The first human ancestors are thought to have first been seen in what would later be named GoldenEye. Before them, dangerous 'mobs' roamed the continent. This new species, theses humans, plunged the continent into warring cities. Mobs fled the continent entirely, some humans doing the same. The remaining inhabitants of GoldenEye went through long wars in six different cities, eventually being brought together by a group of six soldiers. Or was it only one person? The lines of history become more blurred the farther back you go, after all.
As for the fleeing humans and mobs, they either ended up in one of two places. Mobs can only be found on the continent of Kyladia today. Only one human city has ever existed there. The continent remains almost completely isolated from the others. If you're not born on Kyladia, it's usually a death sentence to visit. The only exception may be in the hybrid trials thousands of years later, but we're not here to discuss that.
Liblicen is the most..... unique continent of the three. It's no secret that there's magic in the air. Well, the ground, more accurately. Every single living thing was effected by it. That includes the first humans to set foot on Liblicen soil. The continent is far more dangerous then GoldeEye. Wolves are four feet tall, and foot long centipedes can kill you in an hour. The humans unknowingly tapped into magic to survive. The earliest were the sorcerers. They learned to draw the magic to them, using it to their own ambitions. Sorcerers of today are decendents of these first. Magic drawing is a lost skill these days.
Humans who did not draw magic changed in different ways. The magic sped up evolutions to help them survive. One of the most known hybrids are the Zemrlt. They're recognizable by their gray eyes, dark hair, and external ribs. Most also use sign language instead of speech. Zemrlt would soon rule the continent and establish the diverse cities. Animalistic hybrids also evolved. Some had wings. Others had paws. And some grew gills along with their lungs. This species in particular isolated themselves from others for so long that they almost never mingled with other hybrids or humans. They did this by creating underwater cities that only they could live in.
Peace can only last for so long. GoldenEye and Liblicen made their peace through war, but it was not to last. The rising tension between GoldenEye and the aquatic hybrids is where the story really begins.
Hybrid Guide
Piscis (squid)-
Nicknamed 'squid' by the GoldenEye
soldiers, Piscus are water breathing
hybrids originating off the coast of
Liblicen. They're easily picked out by
their blue skin, gills, and their webbed
hands and feet. Piscus usually have
blue, green, or hybrid amber colored
eyes. Their underwater cities have
never been seen by human eyes.
With hollow bones and a knack to
predict the weather, Caelum have the
gift of flight with their massive wings.
Their wings are made of four layers of
feathers and have three joints to fold
up on their backs. Caelum mainly live
in the two mountain ranges in Liblicen.
The Zemrlt are the most numerous of
the hybrids in Liblicen. They control the
continent and have a loose government
led by the royal family. Zemrlt are easy
to spot with their pale skin and gray
eyes. Their most notable feature is the
external bone armor. All of them have
ash gray bone running down the
middle of their back, connecting up
with 2-4 external rib bones. Zemrlt
have a strange connection with the in-
between. After the death of a family
member, one of their eyes are bleached
a startling white. Regular Zemrlt will
be able to see their loved ones just one
more time, but royalty are left to see
the spirits for the rest of their lives.
They communicate in sign language.
These hybrids are thick boned and
even thicker muscled. A coat of fur
covers their entire bodies. They live in
multiple packs throughout the Liblicen
forests, although thy have been known
to compete with the Caelum for the
mountains. Bacca have the intelligence
to build cities and live amongst other
intelligent life, but their culture is very
primitive and savage.
Although considered a hybrid, sorcerers
appear completely human expect for
their eyes. The come in many different
colors unlike the typical hybrid. There
are four different classes of sorcerer
with different abilities, but any class
can learn any skill with enough
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