Chapter Two
It's been a couple of weeks since River has recruited the three girls and they were adjusting quite nicely. Well. Sana and Tzuyu were, Bahiyyih was more slower. She was quite slow to the things River threw at her, today was the same, Bahiyyih was standing around while River was shouting things at the three girls.
"Kill or be killed! Shoot first, live longer!"
Bahiyyih watched in fascination as Sana wrestled with a trainer, taking him down to the ground in a heart beat. The praises from River's mouth leaving quite quickly.
You see, all this was new to Bahiyyih. This life of living in a mafia, even being around this many girls. But she knew about the business, and knew that it was dangerous. She could thank her brother for that. But despite all the warnings in her head, they didn't stop her from inching closer and closer to inspect. She wanted to learn. She wanted to become one of the most precious assets, to be actually helpful.
River noticed Bahiyyih inching slower to Sana who was still wrestling with the trainers, attempting to disarm them in away possible. She knew that if Bahiyyih wasn't careful she was going to end up injured, Bahiyyih always ended up injured, and that's what made River question if it was a good idea to take on Bahiyyih to join them. But she's seen miracles in the past, especially with Mina and Wonyoung, they were now her most cherished members, so maybe Bahiyyih could learn too, right?
It all felt like it was happening in slow motion, Sana threw one of the guys down onto the ground by Bahiyyih's feet, Bahiyyih not noticing, tripping over the guy and hitting Sana midst fall who just wrestled a gun out of the other guys hand, ended up shooting a bullet in River's direction. River glared out at the mess of bodies tangled on the floor, more importantly, the body on top of them all.
River was livid, maybe she should have thought twice before taking Bahiyyih on, she just wasn't learning.
Bahiyyih quickly stood up and brushed herself off, helping Sana up to her feet before turning in River's direction. "River I'm so so sorry! I didn't see them, I swear! This never would have happened if I noticed the guy! I'm so sorry!" River held up her hand, cutting off Bahiyyih's apologies. She dismissed everyone, keep Bahiyyih behind directing her to sit against the wall as she made her way over to the desk in the corner of the room.
River sat down, opening a drawer and rifling through some files. She took out Bahiyyih's and closed the drawer before setting the file on the desk and opening it. She looked over all the information she had before meeting Bahiyyih and then the information she collected after getting to know her. She looked over all the times that Bahiyyih has done something reckless in the past week during their training sessions.
Twenty-Four times this week alone. River closed the file with anger and stood up from the desking picking it up. She walked over to Bahiyyih who was chewing on her nail but quickly stopped at River's approach. River handed Bahiyyih the file and watched as Bahiyyih opened it up. "Wha- I don't understand." River pointed to the charts, and looked back at Bahiyyih. "Read it."
She watched as Bahiyyih's eyes sifted over the paper, and then looking back up at River. "Wha- Twenty-Four, what does this mean?" River pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes in agitation. "Twenty-Four is the number of reckless things you have done in this week's practice alone. This week Bahiyyih. What is going on?" The truth is, Bahiyyih didn't know. She wanted to say that she just wasn't ready for this business, but that would be a lie because she told herself when River asked her that she was ready, ready to do this, so what was holding her up now? She stared up at River, feeling tears brim her eyes. She wasn't going to cry, mafia people didn't cry, right? At least her brother never did. That's when she knew what the problem was. Her brother.
River felt her shield break down as she saw the young girl below her with tears in her eyes. River wasn't heartless, no, she had emotions as well, but something about watching Bahiyyih hold her tears in as she looked down at the floor did something to River. She didn't know if it was feeling for the young girl or what, but despite whatever it was it didn't stop her from sitting down next to Bahiyyih and resting a reassuring hand on her back. River wanted to work with this girl, get her ready and to all the other girls levels. Even Sana was doing amazing work, but there was something with Bahiyyih that just wasn't there. Maybe it was the lack of interest, or the overly curiosity. Whatever it was, it was strong and prevented Bahiyyih from learning and reaching like the other girls, so River did what she knows best, offer to help.
"Look Bahiyyih, I see so much potential in you for this mafia business, but everyday that you come in here and watch Sana or Tzuyu, you cause ruckus, you cause somebody to get hurt whether its yourself, the girls, the trainers or even me. So I want to offer to help, just you and me, we'll work together after the girls are done. Does that sound fair?"
Bahiyyih thought it over. Was it fair? She thought so. But she didn't wanna waste River's time, she knew River was busy. Constantly seeing what the city was up to, what business she had to attend to and what business she had to send HyunA or other members to. She didn't want to take away the key asset just to become better. But there was another part of her, another part that didn't give two shits whether she was taking River's valuable time, and she knew that part was the most evil part to ever exist. She felt bile creeping up into her throat and she swallowed it back down, feeling her stomach churn with decision. Yes, she thought it was fair and yes she was going to take all of River's time whether she wanted to or not.
"Yes I think that is fair and yes I would like your help."
She noticed the small smile creeping up across River's lips and felt one covering her own as well. She was ready for this, ready to become an asset, not a liabilty. She was ready.
Or so she thought, but she quickly realized that saying yes might not have been the right answer. She might have just hurt not only herself, but everyone else around her, including her brother.
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