Chapter Five
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Five. Picture of Hayes ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I can't believe that I have known Cameron for just under 3 months now, it has actually gone so quickly and I feel like I have known him all my life. I have definitely told him things that I haven't told people I have known all my life – he knows more about me than anyone else in my life. I trust him with practically everything; I don't think that there is nothing that I don't trust him with. Plus, I know that I feel for him, I feel for him in a big way; there is no doubt about that. I know I am only 16, but I know what is happening – I am falling for my best friend.
It is bonfire night tonight and I love bonfire night. I love the fireworks, the bonfires in the forest – just everything. I like autumn too but my favourite season has always been winter, it's just the snow everywhere and the way everything feels plus Christmas. I am a complete Christmas freak, always have been and probably always will be. I can't help it, I love everything about Christmas and plus, when it snows it just makes everything even better. As soon as Halloween ends, I am Christmas all the way and I don't shut up about Christmas – however, bonfire night is also good.
I have been talking to Nash quite a bit too, I think that Nash is a really cool guy and he is so kind to me. He is closer to my age as well; he is only 18 which is surprising to me as he looks the same age as Cameron most of the time. I gave Nash my phone number so he likes to face time me a lot, but sometimes he will Skype me. I still haven't told anyone about Cameron or Nash, I don't want to tell people because I am sure that they either won't believe me or they will ask me to introduce Cameron and Nash to them, which I wouldn't want to do because I know that Cam doesn't want his personal stuff getting out and the same with Nash.
It's around 7pm here so that means it should be around 11 in the morning where Cam and Nash are. I'm just chilling in the living room as my Dad isn't home yet. My laptop starts going with a Skype call and I see that it is from Nash so I answer it but he doesn't talk to me when I answer it. I get a message from him 'Mute your mic' I read the message so I do as it says but I look at Nash confused. He just smirks before putting on his back camera, I am presuming he is on his phone, and I see Cameron on the other bed "Cam" Nash says and Cameron turns to him "Yeah?" he asks.
Even though he can't see me, I find myself smiling at Cameron "Tell me about Hannah" Nash says and I see Cameron smile "She is amazing" Cameron says sitting cross-legged in the middle of his bed "She is so kind, sweet, genuine" Cameron says and I feel myself blushing "She is so beautiful, she never even realises it" Cameron sounds so affectionate and it just makes me blush even harder "She didn't deserve what she went through – I know she misses her Mum and all I want to do is be there for her" Cameron is seriously gushing about me "I want to be there for the girl I am falling for Nash" Cameron says and I gasp "All the girls I knew prior to Hannah weren't exactly long-term girlfriend mater or even 'the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with' material but I think that Hannah is" Cameron says shaking his head, as if in a dream like state.
I seriously cannot believe what I am hearing, this is crazy. Cameron has just said he has feelings for me – no, he has said that he is falling for me. Nash turns the camera back to him and then turns his phone around "I may or may not have just had Hannah listen to all of that" Nash says as I un mute my mic "Hi Dallas" I say waving at him a little and Cameron's mouth drops "I can't believe you" Cameron says to Nash, he gets up and seems to storm out of the room, I hear the door slam and Nash slowly turns his phone around "Hanni, I didn't know he would react like that" Nash apologises and I nod "I know, let me call him. Bye Nash" I say ending the call.
I quickly grab my phone and find Cameron's contact. I hope he isn't upset or anything, I can understand why he stormed out though. I mean, Cameron was completely unaware that I was listening and Cameron basically confessed his feelings for me so I understand. I didn't get a chance to tell Cameron that I felt the same but Nash must have had some type of intuition that I liked Cameron, because if he didn't then why would he have gotten Cameron to do that. My head is spinning right now, I just don't want Cameron to not talk to me now because I do feel the same and I can't lose him for any reason. When I press the call button for Cameron, it rings for a few seconds until he answers.
(H – Hannah~C – Cameron)
H – Cammie?
C – Why are you calling me Hannah? Haven't I already been embarrassed enough? I mean, it is so obvious that you don't feel the same because why would you. I am so much older than you, I live in another freaking country – I don't even know why I got my hopes up in the first place.
H – Camer-
C – No Hannah. You just need to leave me alone because I don't want to hurt you by telling you how I feel and then making you feel guilty because you don't feel the same. You are an amazing girl; you deserve someone so much better than me. I should g-
I hear him chuckle lightly, probably in surprise maybe.
H – I feel the same, okay? I know I am freaking falling for you and yet I am so scared about telling you. Sometimes you just need to shut up. And for the record, I don't give one about the age difference. You know that my parents had an age difference, so I really couldn't care less if you are older than me – your age doesn't change the way I feel about you.
C – Okay, so I have learnt that I should be quiet at times. Let me face time you Hun.
Cameron hangs up the phone and within minutes he is face timing me. I don't know why he just didn't Skype me but I don't think he has Skype on his phone so that would explain it. I answer the call and I see that Cameron is out on the balcony of his hotel room "Well hi there" I say and he laughs "I believe there is something that I need to ask you" he says and I giggle "What would that be Dallas?" I ask making him chuckle "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks and I smile "Of course I will" I say and he blows a kiss to the camera.
Cameron moves to sit down "Cam, you are sure about this right? I mean, I know I don't care about the age different but are you okay with me being younger than you?" I ask, kind of worriedly because I don't want him to feel like he has to date me for some random reason "I have never been surer in my life. And as an amazing girl once said, your age doesn't change the way I feel about you" he says with a smirk on his face "I guess I am pretty amazing" I say and he nods "Yes, yes you are Babygirl" he says and the nickname just makes me smile, even though he already had it as my contact name.
It is so weird to say that I have a boyfriend – a famous boyfriend at that.
That was Chapter Five, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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