Chapter Nine
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Nine. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Well, spending that time with Cameron was so much fun. It was so different to just talking to him through a screen, it was lovely to hug him, kiss him, hold his hand. We walked back to mine together, and even though my Dad said he would be home late, he wasn't, he was home when the both of us got there. My Dad and Cameron got on like a house on fire, it was great to see them getting along because I really needed my Dad's approval – I don't know what I would have done if he didn't like Cam, my Dad and I are so close and he has been there for me through everything.
My Dad let Cameron stay in the spare bedroom last night, as he couldn't exactly go back to the hotel and Cameron wanted to walk me to school this morning. It was weird waking up and getting ready, but then going to wake Cameron up and going to school with him. He said that he was going to chill at mine for the day and then come and get me from school later, my Dad told Cameron that he could basically make himself at home as my Dad wasn't that bothered – my Dad left a note for Cameron telling him this, which I found so cute and Cameron also calls my Dad by his first name, Paul, instead of Mr Mills.
Cameron also suggested to me, whilst we were walking to school, that me, him, Nash, Hayes, Ethan, Grayson and Matt could go for dinner tonight so that I could meet them. I called my Dad, on speaker phone whilst we were walking, and asked him if I could go and he said I could, so he has booked us all a table at our favourite restaurant and he said he will pop home during the day to leave me some money. It is Friday today, and my Aunt, Uncle and cousins are coming to my house tonight but obviously, I won't be there.
It is 7:15 at the moment, the table has been booked for 8 so Cameron and I will probably leave between 7:40 and 7:45. The restaurant is a curry place and my family and I have been there loads, we know the manager, John, really well and he's a great guy. Cameron has already gotten changed, but I have just had a shower so I need to get changed now. I decide to curl my hair first, and I then get changed into a classic tartan skater skirt, a black sleeveless crop top, black heeled chunky boots with fake gold zips on the sides, a black shoulder bag and a red and black poppy flower headband.
I walk downstairs and Cameron is stood in the living room doorway "You look amazing Babygirl" he says and I blush a little "Thanks Cam" I say as he pulls me into a gentle kiss "Come on, the cab's here" he says and I laugh "What?" he asks, sounding confused "It's a taxi Love, not a cab" I tell him and he rolls his eyes. I put my money, phone and everything else in my bag before putting the alarm on and locking the door – my Dad will be home around 7:50 which is 10 minutes before my Aunt, Uncle and cousins should arrive so I need to lock the door. I put my keys in my bag too and Cameron and I get into the taxi.
We arrive at the restaurant and Cameron pays the taxi man, before getting out and opening my door for me "Thanks" I say to the taxi man and he smiles at me in his rear view mirror. I get out of the taxi and he drives away "Where are we meeting them?" I ask, as Cameron wraps his arm around my shoulder "Right here" he says and soon enough I see a group of lads walking towards us "I reckon they walked through the alley, and whoever drove parked in the car park back there" I say and Cameron laughs "What?" I ask, with a smile on my face "You know your area so well" he says.
All of the boys reach us, Nash runs over and pulls me into a hug "Hey Nash" I say and he smiles at me "It's lovely to meet you Hanni" he says and I return his smile "Well, shall we go in?" I ask and they all nod. I open the door to the restaurant and one of the waiters open the second door "Hey Nick" I say and he smiles at me "Hi Hannah, where's your Dad?" he asks as I smile back at him "At home, I'm just out with some friends" I say and he nods "John is up at the bar" he says and I quickly hug him "Thanks Nick" I say and we all walk up to the bar.
John looks up from writing and smiles at me, everyone is full of smiles tonight "Ah Hannah, your Dad booked a table for you" he says and I nod "Yep, 7 of us" I say and he nods "You're just here" he says, coming out from behind the bar and leading us to the biggest table which is at the back of the restaurant – this way, you don't have people walking past you and it is basically the best place to sit in the whole of the restaurant, as the only people that come back here are the waiters with the food.
I sit down between Nash and Cameron – it's an oval table, one side is against the wall so it has a long booth type seat and then the other side of the table has chairs – in the booth seats. Hayes sits next to Nash and then Matt, Ethan and Grayson sit down on the chairs. They all look at me inquisitively, oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself "My name is Hannah, it's nice to meet you all" I say and they all smile "I'm Grayson and this is my twin Ethan" Grayson says pointing at himself and then Ethan "I'm Matt" Matt says waving at me slightly "I'm Hayes, Nash's brother" Hayes introduces himself.
Cameron puts his arm around my shoulder and I relax into his side, all of them, apart from Nash, look extremely confused. I poke Cameron and he looks down at me "Explain then" I say and he laughs "I've known Hannah for around 8 months now, give or take a few months, we met through Instagram and we've been dating for 6 months currently" he says and I roll my eyes "That's the shortened version at least" I say and Cameron chuckles "We all thought she was a friend that you met out here" Matt says and Cameron shakes his head "Afraid not" he says with a smirk on his face.
Grayson seems to be thinking about something "You were always on your phone, weren't you? When we weren't doing anything important, in the car you would be on your phone, backstage, you would be on your phone – it was like it was glued to you" he says and I laugh "What can I say? I liked talking to my girlfriend" Cameron says, pulling me closer to him "I wasn't your girlfriend to start with" I remind him and he shrugs "You are now though" he says and I smirk "Unfortunately" I say jokingly and Nash laughs "Wounded" he states and Cameron playfully glares at him.
I like these guys already.
That was Chapter Nine, hope you liked it.
If any of you guys read the other book that I am currently updating, 'He's My Fiancé And Teacher', it will be updated within the next few days. I had this chapter written in advance, which is why it is up before the other book. Also, check out some of my other books if you'd like.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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