Chapter Fifteen
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Fifteen. Gif of Matt ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
We actually won the match. I can't believe that we won, I didn't doubt my team but I doubted myself – I haven't played for over a year so I had no idea how I would do. My team have always been amazing, they are some of the best people that I have ever met and they work together as if they were family, so I could never doubt them. I am so proud of them, and I am glad that I got to play today – sure, I probably won't play again because I stopped for a reason but for just this once, it was fun.
I am currently sat on the massive corner sofa in the clubhouse, Cameron is sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder and then Ethan, Grayson, Matt, Hayes, Nash and the rest of my team are all scattered around us along with Beth who is sat by Hayes. My other two cousins, Aunt and Uncle are sat elsewhere but they didn't really want to sit with us so they just left us to ourselves. I got changed too, I didn't want to stay in what I played in and I had a bag of spare clothes in the car so I changed but only into a pair of shorts and one of Cameron's t-shirts.
I see Harry Reid, my biggest rival, walking over to us. Jason looks over to me, as does Kyle "If he says one bad thing to you, I will murder him" Jason says and Cameron looks over at him "Your Uncle told me about him, I wouldn't mind getting one or two punches in" he says and I shake my head, as I sit up a little straighter but Cameron keeps his arm around me "No one is fighting, punching or murdering anyone" I say and Jason pouts "Awh, c'mon Hanni. He deserves it" Jason says and I shake my head, as Harry continues to walk towards us "No, he might well deserve it but that doesn't mean you get to punch him" I say and I hear Jason sigh.
Harry eventually reaches us, and he crosses his arms "What do you want Reid?" Elliot asks, as all of the team stand up in unison and we all cross our arms "I just wanted to say, that your team shouldn't have won today" Harry states and I roll my eyes "Oh shove off Reid, no one gives a crap anymore – we won fair and square, just deal with it" I tell him and Harry glares at me "What do you know Mills? You're nothing but a girl" he spits and I glare straight back at him "Oh yeah, a girl that got you out earlier" I say and Harry goes to take a step forward, but Cameron stands up and pulls me behind him.
Harry scoffs at Cameron "This your boyfriend Mills? Since when do you need a guy to protect you?" Harry asks sarcastically and I try to step out from behind Cameron, but Cameron puts his arm out to stop me "She doesn't, I am doing this because you are some dumb son of a bitch that can't understand that a girl is better than you" Cameron says and Harry tries to look intimidating, but fails miserably "You don't scare me" Harry states, but it sounds more like he is trying to reassure himself "You are all on your own Reid, where are the rest of your team huh?" Jason asks rhetorically, with a slight smirk on his face.
I finally manage to step out from behind Cameron, but Cameron still keeps an arm around my waist "Look Harry, I know that we have never gotten along and I have no bloody clue as to why," I start and Harry rolls his eyes "But if you're a smart lad, you will leave us alone right now" I tell him and Harry crosses his arms, "And why would I do that Mills?" Harry asks me, being completely serious "Because you are unbelievably outnumbered Reid" I say and he shrugs "There's 10 lads that you already know, as well as my boyfriend and his 5 friends who don't know you but will do whatever to protect and defend me" I explain.
Harry doesn't move, I turn back to the team and the lads. And as if it was planned, Matt, Ethan, Grayson, Hayes and Nash all stand up at the same time, and then all of the boys step forward towards Harry "Just go away Reid" Kyle says and Harry tales a slight step back "You're outnumbered" Will says and Harry shrugs "I just came over to make my point, that's all" Harry says as if in defence, "Well congratulations, you did that, now leave" Jason tells him sternly. I roll my eyes as Harry continues to stand there, for pete's sake, does he not realise that he doesn't stand a chance here?
All of a sudden, the rest of Harry's team walk over and stand behind him. I push past the boys, and stand in front of them all "This is like a bloody stand off and I don't want to deal with it," I say crossing my arms looking at the boys in front of me "You lot, this isn't your clubhouse and you're here as the away team – we don't want any trouble, we never did so please, just leave us in peace" I say to Harry and his team, Harry's co-captain Liam steps forward "Sorry Hannah, we didn't know where he went and we only just realised he came here as we were all outside cooling down" Liam apologises.
Liam offers me his hand, and I shake it "It's cool, just keep your Captain in check, yeah? My lot were ready to burst, he pissed them all off" I explain to Liam and he nods "Yeah, we're leaving now, we have to get back to our club" Liam says and I smile at him "Your team did well today Li, don't be discouraged" I say and he pulls me into a hug "You lot deserved to win, just don't tell Harry that" he whispers in my ear making me laugh. We pull away from the hug, and Harry's team walk out of the clubhouse.
For some reason, Liam has always been the nicest one out of that team. He never discriminated against me, and always told me to be proud of what I did. That's why we act like friends, because we are friends unlike the rest of that team.
That was Chapter Fifteen, hope you liked it.
I apologise for it being a day late though guys, I started writing yesterday and then got stuck.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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