Starting Over
After you had made your decision to stick with Sam and Dean, Bobby had given you a big hug, needing to head back home. "Those idjit's can't do anything without me." He said, meaning the phone lines he took care of.
"Bobby, do you think I'm doing the right thing?" You asked him as Dean had left to get another hotel room for him and Sam. Because there was no way you could spend the night with Sam in the room.
"I do. Dean needs help with his brother. And I know he doesn't trust that grandpa of theirs. You are still learning to hunt on your own. Hell, you're still learning how to be human. Pairing back up with those boys will be the best thing for all of you, Sam included. Just don't let the idjit get to you too much." He said, before leaving the room.
As soon as he was gone, you collapsed on the bed, emotionally exhausted. You hadn't even had a chance to recuperate after your ordeal with the djinn, and you were feeling it. You were still weak, and tired and who knows how long it's been since you've had a good meal. It was something you were still getting used to.
Tossing around the idea of getting up to get food, you heard a knock at your door. Opening it a crack, you stepped back when you noticed it was only Dean. He came inside, shutting the door behind him. "Where's Sam?" You asked.
"Out getting food." He replied, setting down at the table, making himself at home. "So, while it's just you and me, how about we come up with a plan?"
"A plan?" You asked him. "What type of plan?"
Thumbing through one of the books you had left open, he kept his eyes down, a sure sign that he was a little nervous. "Well, a plan to deal with Sam. I'm still trying to figure things out between hunting and my relationship with Lisa. And I know that if I leave the two of you alone, you might end up killing him. So I was thinking about a plan on how to deal with him."
"I won't kill him. He might have broken my heart, but no matter how much of a dick he is, it won't come to that." You admitted, as Dean finally looked your way.
"Okay then. Well, we just need to make sure to keep an eye on him, see if we can figure out what's going on." Dean announced awkwardly just as Sam returned with a couple bags of food in his hands. He tossed one Dean's way, and one to you before sitting down at the table.
"Where's yours at?" You asked him, and he just shrugged carelessly. "I ate on the way back. But hurry up, I just found us a case."
Taking a huge bite out of your burrito, you waited for him to go on, staring closely at Sam, trying to figure him out. He had just made out with a women in front of you, broke up with you, and was sitting here as if it was all okay. While it was taking everything you had not to chuck your food at him, or cry. Both strange feelings to you.
"What is it?" Dean asked, his mouth full of food. Shaking your head at him, you turned your attention back to Sam.
"Vampires, I think. Luring young girls." He said. "We leave in ten." You watched as stood up, heading to the room Dean had just booked.
Sighing, you faced Dean. "So Vampires, huh? And not even a night to relax."
"I'm sorry. If you want I can take this one with him, you can meet up with us later. I know you're probably exhausted." Dean suggested, but you shook him off.
"No, I'll come with. But maybe we can leave my car in storage here, and I can ride with you. That way I can sleep on the way." You suggeste, moving to pack up your items. You didn't own much, just a duffel bag full of clothes, and some books that Bobby had loaned you.
"That sounds good. Meet outside in ten minutes?" He asked you, and you nodded. "We can drop your car off, and hit the road."
As soon as he was gone, you collapsed back onto the chair, your forgotten burrito in front of you. Placing your head in your hands, you tried to take deep, steadying breaths. So much had changed in such a short period of time, and you hoped you were doing the right thing going with Sam and Dean again. Maybe being around Sam will make him see how much of a dick he had been to you. Or, if not, at least it could help you get past him, and back on with your life.
With one minute to spare, you were shutting the door to your motel room, your bag thrown over your shoulder. Tossing it into your car, you followed the Impala, stopping at a storage place just outside of town. It was harder than you thought, leaving your car, but soon you were back in the backseat of the Impala, with Dean driving down the interstate.
Your exhaustion caught up with you, and even with your staring at the back of Sam's head, you found yourself falling asleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the Impala.
"Y/N, we're here." Sam's voice sounded close to your ear as he roughly shook you awake. You jumped, almost forgetting where you were for a moment, and that Sam was back from Hell.
"Sam?" You asked groggily, rubbing your eyes.
He stepped back, just as Dean came back with two room keys in his hand. "We're at the hotel. Hurry up and get out so we can get to researching."
You watched as he grabbed a key from Dean, before turning and heading to the bright yellow painted wall of doors. You slid out of the Impala, grabbing the other key from Dean. "Let me know when you need me." You told him, shutting the door behind you. It was an old, smelly room, but you had quickly become used to that fact. Throwing your bag on the table, you pulled out your laptop, getting to work. You wanted to show Sam and Dean how much you had learned while on your own.
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