The Truth Comes Out
Following Sam's orders, you paced the small motel room as Sam and Dean went to find out more about the Dragon you were facing. It made you nervous, and you were actually glad that you had been left behind. While they were out trying to locate the mythical being, you called Bobby, asking for his help.
"A dragon? Those things really exist?" Bobby asked as you heard him banging around in that kitchen of his.
"Yeah, they do. And do you have any idea on what kills them? Because I'm sure what I used way back when isn't easily found." You explained as you stared out the window, waiting for Sam and Dean to return.
"I have no clue. I've never really come across much in my studies. But I do know someone that might." He said after a moment.
Just then you saw the Impala pulling back into the parking lot. "Great. Can you give me the phone number?"
After getting the woman's address, you hung up just as the door was opened, and a frustrated pair of brothers walked in. "You guys find anything?"
Shaking their heads simultaneously, Sam sat down next to you while Dean headed straight to the fridge for a beer. "I might have something to help us. I just got off the phone with Bobby, and he knows a person who is interested in Dragons."
"Great! I'll head down, talk to her, see if she has a way to kill the Dragon. You two stay up here, see if you can find out where it's hanging out." Dean said, setting his beer down before he grabbed his coat, leaving the room.
"So, that leaves the two of us." You said awkwardly, making Sam chuckle lightly.
Leaning back on the bed, he stretched out his lean legs. "When you dealt with dragons before, did they gravitate toward any particular sort of hiding hole?"
You thought back to that horrid time. It was during the plague, when you had been trying your hardest to help people. It had used that time to go after the weak and pure, and you tried to stop it. "The ones I've dealt with, well mainly I've dealt with one, liked dark, hidden places. Places that weren't really used anymore."
Sam climbed off of the bed, heading towards the wall where he had a map along with all of the newspapers hanging up. Chewing lightly on his lip, he searched all over, as you came up behind him. Helping him look, you pointed to a spot that seemed right. "There. How about the closed subway station?"
Turning, he placed his hands on your cheeks, pressing his lips soundly to yours. "You are brilliant!"
Blushing slightly, you pulled back. "Thanks. Do you want a drink? I'm gonna head out to the vending machine?" You asked, needing to get some fresh air.
Messing with the change in your hand, you walked the short distance to the vending machine, searching through the items, trying to figure out what you wanted. After making up your mind, you walked slowly back to the room, where you heard voices.
Opening the door, you were happy to see Cas in the room. "Cas!" You exclaimed, sitting down your can before enveloping the awkward man in a hug.
"Hello Y/N, how are you? You seem different." He said, tilting his head to the side, studying you carefully.
"I've got my powers back." You explained to which he nodded. "I thought so. But why? What happened? Sam and I've been talking, and he seems okay now that his soul is back."
With your breath caught in your throat, you stared up at Sam, seeing him waiting for your reaction. Of course Cas didn't know the repercussions for talking to Sam about his soul, but you couldn't believe he hadn't been more careful.
"Cas, what did you do?" You whispered, watching as the Angel narrowed his eyes.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" Sam asked you, his eyes searching yours for an answer. You could tell he was hurt, and you didn't blame him. But it scared you, knowing he could go itching at that wall any moment. "Was I truly soulless? Cas said..."
"Cas shouldn't have said anything!" You blurted out, missing the way the Angel reeled back. "It was imperative that you didn't find out! There's a serious chance that it could turn your brain to mush!"
Sam stepped forward, his movements hesitant and unsure. "Y/N, Cas said that when I was soulless, I was ruthless. That I said things to you, that were horrible. Is that true?"
"Sam, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want you even thinking about that time. Please." You begged, but he wouldn't drop it.
"How did I get my soul back Y/N?" He continued pushing you.
"Can we please wait until Dean gets back?" You asked, not wanting to have to deal with this by yourself.
Taking your hand, Sam pulled you until you were sitting on the bed beside him. "Y/N, I need to know, please."
Your hands trembling, you knew he wouldn't give up until he learned everything. "Sam, please. First things first, no matter how much you want to, you cannot think about that missing time chunk."
He nodded, his face serious as he waited for you to continue. "After you...the whole battle with Lucifer, I lived with Bobby for a while. I was hurting, Dean was gone, and Bobby took me in. Taught me a lot about hunting, and about being human. Because all of my powers were gone. I could age, and die. Then, I finally went hunting on my own. And when I got overpowered by a Djinn, you and Dean saved me."
"A djinn?" Sam interrupted.
"Yeah, I was almost a goner, but truthfully, I wouldn't have minded. I was with you, and we were happy." You said sadly. "But then, both Dean and I noticed you were different. You broke my heart, and let Dean turn into a Vampire. But then, I made a deal with Death, and now, here you are." You finished explaining, skipping the part of what the deal actually was.
"I'm so sorry." Sam said, pulling you in tight for a hug. "But Y/N, you never said what the deal was."
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. Of course it had to come down to this. Sam was too smart not to want to know, and you weren't sure you were ready to tell him yet. "Can we please leave it alone?"
He shook his head, squeezing your hand as you felt a tear slip down your cheek. "Please Y/N, I need to know."
"I promised I would go back to Death. Leave you and Dean alone, never to contact you again." You sobbed, pressing your head to Sam's chest.
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