Homophobic Landlady
~Groff's POV~
After we had taken showers and gotten dressed. We decided to walk to my apartment to tell my landlady 2 weeks notice that I was moving. Lin grabbed my hand as we walked out the door. My apartment was only two blocks away. Lin rested his head on my shoulder. We didn't talk, we just walked. He was smiling for one of the first times in days. We finally reached my building. We opended the door. I reached for the elevator button, it dinged and opened. I pressed the button for the top floor. We stood there in silence. Finally the doors opened. I stepped up to my landlady, Ms. Clark's door.
"Let me do the talking baby," I said knocking on the door. It swung open to reveal Ms. Clark. She was in a VERY revealing pink lace bra and jeans. Her graying hair was died pink. She held one of her hairless cats, Fu Fu.
"Johnny what are doing here at such an early hour?" She asked.
"First off don't call me Johnny for the 100th time and secondly it's 10:30 am. I came to give you my two weeks notice," I said in an angry tone.
"I see, maybe this hunk of meat should come live here," she said running her hands over Lin's stomach. I pushed her off.
"Get your meaty hands off of him!" I snarled.
"So over protective of him. Is he your boyfriend or something," she laughed. I grabbed his hand.
"Yes actually," I said. Her jaw feel to the floor.
"So your a faggot?" She asked.
"No we are two men in love. We are not faggots!" Lin said through gritted teeth.
"Johnny, I thought you knew I had a no faggot policy in this building," She said.
"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN IT'S 2015!" Lin yelled.
"I don't allow trannies, faggots, dykes or anything of the sort in my building. You have 24 hours to get everything out of your apartment then I kick you out. What's left is thrown in the garbage," she yelled.
"THIS IS INSANE!" I yelled.
"I don't give a fuck what you thing it's my building. Now bye bye Johnny," she said.
"WELL FUCK YOU BITCH! HAVE FUN IN THE FIRES OF HELL! LUCKILY I WAS GOING TO MOVE IN WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" I screamed. She slammed the door and yelled, "YOUR 24 HOURS STARTS NOW!" I felt tears forming in my eyes.
"It's okay, my landlord is trans, he'll never do that to us. Now let's get all the shit out of your apartment," Lin said grabbing my hand. We got in the elevator and went to the go down to the 3rd floor. There wasn't a lot in my apartment. I grabbed my laptop and put it in it's bag.
"Go grab all my framed photos in my bedroom please," I said to Lin. He nodded. I grabbed a few books off the shelf. Lin came back with a lot of framed pictures. I grabbed a backpack to put them in along with the books. Most of the framed pictures were of me and good friends. Like Lea Michelle and Lin of course who was more than a friend now. I grabbed a bag and put in my tooth brush, tooth paste, hair brush, perfume, (yes I wear perfume, so fucking what) and deoderent. I walked back into the living room and said, "I'm almost ready I just have to grab one thing, put these things in my backpack please." Lin nodded. I went into my bedroom and opened on of the bedside drawers. Inside was my vibrating dildo. I smirked and threw it in a plastic bag. I ran back downstairs. I put it in the backpack before Lin could see what it was.
"Ya ready?" He asked. I nodded. I said one last goodbye and we left.
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