chapter 75 + new story
Hours later
*After 8 hours of flight izuku saw the main overwatch base, instantly the guns were on izuku's ship, izuku took the radio and tuned to there frequency*
Izuku:this is agent reaper stand down, I repeat this is agent reaper stand down. I need overwatch members Gabriel Reyes and Angela Reyes I've got injured people with me including myself
Soldier:copy that you are clear for landing Angela and Gabriel Reyes are on there way with help
*Izuku hung up and sighed this was gonna be a long night. Izuku landed slowly seeing the place started to get filled with armed soldiers, and medical staff waiting. Izuku walked out of the cockpit with Inko following him izuku opened the door and was instantly attacked in a hug by his mother*
Angela;you bastard you scared me half to death! Why? Why do you always find a way to scare me to death do you want me to have an early grave is that it?!
*Izuku couldn't speak as Angela started looking him up and down being a doctor and a very overprotective mother she could already see all the injuries and the disgusting display of what the other doctors did to patch him up*
Angela:did you get healed up by a bunch of med students?! Look at this! This is just sloppy work!
Izuku:mother this is not the time for that, you can check me over after everyone else is taken care of first, my wounds are bruises at best
*Angela gave izuku a look only a mother could and simply touched the arm akande punched, izuku winced and pulled back in....slight almost minor pain*
Angel:you call having a broken arm a bruise?! I don't give a damn about favoritism your my son you come first before anyone else to be cured!
Izuku:yeah you made that extremely clear when you were in the middle of surgery and then found out I had a cold
*A soldier in the background flinched since that was HIS surgery. Other people started walking out of the plane and instantly the soldiers pointed there guns at Sombra and Widowmaker, izuku escaped his mother's embrace and got in front of them with his arms in the air*
Izuku: they're with me!! They're with me!! Stand down!
Gabriel:the hell do you mean they're with you?!
*Izuku sighed rubbing the back of his neck, izuku glanced back at Sombra that had a smug look on her face*
Izuku:it's...a long story I can tell you after everyone is taken care of, but for now I need you to trust me
Gabriel:....am I gonna get mad?
Izuku:no no.....Furious is the more correct word
Scene change
*Izuku was right. Gabriel was furiously passing back and forth while Angela was busy healing izuku up*
Gabriel:SO! Let me see if I got this straight you've been working with a member of the enemy
Izuku:less working with more on the lines of helping each other not die on certain missions
*Gabriel gave his son a good glare and izuku just placed his hands on the air*
Izuku:I'm just saying
Gabriel:gave her secret information so you did treason against overwatch a fireable offense
Izuku:but seeing as I'm your son you'll just punish the hell out of me and then brush this under the rug like the whole going rogue to save Brigitte case
Gabriel:and now you want me to give them both blanket immunities from all the crimes they've done. The amount of people's she's crippled the people she killed alone is enough to fill a graveyard!
*Gabriel said pointing to Widowmaker that was busy painting her nails. Izuku placed his finger on his chin pretending to be in thought*
Izuku: didn't you do the same thing when you were brainwashed?
*Gabriel flinched And gave an actual angry glare at izuku since that was still a sensitive issue. Izuku just shrugged and grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, ignoring the look of disapproval from his mother he lighted it up and started smoking*
Izuku:you and Widowmaker are two side of the same coin only difference is you got lucky and got out she didn't have that luxury, are you really about to be a hypocrite and not forgive her like Winston forgave you? Are you not gonna deal with the media that Winston had to deal with your case?
Gabriel: enough you've made your point. Marquis! James! Get in here!!
*The of the new soldiers or background characters in izuku's eyes walked in saluting there commander"
James/marquis:yes sir!?
Gabriel:take Widowmaker to the science section of the building ask Winston to see what he can do about taking whatever chip talon placed on Widowmaker out of her system
James:yes! Right this way ma'am!
*Widowmaker got up and followed them soldiers out of there. Gabriel sighed with a "I'm so done" expression on his face while he looked at his son*
Gabriel:any other secrets you want to get out of your chest?
Izuku:mom is getting you a tie for your birthday
*Izuku winced when Angela slapped him behind the head, that actually made Gabriel chuckled, before going back to serious*
Gabriel:you do realize if those two betray us even I can't save you they'll be completely your responsibility and you'll have to take the fall of this turns out to just be a trap
Izuku:I can accept that, I would rather have faith in humanity and in second chances then be a cynical asshole like that akande fellow. Speaking off we need to talk about Japan. It's been corrupted by talon, how much I don't know and that's where she comes in
*Sombra smiled at waved at Gabriel, Gabriel could just tell she's gonna be a pain to work with*
Sombra:what do you say old death? Will you give me and Widowmaker pardons? In exchange I can show you just how deep the corruption goes
Gabriel:...I am so gonna regret this later on but... Ok, you'll come with me and tell me what you know all the secrets of talon
Sombra:fine but I would work fast now it's only a matter of time before the talon higher ups discover that me and Widowmaker are alive and they will know our only choice would be coming here. They'll be moving everything as soon as that happens
*Sombra and Gabriel walked away, it took another 15 minutes before Izuku was healed*
Izuku: Brigitte and Eri?
Angela:in your room waiting for you, they've been briefed on what happened
*Izuku nodded and walked away, after walking for a long way he was stopped by a almost tackling hug from his sister*
Izumi:your alive!!
Izuku:of course in alive, I'm way too stubborn to die. How's everything been treating you?
Izumi:oh uh fine, everyone talked to there parents and they're reactions were...mixed go say they least some support what they did while others thought they should've sided with the heroes of Japan
Izuku:I see, well chin up everyone is gonna be ok. For now go tell everyone that lights off tomorrow is gonna be one hell of a day
*Izuku kissed izumi's forhead as she let go of the hug and walked back to the visitor sections of the base. Izuku walked deeper in to the base to the small apartment complex walking inside the apartment again he was hugged only this time he was tackled to the ground*
*Eri said crying in relief that he was ok, izuku smiled and hugged Eri back*
Izuku:for someone so small you back quite a punch baby girl. I'm sorry I scared you so much I promise im fine I would never leave you like that
Brigitte:you better keep that promise we still have a wedding to have and sibling to give Eri
Eri:I want to be a big sister!
*Izuku chuckled as he got up getting a kiss from his fiancee that he returned*
Brigitte: I'm glad you made it back ok
Izuku:so am I, come on let's give our little angel a lullaby and then go to sleep ourself
Brigitte:mind if you do that alone? I'm dead tired and just want to take a bath
Izuku:sure no problem come on baby girl say goodnight to mommy
Eri:goodnight mommy I love you
*Brigitte kneeled down and kissed eri's little horn*
Brigitte:and I love you my little sunshine
*Izuku grabbed izuku holding her in his arms and walked to her small room*
Eri:I miss my old room daddy
Izuku:I know honey this is only temporary I promise. Now what song do you want me to sing?
Eri:can you sing me that song? The one where we looked at the stars?
Izuku:sure baby girl
*Izuku placed Eri in to bed, turning on the ac while Eri covered herself in blankets. Izuku sat on the bed and started singing Acapella*
Izuku:If you leap awake
In the mirror of a bad dream
And for a fraction of a second
You can't remember where you are...
*Eri Yawned getting comfortable as izuku played with her hair*
Izuku:Just open your window
And follow your memory upstream
To the meadow in the mountain
Where we counted every falling star
*Izuku kissed eri's cheek seeing she was already falling asleep must've tired herself out being so worried over him*
Izuku:I believe the light that shines on you
Will shine on you forever
Izuku:And though I can't guarantee
There's nothing scary hiding under your bed I'm gonna stand guard
Like a postcard of a Golden Retriever
And never leave 'til I leave you
With a sweet dream in your head
*Izuku got up and started walking aways slowly and softly as to not wake her up*
Izuku:I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father loved his daughter More than I love you...
*Izuku said before slowly closing the door with a smile and went to his own room since Brigitte wasn't the only one dead tired*
To be continued or skip ahead on Patreon
Gracias especiales ah:
Ben knight
Jacob Mooe
nT_wolf 0
Ayham Alqaissi
José Ruiz Dé Austri
Thai Nguyen
Trevor Ferguson
Ty Kennedy
Jameil fluker
William Washington
True V Munoz-Bennett
Shawn sachs
Jamel Collins
Billy protonotarios
Ryan chaffin
Alysha brown
Ashley Coleman
Thanks again for the donations
Explanation:this story finished I've written the last chapter as your reading this now is just a matter of time and since this one is done another must take its place
Story:love like you
Fandom: encanto
*we see alma having drink of tea with her best friend, the matriarch of the Guzman family Maria Guzman in the cafe of the plaza in encanto. Alma stopped drinking frowning slightly hearing her voice*
Mirabel:ah Mariano glad I've caught you!
Mariano:hey Mirabel can I help you with something?
Mirabel: actually yes the kids wanted me to sing a song that's a duet mind helping out?
Mariano:i...I don't know my voice isn't really made for singing
Mirabel:oh nonsense it's fantastic! I've heard pleaaaaaaase it would really make the children very happy
Mariano: hm... Oh alright if it's for the children I suppose
*Mirabel grabbed Mariano's wrist and dragged him away, Mariano laughed as he was being dragged by the 15 year old girl*
Mariano:and here i thought it was Luisa with the super strength
*That was the last thing alma and Maria heard before there respected grandchildren disappeared from sight. Alma was about to scoff when she heard Maria chuckle*
Maria: hay that Mirabel, you can see why she's the favorite madrigal of encanto huh? She's like a ball of energy
*Alma did a spit take, tea falling on her dress as she looked at Maria as if she grew a second head *
Alma: what are you talking about? Isabela is the favorite madrigal, she's the flower the next figure head of the miracle
*Now it was Maria's turn to look at her best friend as if she grew a second head*
Maria:what are you talking about? Isabela isn't even the 5th favorite madrigal hold on, Miguel! Miguel come over here!
*An older gentleman walked up to the table with a smile on his face*
Miguel:hello ladies what can I help you with?
Maria:quick question who's your favorite madrigal?
Miguel:Mirabel no question no hesitation
*Miguel said his smile becoming bigger, alma looked at Miguel with her eyes wide*
Alma:b...but why?
Miguel:why? What kind of question is that? She's Mirabel! That girl has helped me so many times in the bakery that I feel guilty not paying her, I tried but she just refused and insisted I give that money to an orphanage. Hay what a sweet girl, shame my son has his eyes set on another I would love to have her as my daughter in law
Alma:and isabela?
Miguel;. . .what about Isabela? I mean I've seen her in town but she's never come in to my shop, good thing do those petals and pollens would be a nightmare to clean
Maria:thank you Miguel I'll be sure to come for a visit~
*Miguel chuckled winking at Maria as he left before alma could say something Maria screamed again*
Maria:Carlos! Come over here a second!!
Carlos;hello ma'ams what can I help with?
Maria:favorite madrigal?
Carlos:Mirabel of course, she fixed my wife's wedding dress an hour before the wedding. That girl deserved that extra piece of cake
Maria:thank you, hernesto!!
Hernesto:you rang?
Maria: favorite madrigal go
Hernesto:Mirabel, my kids love her, same goes for every parent of the kids Mirabel babysits
Alma:but that's just a job right? Everyone in the madrigal has a job to do
Hernesto:a job she does for free whenever we try to give her money she refused. One time we all but forced her and the next day she came with new toys for the children with the money we gave her
*A few of the adults around chuckled at the memory and the absolute look of defiance the younger woman gave them*
Maya:yeah I heard, Mirabel since Julieta's food only works on humans it couldn't help my little paco, Mirabel refused to accept that and went to the forest to find some herbs, she found them and gave them to me and now? Paco is better then ever that girl has a heart of gold
Lucas:what's going on?
Maria:talking about the best madrigal
Lucas: oh, Mirabel obviously, help my mother paint her house when I was too busy to help
Lily:Mirabel? We're telling Mirabel stories because I have one, the time she jumped to the lake to find my wedding ring that slipped off my finger when i was swimming
* And so it went on for another 3 hours of maria calling people out and asking each time the answer was the same Mirabel, Mirabel and Mirabel. Alma was more then shocked she was astonished that Mirabel did so much for the community for free, that astonishment quickly was replaced with horror as she remembers each and every time she pushed Mirabel away*
Maria:so Mirabel is first followed by Julieta on a veeeeery distant second, Antonio on number 3 for being so adorable. Luisa in Fourth and Pepa number 5 and leaving Isabela at number 9, Agustin and felix are scored higher then her
Alma:I don't understand, what about Isabela? Why is she so low? Don't people like her?
Maria: don't get everybody wrong. Isabela is a good child but like you said before she's the flower of the encanto, a flower you look at but the second you walk away from it you forget all about it. Mirabel on the other hand she's just....well she's just Mirabel, there's no hiding, she has her flaws of course but those flaws makes her endearing they make her human. Isabela well... she's just too perfect to be relatable
*Alma felt as if someone gut punched her, all the wind was taken out of her body. While Maria just drank her tea*
Alma:I...I don't even know what to say I thought...
Maria:what? That Mirabel did nothing but get in the way?
*Another gut punch and another slurp of the tea. Maria sighed*
Maria: it's not my family so it's not my place to judge how you raised your children and I never did but since it's all out in the open now I guess I'll give you my two cents.
everyone knows how you see her alma they just don't say anything since they know you'll just blame it on Mirabel making trouble for attention. But hey it could be worse people like Isabela, not like she's Dolores
Alma:oh God now what....
*Alma said having her hands on her face, not sure if she could take another reveal at her old age. But the cat was already out of the bag might as well take the kittens out"
Maria:yeah, she quickly became the new black sheep after your son left the village. And this time it's all your fault she became that. People call her "Alma's rat" want to take a guess on why?
Alma:I...I would never use there secrets against them! I'm simply making sure....
Maria:puta shut up
*Maria said 105% done with Alma's victim mentality. Alma sighed and remained quiet Maria being one of the few that could get alma to do that*
Maria:it doesn't matter what YOU do with the secrets since it's Dolores who'll get the blame at the end they don't care that it's you that's making her do that they don't care if it keeps them safe
*Maria got up and paid for her drink, she looked at alma who just stuck in her head*
Maria:Dolores became the new Bruno and you have no one to blame but yourself, if something doesn't change soon they'll also be saying 'we don't talk about Dolores'
*Maria said as she left leaving alma there with her thoughts*
Scene change
*It was the end of the day everyone was at dinner. And Mirabel was extremely uncomfortable, why? Well since she noticed alma looking at her*
Mirabel:uh...do you want me to pass the bread abuela?
Alma:hm? Oh yes thank you Cariño, and how was your day?
*The whole table stopped what they were doing and looked at alma, that was the first time since they could remember that alma was even remotely interested in mirabel. Mirabel looked shocked but quickly shook it off and gave a nervous smile*
Mirabel:it uh, it was good? The children wanted me and Mariano to sing a duet after duet. I'm pretty sure we sang Pimpinela whole album before they were satisfied
Alma:well I'm sure you sang wonderfully, What else did you do today? I'm sure it wasn't just that?
*Pepa and Julieta we're looking at each other as if the other knew what exactly was going on*
Mirabel:I uh, oh yeah I helped the church with the food collection/food drive
Julieta:what? That's the first I've heard of something like that
Mirabel: well because we don't need it? There's not a single person in the encanto that goes hungry. But father Alves god bless him he can't sit by while the towns around us aren't so lucky, so he along with others me included of course, we collect food cans or make food that father Alves takes with help of the construction workers of the town and they climb up the mountain to give food to those that need it the most
*Now Mirabel was feeling even more nervous since something was very very wrong, she was the center of attention in Casita that hasn't happened since her failed ceremony*
Julieta:again, why wasn't i informed? I could've helped out with food
Mirabel:well, uh actually, you kinda were? Um it happened months ago like I want to say February I think? Yeah February, you were so busy running around making food that you weren't paying attention to father alves ask for your help, you just said yes and forgot about it. Since you were so busy I decided to help and make the food for you
*Mirabel said as she kept eating hoping that the conversation was over and it almost was with everybody in there own head, that is until Dolores decided to speak*
Dolores:your leaving something out
To be continued on Saturday 19 or 5 chapters ahead on Patreon
Gracias especiales ah:
Ben knight
Jacob Mooe
nT_wolf 0
Ayham Alqaissi
José Ruiz Dé Austri
Thai Nguyen
Trevor Ferguson
Ty Kennedy
Jameil fluker
William Washington
True V Munoz-Bennett
Shawn sachs
Jamel Collins
Billy protonotarios
Ryan chaffin
Alysha brown
Ashley Coleman
Thanks again for the donations
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