Chapter Sixteen
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Sixteen. Gif of Hayes ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I have left school now, the rest of my year are still in classes as they're all doing revision before exams which start late May. However, I completed all of mine in April and we've only just got into May as it's early May now. I will still get all of my results on the same day as the rest of my year, but as I completed mine early, without study leave, I am now finished with school. I applied to college before Christmas, Cameron knows that I applied and he knows how my interview went and all that jazz but I don't know about college anymore, I have been thinking about dance again.
It's Saturday today, my Dad should have been working but his boss gave him the day off so he has gone to the away football match with my Uncle. My Dad told me that he will be out until tonight, so he will probably be back around 8 this evening which isn't too bad as at least I can see him. It's only 11 in the morning right now, and my Dad left around an hour ago – he told me that I can invite anyone around if I want to, sometimes I am not too bothered about being home alone but at other times, I like to have someone to talk to instead of myself.
I have just rung Cameron and asked him if he wanted to come over for a bit, he told me he would definitely be over as his manager doesn't mind Cameron disappearing for a day or so and the lads can find entertainment in and around the city. Cameron is still in Birmingham with the lads so it shouldn't take him too long to get down here. I haven't bothered to change or anything, it's pointless considering he has seen me in much worse and it isn't like Cameron is appalled at seeing me in my pyjamas – well he better not be.
The doorbell just rang, so I leave the comfort of the sofa and go to open the door "Hey Babygirl" Cameron greets me as he opens the porch "Hi there" I say and he kisses me quickly, before stepping inside and I shut the door behind him. I go back into the living room, whilst Cameron takes his shoes off and he then joins me on the sofa "Why are the curtains still shut?" he asks as he puts his arm around my shoulder, I just shrug causing my boyfriend to laugh "Can I open them?" he asks and I shrug again "If you want, I just never got around to actually opening them" I tell him and he laughs, before getting up and opening the curtains.
Cameron falls back down next to me and I move to put my head in his lap. Cameron smiles down at me, starting to stoke my hair "Hey Babygirl, guess what" Cameron whispers, making me turn my attention to him instead of the TV "What?" I ask, whispering back to him making him smile. He takes a deep breath, and intertwines his free hand with mine "I love you" he tells me and I sit up, keeping hold of Cameron's hand "I don't know if I have told you too soon, and if I have then I understand why you don't say it back. I just need to te-" I cut him off from speaking by kissing him, he kisses back but when I pull away he looks confused "Did you learn nothing from when you asked me out?" I ask and he laughs "That I need to shut up and listen to you sometimes" he recalls what happened when he first confessed his feelings to me.
I rub the back of Cameron's hand with my thumb, "I love you too Cam" I tell him, causing a massive smile to break out across his face. Cameron puts his hand at the back of my neck, and then pulls my head towards him to meet him in a kiss. When he pulls away, I put my head back in his lap and he starts to stroke my hair again "Well that was an interesting interval" I joke and Cameron chuckles "But now I get to tell you that I love you all the time" he says with a smile on his face "Your smile is the cutest thing ever" I say but Cameron shakes his head, disagreeing with me "No, I beg to differ actually" he states and I raise my eyebrows "Do you now?" I ask and he nods, still with the smile on his face, "I do, because you are the cutest thing I have ever set my eyes on" he admits with a smirk on his face this time.
After a little while, I get up to grab Cameron and I some drinks as well as something to eat, because we haven't eaten since he got here. I put everything onto a tray, and take it back into the living room, where Cameron has pulled out a table for us "You are so great" he says as I put the tray down "It's just some rolls, and crisps – it isn't much" I tell him, sitting back down next to him "But thanks" I say and he laughs, kissing my cheek "Is Pepsi okay?" I ask, referring to the drink that I did for him "Course it is, what did you have?" he asks, looking at my cup "Just water, I don't drink many fizzy drinks" I explain and Cameron nods, remembering when I told him about my drinking habits – and yes, he knows basically everything.
Once we have finished eating, the both of us sink back into the sofa and Cameron puts his arm around my shoulder "When do you have to go back?" I ask, and Cameron looks down at me "What do you mean?" he asks, sounding slightly confused "When do you and the lads have to go back on tour again? Your manager only said that all of you could stay until I finished school, and I have finished school now" I explain to him and Cameron sighs "I don't think that I can handle leaving you here" he sounds kind of shaky whilst he talks "It was different when we first started dating, because we hadn't met in the first place, but now that I have spent so much time with you – I don't want to go back to seeing you through a screen, I want to be able to hug you, to kiss you and to just be in your presence" he tells me, with emotion in his eyes the whole time.
I nod in agreement with him, "I do have an idea though" Cameron speaks up so I look up at him "This will all depend on what your Dad says" he tells me to start off with, so I nod and motion for him to continue "I spoke to my manager about this, just before you did your final exam" he says and I nod again "Would you want to come on tour with me, Matt, Hayes, Nash, Ethan and Grayson?" Cameron asks, sounding slightly apprehensive "Are you being serious?" I ask as I can't quite believe what I just heard "Of course I am Babygirl, I would love to have you on tour with me" Cameron says with that adorable smile back on his face.
I would definitely be up for going on tour with Cameron and the boys, it would mean that I get to be with Cameron and I get to travel like I have always wanted. It will just depend on my Dad's verdict.
That was Chapter Sixteen, hope you liked it.
I apologise for the wait on this chapter, I have been doing things for exams so I haven't been able to write.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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