chapter two
Cas sat at the table with his mom, constantly checking his phone, hoping that Dean would text him. He knew the chances were slim, but he still had hope. "Castiel Novak, please get off your phone and talk to your mother!" Cas slid his phone into his pocket. "I'm sorry." He was so distracted, thinking about Dean he had hardly touched his food. "Cas, honey, please eat your food, I spent an hour working on it."
"I will, I will." He rolled his eyes. "Castiel do not roll your eyes at me! Do you want me to take away your phone?" That the last thing he wanted right now. "No, sorry." He began stuffing his face with food, and felt a vibration in his pocket. He wanted to check it so bad, praying it was Dean, but he knew he had to wait. Once he was all done, he ran up to his room. "Please be Dean. Please be Dean," he whispered under his breath as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He held his breath and turned on the screen.
unknown number: hey cas, this is dean...sorry to bother u
cas: hey dean!! im so glad u texted :)
Cas had a smile from ear to ear while he quickly typed Dean's name into his contacts.
dean: so y did u give me ur number anyway? im not trying to be rude i'm just wondering
cas: idk u just seemed interesting i guess
dean: it was my green eyes wasn't it ;)
cas: omg dean! ur such a flirt!
dean: hey i'm just speaking the truth ;)
Cas was surprised how funny Dean was, and how easily their conversation flowed. They stayed up all night texting each other. Cas knew he'd regret it in the morning, but he didn't care. Dean Winchester was worth it all.
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