW IT JUST IS!" I screamed.
"No it's not," Rafa said. Two police officers walked up to us.
"Lin Manuel Miranda?" They asked.
"Yes!" I said standing up, wipping tears from my eyes.
"We belive we have caught the man who did this. He's currently in the police station. He's very drunk," The taller officer said.
"Thank god," I whispered. That's when a nurse came out.
"Lin Manuel Miranda, your boyfriend is out of surgery and semi-conscious. Would you like to see him?" She asked.
"Yes please!" I yelled. The nurse lead me to a room.
"A shard of glass poked him in the liver, leaving a 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter hole, so not deadly, the impact and shock is what knocked him out. The liver does bleed a lot though. He'll be discharged in two days and will make a full recovering in a week," she said. I wasn't religous, but I couldn't mumbling a quick prayer as I walked into his room. As I sat down his eyes flutterd open.
"B-b-baby, what happened?" He asked.
"Shhhhhhhhhhh we got in a car crash and a piece of glass poked you in the liver leaving a small hole. You'll make a full recovering within a week," I said. He was in a hospital gown, a bit of blood around his stomach. He was breathing by himself which was good, but there were a lot of IV's, which I didn't like. I reached out my hand for him to grab. I kissed him, it was the longest kiss we've ever had.
"Don't ever scare me like that again," I demanded pulling away from the kiss.
"I don't plan on it," he laughed.
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