Yeet or Heat !!!!!
Then he was shoved away from me .
I fell on the floor .
I saw a dark brown figure tackling the rogue , both falling on the ground .Then , blocking my view , somebody knelt down( or it seemed like). I felt pair of gentle hands shake my shoulders , and a sound calling my name , but it was muffled by the ringing in my ears . My vision was already decorated with black and white spots.
"- eith. Please . Don't close your eyes .please. Leith. LEITH"
I gasped , blinking those spots away as hard as I can. I saw a large woulf pinning the rogue on the floor. He seemed to have pale eyes , and curly dark hair. He looked quite young ,20 or so. But since my brother' s woulf had tackled the rogue , It was hard to gain more information about him. Honestly I didn't want to know anymore about him than I had to.
I tried to get up , but as soon as I tried, that wave of lava, a heat wave , washed over me making my head hit the cool surface of the tiled floor.
I saw Alex's woulf look up in confusion and surprise . The rogue took this as a chance . Shoving Alex away ,he ran out of the house as fast as he could , blood dripping from his neck where Alex had bitten him.
Anna clamped her hand on he mouth.
" my goodness....." She looked absolutely lost.
Then Alex appeared beside him a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes even bigger than Anna's.
" H-he ...he is in ...."
" Heat" I completed for him. Groaning , I sat on the floor. " I really needed a remainder "
" This makes totally sense." Anna started whispering to herself ." The tiredness, the scent , sleep....May the moon goddess look over us!.Oh...I should have known, shit..."
Alex didn't talk. He just stared at me like I was an alien.
Dispite three not- so- deep- looking claw marks on his arm , he looked fine. At least,physically.
" I should have stayed...."
. I looked at Anna ." This has nothing to do with you guys , stop blaming yourselves "
" No buts . Listen to your little brother once in a while"
She let out a broken chuckle. " So u accept that you are our little brother"
" Don't make me regret telling that"
Alex still didn't utter a word. Instead, he slowly brushed my hair away from my neck.
That's when his shoulders relaxed. Then he almost ( almost ) smiled at me.
" At least you are not mar-"
" If I was marked already , do you think I would be talking to you guys here like this? , I would be running in circles, pulling at my hair"
" This. Is. Not. A . Joke. Stupid " Anna hit my arm along with every word.( and I said ouch ouch ouch along with every word ). Then she hugged me , her hand accidentally brushing over my wounds on my side.
I flinched visibly.
Shoving Anna away , Alex lifted my pj top.
" shit"
" I am gonna kill that-"
" Enough guys, please "
I groaned ,falling on back again as another heat wave washed over me.
Alex fumbled back like he just saw a gost." I-i will c-call mom"
He sprinted away - probably to find his clothes back- almost as fast as that rogue.
I furrowed my eyebrows . " what was that ?"
Anna chuckled . It was good to hear it again . " Your heat scent is pretty darn strong"
I let that idea sink. Then I pinched my nose. " Gross..."
" It will not affect him....much"
" Much ?"
" we have to take care of this"
She started to get up, but I grabbed her hand before she did." I....I..umm..don't wanna stay alone"
Her sympathetic look came back.
" let me grab the first aid kit, ok?" I felt that she really didn't want to go , but some decisions have to be made.
Alex came back wearing his pair of ripped jeans and his tee shirt and the towel wrapped around his mouth like a mask.
" Give me a minute" He kind of sqeaked , taking a step towards the stairs.
" What's the problem?" I asked trying to stay upright," It is not my heat , right?"
" I -I" It was hard to read his expressions,with his towel- mask.
He slumped his shoulders, defeated. " It is not like it is possible to ignore yor scent , "
" Stop being so gross, idiote"
" Mom is freaked out " He stared at his feet , in unlike - Alex manner." So is Dad"
" It will be all right, It is not like I am hurt or something"
He look at my bleeding abdomen. " Not hurt.."
" I am trying to be optimistic "
" I know you are freaked out too" This time he looked eyes with me." Triplet bond is super strong, you know"
" It's just-" I sighed . " A lot to take at once"
" yes , it is" Anna placed the first aid kit on the coffee table" Does this mean...."
She didn't completed her thought. I kinda wished she did . It was more unsettling not knowing what is the danger.
Another heat wave rippled through me, wich made Alex jump in surprise.
" U know" He made kinda strangled noise " A little warning would bee nice"
" I would say the same"
Anna started working on my wounds. We sat in silent.( aside my hissing and flinching all the time)
" Where is mom and dad" Anna asked getting up with the kit.
" Should be here anytime"
As on cue , I heard a car stop in front of the house.
I closed my eyes as the door flew open.
" Here goes nothing " I muttered under my breath.
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