Chapter One
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter One. Picture of Cameron ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Right now, there is a week left of the summer holidays before I have to go back to school or, as I like to call it, hell. I have never really liked school; it isn't something that I want to do but I know I want to get a good education, which is why I go. I don't think that my Dad would let me not go to school, which is fair enough because every kid should get a good education so that they can live their life – and ultimately do what they want as a career. I don't really have an idea about what I want to do though, apparently I am really smart according to my teachers and I have great potential, but I have no clue about my future.
I do try to give it some thought at times. When I was younger I always thought I would be a dancer, dance was my life from the moment I could walk. But after stopping I don't know anymore. There isn't anyone that I can imagine dancing with other than my partner and he doesn't live 'round here anymore, so it isn't possible for us to dance together. I think it hurt both of us when he moved away; don't get the wrong idea, there were no romantic feelings between us and there never will be, we grew up together because we danced together so for me he was more like a brother than anything else.
My Dad is out at work at the moment. My Dad works more than he should; the only day that he doesn't work is Sunday because that's when one of his colleagues takes over his shifts for the whole day. My Dad works a lot because he wants to support me and he doesn't want me to need to get a part time job but I honestly wouldn't mind having a job, it would take my mind of things I guess. My Dad isn't protective as such but he just cares; being an only child means you are the main priority I guess and because of what happened in the past to our family, my Dad doesn't want anything to happen to me and I understand that. I am grateful that my Dad cares; there are parents out there that don't give a damn about their children and I don't get that, because in my eyes when you have a child you should love them unconditionally no matter what they do.
Saying I am bored is an understatement, there isn't anything to do. Well nothing that I actually want to do. I seem to get bored a lot when there isn't anyone to talk to or nothing to watch on the TV. I swear, during the day on weekdays there is literally nothing on the TV which is so annoying. Like, when I have been off ill in the past there is nothing to watch during the day and it is so boring. I find myself just scrolling through my social media, I guess I could message someone on here, most of the people I follow are people I know or they're famous and their accounts have been verified so they aren't fake accounts.
I decide to try and message Cameron Dallas. Trust me, I am aware how popular he is and I know that he probably won't reply but I guess it's worth a shot. It's not like I am asking for him to follow me or something like that. I just want someone to talk to, my cousins are on holiday right now so I can't text them and I don't talk to that many people from my school when we aren't in school. Man, it sounds like my life is so sad but it isn't, well not in my eyes anyway.
I go onto Instagram considering there isn't a limit on what you can say plus you can send a message without a picture now. I guess if I just send a simple message, if he doesn't reply then that's okay, I mean he has his own life and it's not like we know each other so he doesn't have an obligation to reply. I go onto the message tab and select Cameron's name 'Hi, my name is Hannah. How are you? I know this is probably really random and strange for you because we don't know each other but I am super bored and need someone to talk to'. I press send and put my phone down, I don't mind if he doesn't reply but he seems like a cool guy to talk to.
----- Cameron's P.O.V -----
We're on tour now but we're still in the States. I am just looking forward to travelling; I love to travel and to see new places. Everyone's lives are so different and I enjoy finding out about how other people have been raised. For me, I have a sister and my Mum is one of the most amazing people ever but for other people, I know it might not be the same. I think that the way someone is raised has an impact on the person that they are, no one is born with bad intentions but if they are raised by a person that has bad intentions then that child will end up carrying on those intentions. If or when I have children, I want to be the parent that is supportive of anything they want to do because if that's what makes them happy, then who am I to get in their way?
Rather randomly my phone goes off; when I check the notification it tells me that someone has messaged me on Instagram. I don't recognise the name so it's probably a fan asking for me to follow them or something like that. I appreciate my fans, all of them, but sometimes I don't appreciate them asking for things. I am a human and I have my own life. However, I see no reason as to why I shouldn't open the message. I won't ignore someone; I am not that type of guy. I hate it when someone ignores me so I won't ignore someone because it's a random message.
I open the message 'Hi, my name is Hannah. How are you? I know this is probably really random and strange for you because we don't know each other but I am super bored and need someone to talk to'. I smile and decide to type a reply, she seems sweet plus I don't get many messages like this. It's nice to just find someone to talk to at times 'Hey, I presume you already know my name – lame attempt at a joke. I am really good thanks, how are you? It is a little random but I am all for it, random is always good'. I press send and then decide to follow Hannah, if I get to know her better I want to be following her.
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
He replied.
That was Chapter One, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.........
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