Chapter Nineteen
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Nineteen. Gif of Cameron ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
We travelled last night, so we're now in Brighton which is pretty cool as we're by the sea now – despite the sea being way too cold, it's nice to breathe in the sea air. I have always had a love for the seaside, I guess it's probably because of my Dad's family being from Scotland and I used to go up to Arbroath around three or four times a year so you grow to enjoy the little things about places. I mean, Arbroath isn't exactly a big place, it's right after Dundee, but it's so sweet and I got to know the area pretty well so it's definitely where I feel most at home.
Brighton is actually where my dance partner and his family moved to, his parents were pro-dancers but they turned teachers once they had my partner and his little sister. My partner's name is Andrew Chambers, see posh family, and he's a couple of years older than me so he's around Nash's age, plus his little sister is around Skylynn's age I think. I miss Andrew, of course I do, I wish he never moved but I understood why he moved – his parents wanted to set up their own studio, their actual own studio that they could own completely and run as their own. We had initially planned to stay in contact, but with him being busy moving and helping his parents with their studio, that didn't really happen.
We've always agreed for today to be the day where we can go and explore, the event is tomorrow so we have a whole day to explore everywhere. We have absolutely amazing weather, the sun is shining without a cloud in the sky, so England is doing well today. Especially considering the fact that England is rarely good with summers, sometimes it's just a slightly warmer version of winter. All of us are currently at a small coffee shop by the sea front, literally you walk over the road and then there's the beach – technically the pebble beach that kills your feet with the extremely cold sea right by it, that's the British seaside for you.
As we were walking here, I noticed a dance studio just next door to the coffee shop, I want to check it out. I grab my drink, which is a milkshake type thing, and tap Cameron's shoulder "I'll be back in a few, I just want to check out a place I saw" I tell him as he slides his arm around my waist, considering I am standing up and he's still sat down, "Do you want me to come with you?" he asks and I shake my head "No, it's literally right next door" I reassure him, making him smile and kiss the back of my hand "Okay Babygirl, have fun" he says with a smile on his face.
I leave the coffee shop, and see that my suspicions were correct. This dance studio is owned by Andrew's parents; they should remember me. I push the door open, and see Andrew's Mum standing at the front desk "Hi, welcome to Chambers Dance Studio, how may I help-" she says, but cuts herself off when she sees me "Oh my, Hannah?" she asks in disbelief, I nod and she comes around from the desk, pulling me into a tight hug "Look at you, you have grown so much, you are so beautiful" she says excitedly, making me laugh as she hugs me again.
She lets me go, and I smile at her "Is Andrew here? I have to be honest, I am only here travelling but I would like to see him" I ask quickly, she nods and points to the stairs "Go up the stairs, and to your right – he's rehearsing" she explains, I hug her again before following her directions. I soon reach the room, which is one of the many studios in this place, and see Andrew taking a drink. I knock on the door, and open it "Sorry this room is in use" Andrew says as he puts his drink down "Do you have a new partner then?" I ask before crossing my arms.
Andrew turns around and gasps "HANNAH" he yells, deciding to run towards me and sweep me up into a hug "Hey there Chambers, how you doing?" I ask once he puts me down "I'm good, but look at you – damn, you were gorgeous when I left but now, just wow" he says and he sounds lost for words "I didn't realise I was that attractive" I joke, which causes him to laugh "Oh Sweetie, the day you are not attractive will be the day a pig flies right past this very window wall" he tells me seriously, pointing to the wall that is basically one big massive window which is actually pretty cool.
I sit down on the floor, and Andrew follows suit "So when was the last time you danced?" Andrew asked, I shrugged in response to his question "I don't remember, the last time you left I think" I answered honestly thus causing Andrew to pout "That is no way acceptable" he concludes. He stands up, and pulls me up with him "Do you remember the jive we did?" he asks out of curiosity "The one to 'The Boy Does Nothing'" I ask, responding to his question with one of my own "The very same" he says as he walks over to the sound board, "I don't need to change though, right?" I ask as I'm a little unsure about shorts, converse and one of Cameron's t-shirts tucked into the shorts, as dancing attire "Nah, you're fine Bab" he answers, his Birmingham accent shining through.
----- Cameron's P.O.V -----
Hannah has been gone for a little over half an hour, that isn't a problem obviously but I didn't think she would take that long with just being in a shop. I don't even think there was a shop next door, I didn't look all that much but I swear it was a dance studio. I know Hannah wants to get back into dance, so maybe she went there to see if she could get some practice on? Oh, I have no clue, I still haven't seen her dance which I would absolutely love to see because there is no doubt in my mind that she is talented.
I stand up, and all of the boys look at me "Want to come and find Hannah?" I ask and they all nod, standing up too. We all make our way to next door, and I was right, it is a dance studio – by the name of Chambers. We walk in, and a middle-aged lady looks over to us "How can I help you boys this morning?" she asks with a smile on her face, "I was just wondering if my girlfriend had walked in" I say and she leans on the counter "What's her name?" she asks again, still with that smile on her face, it's like a motherly smile, "Hannah. Hannah Mills" I answer confidently, a faint smile crossing my face when I say her name – yes I am whipped, let's get over it.
The smile on the lady's face grows "She's upstairs, the first room on your right" she directs us, pointing to the stairs "Thank you" I state and she nods in understanding. All of us go over to the stairs, we decide to have a laugh and try and jump up them, we don't do too bad; Ethan almost falls over into Nash who is behind him, which would've meant them both falling down the stairs. We get to the top of the stairs, and hear music playing in one of the rooms so we don't make a move to barge into the room. We look into the studio, and I see Hannah dancing with a guy who seems to be around Nash's age.
(This video is from the Strictly Come Dancing YouTube, I think that this is a fitting video so this is the dance that Hannah and Andrew do. Hope you like it)
They finish dancing, so I open the door and Hannah turns to see me "You came to find me?" she asks as she walks towards me "You don't say" I say sarcastically, but she laughs and hugs me "Andrew, this is my boyfriend Cameron" she introduces me to the guy she was dancing with, and I shake his hand "Nice to meet you man, I'm Andrew Chambers, Hannah's old dance partner" he introduces himself in reply "You own this place?" Hayes speaks up in question, Andrew laughs "My parents do, pros turned teacher to be honest" he explains and Hannah just smiles at him "Andrew and I danced together from when I was around 6 and he was 8" Hannah states.
She has one of the brightest smiles on her face, and the twinkle in her eyes is sparkling like no tomorrow – she is in her element, and let me tell you, she should never have left it.
That was Chapter Nineteen, hope you liked it.
Sorry it's a day late guys, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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