Paring: Styles & Kenric
I hit my buzzing alarm clock slowly opening my eyes.Fuck it's Monday, Which mean there's school today and my homework from yesterday is due.
"Stanley, get up for school!" My mom yelled from downstairs.
I stood up and walked to my closet pulling on a clean pair of jeans and a Blue shirt, then slipped on my brown jacket and red puff ball hat. I walked to the window look across the street at Kyle's house and let out a very loud sigh, why can't Kyle like me the way he likes Rebecca Cotswold? Snap out of it Stan! Kyle isn't gay, and he'll never be gay so just stop!
"STANLEY ARE YOU UP!?" my mother yelled again this time banging on my bedroom door.
"I'M UP!" I yelled back frustrated just hearing her voice. She does this every Moring! She'll start a fight with me then tell Roy and then have him yell at me well she wakes up shelly.
I roll my eyes and grab my half-finished math homework and book bag and run the stairs and out the door before Roy had the chance to get mad. Roy has a volatile temper changing from caring to angry within seconds but mostly on me though. He would hit me in the face and got and tell me to listen to my mom or else He'll get the belt and beat me like he does every day and me being a hard ass didn't listen, Roy got mad and punched me in the face giving me a black eye. Explaining that to the guys was hard. After I told them Kenny and Kyle wanted to go to my house and kick Roy's sorry ass but I of course I stopped them. Ever since my parent's divorced my mom haven't been happy then she started talking to Roy again and a year later they got married and mom's been happy ever since. I take a beating any day just so my mom could be happy. I bet your wondering about my dad, Well he's dating some blonde girl ( I really don't like her and She doesn't like me) and got his old job as a geologist. He moved to some house in Denver and come to get me and shelly every other weekend to spend the weekend with him and his bitch. I don't mind going, it's just when he's not around His girlfriend will hit me and tell me to "stop being a little shit head and respect her". And I being the kind hearted guy I am will never raise a hand to a woman. So either way I get beat either by Roy or lynn-anna I think that's her name.
"Hey Stan! You okay dude?" My red headed best friend asked.
"Yeah I and my mom got into it this morning. I'm fine."
"Roy didn't hit you did he?" Kenny asked sourly. Kenny didn't like the fact that my mom's boyfriend beats me mostly every morning, he Knows it sucks and doesn't want any of this friends going through that.
"No, Left the house before he had a chance to."
"Dude, you have to tell someone! I mean Roy and Lynn-Anna or whatever the fuck her name is needs to stop Stan!" Kyle yelled in frustration. I get where he's coming from-
"Stan!" I hear a car pull up next to me. I look to the side to see Roy pulling up in his truck. I quickly look at Kyle and Kenny before walking to the truck.
"You forgot your lunch on the table son." He's so fucking fake. I roll my eyes and grab my lunch before walking back over to my friends but not before he say "your welcome you ungrateful basted!" I didn't say anything. I took my place next to Kyle not caring that Roy was still waiting for me to say thank you for bringing my lunch, I'm not telling him thank you I don't care if I'm disrespecting him. I hate Roy I miss my dad! The next thing I saw was a fist heading towards my face and me on the floor and Kenny and Kyle yelling for Roy to get off of me."Your grounded Stanley!" and with that he gets in the car and drives off.
"Are you alright Stan?" Kyle asked putting a hand out to help me up.
"Yeah, it's no big deal. I'm used to it." I bite back tears. No Stan don't you dare fucking cry in font of Kyle and Kenny. Don't be such a pussy. Kenny gets beat every day but still doesn't cry!
"Dude, that's not fucking right!" Kyle yelled his face red from anger. "Why doesn't your mom do something?"
"She loves Roy." I said dryly. "I just want to see my mom happy you guys and if that mean's taking a beating every other day or so then so be it!"
"Promise if it gets worse your get help?" Kyle asked me. He looked really close to tears.
"I promise dude."
Time skip after school
The walk home with Kenny, Kyle and Cartman was quite, we were all thinking about what was going to happen as soon as I got home. I know Roy would be waiting in the living room for me to come in. He always dose when I get in trouble.
"Why don't you just come to my house? Kenny and fat-ass are already go over and it way better than being at your house." Kyle said stopping in the middle of the walkway to my house.
"No, I just want to get it over with." I walk to the door and slowly open it. I look back at the guys and smile. "Thanks though."
Time to face hell
Well chapter 1 is up
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